✞ The agony in the Garden was, in a special way, for the help of the dying; the agony on the Cross was for help at the last moment, at the very last breath.
Message of Our Lady of Zaro, February 26, 2018, given to Simona
I saw Mother, she was all dressed in white, she had a long white mantle that enveloped her down to her feet. Her head was covered by a delicate white veil that was being held by a small diadem resting on her forehead; on her left arm were resting the tablets of the law and Mother was holding them up with her right hand.
May Jesus Christ be praised
"Sing Praise, Honor and Glory to the Lord God, O my children. Praise and Honor to the Creator of heaven and earth, who has given his Son, his Only-Begotten for your salvation. What immense love the Father has for each of you, so as to give you his Son.
Sing, children, praise, love the Lord God.
My children, my beloved Jesus came into the world to fulfill the law, to accomplish what had been written of him, to give his life for you, for your salvation.
My children, He did not jealously guard his equality with God, but stripped himself of everything, becoming obedient to death, to death on the cross, for you, for your salvation.
My children, in this Lenten season, a time of great graces, a time of prayer and acts of sacrifice [fioretti], pray to the Lord with a pure heart, with faith, and He will not delay in coming to your aid.
My children, in this special time pray, praise and thank the Lord for all that he gives you.
My dearly beloved children, do not despair, but have faith in the Lord Jesus: with the death of Jesus on the cross everything does not finish: it is rather there that everything begins - with his Resurrection the gates of heaven open up to you.
Children, there is no resurrection without the passion, there is no joy without pain. Everything passes, only the immense love of the Lord remains forever.
I love you, my children, embrace your cross and be ready to carry it on Calvary behind Jesus; only thus will you be able to rise again with him in full joy.
Pray my children, pray in a special and constant way for my beloved Church and for my favored sons.
Now I give you my holy blessing.
Thank you for having hastened to me."
Message of Our Lady of Zaro, February 26, 2018, given to Angela
This afternoon, Mother appeared as Queen and mother of all Peoples.
Mother had on a pink dress and was wrapped in a large blue-green mantle. Her hands were folded in prayer and in her hands was a long white rosary of light, which went almost down to her feet.
Mother had the globe under her feet and on the globe there was the serpent. Mother was holding its head firmly with her right foot; it was shaking its tail hard.
May Jesus Christ be praised
"Dear children, thank you that today you have once again responded to this call of mine, hastening into my blessed woods.
My children, today I am again here to ask you for prayer. Prayer for my beloved Church and for my chosen and favored sons.
Dearly beloved children, what must happen will be terrible and this makes me suffer so much. Children, if I am here it is because I want to save you, but many of you do not listen, others listen but then leave because they are more and more fascinated by the false beauties of this world.
Dearly beloved children, I am close to you and I lead you by my hand towards salvation, but you do not listen to me.
Today, once again, I invite you to go to Mass every day, to nourish yourselves with the Word, to live the Word and to put God in the first place in your lives.
I beseech you, children, love my and your Jesus: He died for you, for each one of you. He was crucified for your salvation, and what do you do? I beseech you, renounce sin and convert. I beseech you, do it!"
Then Mother showed me the church of St Peter: there was smoke coming out of the dome and many people in the square who were watching and and had the rosary in their hands; they were making a huge chain and praying in all languages. A very loud prayer could be heard. At one point, the roof (of the church) broke open and a large dragon came out which was wriggling and spitting. With the loud prayer he ran away.
Mother resumed: "Daughter, with the power of prayer everything can be done."
Finally she blessed everyone. In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.