✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
This afternoon Mother appeared as queen and mother of the universe.
Mother was all dressed in white; the mantle that enveloped her was also white and studded with glitter. Mother had a queen's crown and under her bare feet a carpet of flowers on which she was resting her feet. In her right hand Mother had a long Holy Rosary of light, which almost reached down to her feet, and in her left hand she had the world. Mother's head was covered by the same mantle that was fluttering in the wind and enveloping many of her children.
May Jesus Christ be praised
"Dear children, thank you that today you are again here in numbers to welcome me and to respond to this call of mine.
My children, I am here again today to ask for prayer for my beloved Church. Pray, little children, do not grow tired of praying, may your day be prayer.
Beloved children, the Church runs grave dangers; the prince of this world is about to carry out the last of his most ignoble gestures - he wants to distance God's people from truth and faith and wants to meddle with minds in order to usurp them and take them away."
At this point I had a vision. I saw the crown of Our Lady rolling down the steps and with it Pope Francis was also falling, as if pushed from behind. The steps were filled with blood and everything became dark. Outside on the dome there were large black birds beating against the windows of St. Peter's.
Then Mother started speaking again.
"Dearly beloved children, his plan is about to be realized, but do not fear. Pray with the rosary in your hands and kneel before the tabernacle, there Jesus my son is alive and true, it is there that Jesus gives the graces for which you have sighed, it is there that Jesus awaits you.
My children, the Church needs worshipers who know how to be silent before the face of God.
My children, hard times await you, but I have taught you prayer, fasting and renunciation. Learn to be humble and little before God. Learn from me, humble servant of the Lord.
Say your 'yes', but say it with your heart: the true Christian must speak with gestures and deeds, words are not needed.
My children, today I give you many graces and I especially bless my favored sons [i.e. priests] gathered here to welcome and honor me."
Finally Mother blessed everyone. In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.