✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
Message of Our Lady of Zaro, September 8, 2017, given to Angela
This evening Mother appeared as Queen and Mother of All Peoples.
Mother was sad. She had a rose-colored dress and was wrapped in a green-blue mantle.
Under her bare feet she had the globe that was half-wrapped in the mantle, as if to protect it. Mother had a long rosary of light in her right hand and in her left was holding a scroll that was placed on her chest.
Mother was sad and a tear lined her face. To her right was St. Michael the Archangel like a great captain, bathed in a great light. In his hands he had a great set of scales that he was almost having difficulty in holding.
May Jesus Christ be praised
"My dear children, here am I here again among you in my blessed woods to give you peace and fill you with love.
Dear children, I love you, I love you immensely, and my greatest desire is to save all of you.
My children, God loves you, loves you all immensely, without distinction and individually.
Little children, each one of you is a precious pearl in the eyes of God. Each of you is a child and as children you must testify everywhere to his immense love.
Little children, I am sad and cry at everything you will have to suffer; humanity will be overburdened by so much suffering and people of faith will be the most tested, but I will be beside you. I beseech you, in trials, kneel before the Blessed Sacrament and invoke the Holy Spirit. Grasp the holy rosary tightly in your hands and pray.
Little children, the earth will shake, it will shake again, but do not be frightened: I am beside you and protect you. Pray, little children, be houses of prayer and love one another as I love you. Please listen to me."
Finally Mother blessed everyone. In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Message of Our Lady of Zaro, September 8, 2017, given to Simona
I saw Our Mother all dressed in white, with a veil studded with golden dots on her head and a crown of twelve stars, a white mantle with golden edges that went down to her bare feet that were resting on the globe; her arms were open in a sign of welcome.
May Jesus Christ be praised
"My dearly beloved children, I love you, I love you immensely and I thank you for having come to this call of mine. My children, I would like these words of mine to enter your heart so as to change it from being a heart of stone to a heart of flesh, throbbing with love for the Lord.
My children, my coming amongst you is a grace, a gift granted to you by God the Father out of His infinite love.
My children, I come to help you, to console you, to encourage you, I also come to warn you and correct you, in order to be able to guide you by the hand on the path of life, to bring you safe and sound into the kingdom of the Father.
My children, this evening I pass among you, I caress and bless you, I listen to your prayers.
My children, I beseech you, pray, make your life a constant prayer to the Lord, entrust yourself to Him.
My children, hard times still await you, I do not tell you this to frighten you but to prepare you, so that when the darkness comes it will not surprise you, but will find you armed with the light of Christ.
Children, He is the true light that illuminates souls and minds, He is your salvation, Only in Him is there salvation.
Learn my children to pause before the Blessed Sacrament: the Lord is there, living and true, he is there waiting for you ready to embrace you, and in the hardest moments of your lives, to take you and carry you in his arms.
My children I love you.
Now I give you my holy blessing.
Thank you for having hastened to me."