✞ The agony in the Garden was, in a special way, for the help of the dying; the agony on the Cross was for help at the last moment, at the very last breath.
Message of Jesus - Easter 2018 - given to Angela in Zaro
Jesus appeared this afternoon.
Jesus was bathed in a great light, behind him there was something like a cave, from which a splendid light, almost dazzling, was coming out. On the ground to his right there were bandages. Jesus had a white tunic and his arms were open in a sign of welcome. On his hands and feet were the signs of the passion. Jesus had a beautiful smile.
May Jesus Christ be praised
"Peace to you, peace.
Peace to you my brothers, peace to you my friends, peace to you, my children. Peace be with you.
My children, I am the Beginning and the End, I am the Alpha and the Omega. I am!
My children, I love you, I love you all and I am here to give you peace, I am here to tell you that I am salvation, I am the way, there are no others .. There are many false roads, but I am the only one right way.
My children, if I am still sending my mother here among you, it is in order to give you the opportunity to convert. I beseech you, listen to her and convert before I return.
Children, you will be witnesses to many signs; this place that I have prepared for your salvation, this is a place of graces that I have chosen so that my mother would come as a teacher of life to give you messages of salvation.
My children, listen to my mother, she is here so that many hearts would be converted. Follow her and let yourselves by held by the hand as I did when I was a child. She was a great teacher for me and I want you also to treasure this grace that I give you myself.
Do not be discouraged in moments of pain, do not be discouraged when you feel alone. You are never alone: she walks by your side and leads you on the right path."
Then Jesus showed me some countries that are at war and children running away with some women. Men dying, killed and churches burned.
"My daughter, pray for them and for all those who lose their lives every day in order to witness to their faith. Pray for peace, pray."
Finally he blessed everyone. In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Message of Jesus - Easter 2018 - given to Zaro in Simona
I saw Jesus, he was dressed in a simple white tunic, on his hands and feet were the signs of passion; he was bathed in light and surrounded by a myriad of angels who were singing the Gloria.
May Jesus Christ be praised
"Dear children, friends, brothers, I come to you to lead you all safely to the Father's house.
My dear brothers, the love of God has no limits: for you, my loved ones, I gave everything, I stripped myself and I gave you my whole self, making myself obedient to death, to death on a cross. At every moment of my painful ordeal I could have pulled back, said: enough, I'm tired - but I did not do it because I love you, I endured everything in silence and with love. As a man I was afraid, I suffered abandonment, anguish, pain, affliction; my heart was sad and inconsolable, but the love I felt for each of you pushed me to keep going, not to worry about myself but about you. Only by dying on the cross did I know that I could save you, only by being lifted up from the earth could I draw you all to me. And this awareness gave me the strength to go forward, the strength to continue despite the tiredness, the pain, the suffering; I continued only out of love for you.
My dear brothers, do not be afraid, I am always with you. As soon as you feel your strength decreasing in life's struggle, look up and see me there on that cross, and I will give you the strength to go on, the courage to face every difficulty.
My children, I gave myself totally to you, as bread I put myself in your hands to be able to feed you, to be able to become part of you.
My friends, there is nothing more beautiful than giving your own life for your salvation, but too often you betray me, you abandon me, you leave me alone and make me relive all my Calvary with the pain that you cause me. I love you and I want you all safe.
My beloved children, do not be discouraged in pain, but cling to my hand and I will raise you up.
I bless you, my children.
In the name of God the Father, in the name of God the Son, in the name of God the Holy Spirit."