✞ The agony in the Garden was, in a special way, for the help of the dying; the agony on the Cross was for help at the last moment, at the very last breath.
Message of Our Lady of Zaro, September 26, 2017, given to Angela
This afternoon, Mother appeared all dressed in white. The edges of her dress were golden. Even the mantle enveloping her was white, as if made of a transparent fabric studded with glitter. Mother had her arms open in a sign of welcome; in her right hand she had a long white rosary of light, and under her feet she had the world.
Mother was sad.
May Jesus Christ be praised
"My dear children, here am I again among you to receive your requests and bring them all to the feet of my Son Jesus.
My dearly beloved children, these are my blessed woods and, as I have said so often, this is a place of grace.
Pray children, pray with your heart, pray and open your hearts to me, pray and let me enter into your hearts.
Little children, I want to be she who takes you by the hand and who accompanies you throughout your life.
My children, let me dwell in your life. I am your mother, please give me your hand and I will take you far.
Little children, it is very sad to see you praying without putting your heart into it.
Dearly beloved little children, alas, hard times await you, it will be very hard for those who are far away and who do not believe.
Little children, prayer is for strengthening you in trial, hold the rosary tightly in your hands and do not be afraid. The evil one will go away from you.
My children, today I invite you to pray especially for the Church and for all my pre-chosen and favoured sons, who so often tear my heart with their behavior and offend my Divine Son."
Then I prayed with Mother for peace in the World.
Finally, Mother passed among the pilgrims, touched some sick people and blessed everyone.
In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Message of Our Lady of Zaro, September 26, 2017, given to Simona
I saw Mother, Queen of all peoples; she had a rose-colored dress, a green mantle that went from her shoulders down to her feet - it was a very wide and large mantle -, on her head she had a delicate white veil and a crown of twelve stars, on the right arm she was carrying the baby Jesus and in her left hand she was holding a scroll.
May Jesus Christ be praised
"Dear children, I am happy to see you here in my blessed woods, a place of grace and peace.
My dearly beloved children, often you do not listen to what I tell you and you almost never put my advice into practice; you are hard-hearted children, with closed ears and stiff-necked, but I love you with an immense love, I have protected and will continue to protect you but alas, my children, the earth will tremble again and sorrow and weeping will cover the world.
Pray children, pray for the Lord's will to be fulfilled and not that of man.
My children, I come to bring you the Lord. I am the means not the end, the door that leads to the one and only Lord, who has given himself completely for your salvation.
My children, how great is the Lord's love for each one of you, so much that he gave to you his only-begotten Son who gave himself completely for you, giving me to you as a mother to guide you safely to Him, to be able to carry you by hand, to carry you in my arms in the hardest moments of your lives, to offer you to Him as a pleasant gift.
My children, I love you and I beseech you, let yourselves be loved, let me tend your wounds with the balm of my love, wrap you with the bands of my prayer, and thus restored, you may go to meet the Lord in His kingdom.
My children, I love you, do not turn away from me, learn to pray and ask that the Father's will be done.
Now I give you my holy blessing.
Thank you for having hastened to me."