✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
Message of Our Lady of Zaro to Simona, November 26, 2017
I saw Mother: she had on a dusty rose dress, and around her waist she had a sash of the same colour as her dress with golden edges and a green gem in the center; the mantle on her shoulders was of a color between green and blue and looked like it was made of velvet; on her head was a delicate white veil and the crown of twelve stars.
Mother had her arms open in a sign of welcome.
May Jesus Christ be praised
"My dear children, I love you and welcome you, I cover everyone with my mantle, I receive your prayers and place them at the feet of God the Father.
I love you my beloved children, I love you.
Once again I come among you to ask you to pray for this world prey to evil.
My children, do not be afraid, do not be frightened on hearing this, rather be afraid of the darkness of the soul, that darkness which keeps you away from the Lord, that darkness that makes you indifferent to the suffering of others, that darkness that does not make you love, that darkness which keeps you away from the Lord, that darkness that makes you believe yourselves superior and self-sufficient.
My children, without God you are nothing, you cannot do anything.
Children, everything that you are and possess is through the immense love that God has for each of you.
My beloved children, do not be under the illusion that you are everything, because without God you are nothing, everything you are or what you have is not due to you but is given to you out of love.
My children pray, pray for my beloved Church, for my favored son the vicar of Christ, pray my children, pray. In this time of Advent that is about to come, pray with greater strength that my and your beloved Jesus might be born in your hearts and not abandoned in a cave.
My children, you need Him and not vice versa.
My children love you, I love you, I love you.
Children, let yourself be loved.
Now I give you my holy blessing.
Thank you for having hastened to me."
Message of Our Lady of Zaro to Angela, November 26, 2017
This afternoon Mother appeared dressed all in white, the edges of her dress were golden. The mantle enveloping her was also white, as well as a transparent and luminous veil.
On her head she had the crown of a queen. On her chest she had a heart of flesh surrounded by thorns.
Her arms were open in a sign of welcome. Under her bare feet a carpet of flowers. Mother had a long rosary of light in her right hand and in her left a half-open scroll.
May Jesus Christ be praised
"My dear children, thank you that today you have again welcomed me and responded to this call of mine.
My children, this is a time of grace; each of you is called to participate in this grace. Open my hearts and let me in, and I will transform you.
My children, I am here for your salvation, I am here because I love you, I am here to listen to you and to hear your requests.
Little children, I am the mother of the Son of God, but I am also the mother of each one of you.
My children, today I again ask you to live the messages that I bring, to put them into practice in your daily lives.
My children, the messages that I leave you each time are little crumbs of the gospel, the messages I give you are for living in peace and bringing you closer to my Son.
Little children, every time I bring you small portions of the requests that God the Father makes of every good Christian.
Children, please open the Sacred Scriptures every day and try to live what is said to you.
Once again I come here to ask you to pray for the Church and for all my chosen and favored sons. Pray for them and for all those who offend the name of my son Jesus, pray in reparation for the Blessed Sacrament, pray for all the Eucharistic profanations and for all those who offend God by giving a bad example in their way of life.
Little children, today I bless especially the priests here and all the sick."
Finally Mother blessed everyone. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.