✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
Message of Our Lady of Zaro, October 8, 2017, given to Angela
This evening Mother appeared as [Our] Mother of Zaro. She had her arms open in a sign of welcome and a long white rosary of light in her right hand. Under her feet Mother had the world, on which scenes of war could be seen.
The world was half-covered by Mother's long mantle.
Mother was very sad, but was hiding her sorrow with a beautiful smile.
May Jesus Christ be praised
"My dear children, thank you, thank you, thank you for having come in numbers to my blessed woods on this day so dear to me.
Dearly beloved children, this evening I am again here to invite you to pray.
Pray, my children, pray. May your day be prayer, may your every action be prayer. Every time you have to make an important decision, take refuge in prayer. Little children, God is prayer, it is through prayer that you can meet God.
My children, many take refuge in prayer only in moments of pain and need; this is not how it is, you must always love God and always pray to Him.
My children, I am very sad at all that will have to happen and I am saddened even more because I see that many are turning away from the truth, following false doctrines.
My children, God is love and wants your salvation. My children, my heart is more and more torn by the cries of pain coming from the earth to my ears.
Dearly beloved children, pray for the Church and for everything shameful that is happening in it.
My children, I am sad because the time is short but not all of you are ready. Pray in your homes and make them perfumed with prayer. Be an example for those who are far from my Son. May every Ave Maria be a caress you make to me; pray with your heart, not with your lips."
Then at a certain point, I saw many images running in front of me like a film .....
First I saw the ground shake, first the South and then all central Italy ... a great tsunami that was dragging away entire nations ... then I saw come down from the sky something like a huge boulder of fire and finally whole countries that were fighting wars.
Mother began to weep and said, "Let us pray together."
After praying with Mother, She went among the pilgrims, touched many sick people and blessed everyone.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Message of Our Lady of Zaro, October 8, 2017, given to Simona
I saw [Our] Mother of Zaro; she had a white veil on her head, a blue mantle on her shoulders that went down to her bare feet on which she had a white rose. Her dress was white with a heart of white roses on her chest, around her waist a golden belt with a white rose on it; her arms were open in a sign of welcome, in her right hand she had a holy rosary formed out of ice-like drops.
May Jesus Christ be praised
"My children, the greatest gift for me is to see you here in my blessed woods on this day so dear to me.
My children, let me enter your heart, make me part of your life.
Children, I love you and I want to take you all safely to the Father.
My children, once again, I repeat that hard times await you, yet I do not tell you this in order to frighten you but to prepare you, so that when this happens you would be ready to fight a good fight and would not find yourselves unprepared.
My children, my heart is filled with love for each one of you, but it is continually torn by the screams of pain, [calls for] help, demands for justice, of the justice that is lacking in this world: the true justice is only that which is divine! Pray, my children, pray.
Man too often puts himself in the place of God, wanting to be a judge; judgment is only for God. You, my beloved children, pray and ask that in every person God's will would always be done; He is a good and just Father, and He only wants what is good for you.
My children, I love you, I love you, I love you.
Children, let yourselves be loved, make space in your life for the Lord and He will reward you with every good thing and blessing.
My children, there will be a great split in the Church, the sounds of war will be heard from the West to the East, from South to North.
My children, the times that are about to arrive are hard.
Children, the petals that fall from my heart are the graces that the Lord pours out on each of you."
As Mother was saying this I saw many petals falling from the heart of roses that she had on her chest, and although many petals fell, her heart did not diminish in size, nor did the roses lose their beauty.
"My children, convert and pray, make acts of contrition and sacrifices, hold tight the holy rosary, the strongest weapon against evil. Make adoration, my children, learn to stay kneeling before the Blessed Sacrament.
I love you, my children.
Now I give you my holy blessing.
Thank you for having hastened to me."