✞ Before dying, the soul must make everything die in the Divine Will and in Love.
This evening, Mother appeared as Queen and Mother of all peoples.
Mother had on a rose-colored dress and a large blue-blue mantle enveloped her; even her head was covered by the large mantle. Around her waist a golden belt could be seen. Her bare feet were placed on a great carpet of flowers. Mother had her arms open in a sign of welcome. In her right hand she had the holy rosary; it was made of light, illuminating everything. In her left hand she had a half-open scroll, with a seal hanging from one side ... (it was as if half-open).
Mother had a queen's crown and her face was sad.
May Jesus Christ be praised
"My dear children, thank you that this evening you have again responded to this call of mine.
My children, I love you immensely, and my greatest desire is to save you all.
Little children, this is a time of grace; please children, welcome it, and use the moment in order to be able to convert.
My children, tonight I open my arms to each of you and welcome you in my heart; please say your "yes". In my Immaculate Heart there is room for every child who wants to enter.
My children, if I am still here in the midst of you it is by the immense mercy of God. Jesus wants to prepare his people for the great battle and wants to gather from all over the earth his children ready to give their own lives as he gave his for each one of you.
Children, I ask you to be living flames and disciples of love. Pray for the conversion of all humanity and lead all those who are far off to my Immaculate Heart. Pray in particular for the Church and for all my favored sons, especially those who with their weaknesses make me suffer so much.
Children, pray that the union between my Son Jesus and them would be stronger. The priest is the one who joins God to you through the sacraments. Children, without priests the Church is dead and you with it.
Dearly beloved children, what must happen will be terrible, but do not fear. Hold the rosary tightly in your hands and pray. Stay on your knees in front of the Blessed Sacrament, lay down every worry and all suffering, and your sorrows will be transformed into joy"
Finally she blessed everyone. In the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.