✞ The human will serves as brush for Jesus in order to portray His image in the heart.
This evening Mother appeared dressed all in white; the edges of her dress were golden. The mantle enveloping her was also white, as if transparent, studded with glitter. On her head Mother had a crown of twelve stars, her hands were joined in prayer and in her hands was a long Holy Rosary, white with light. Her feet were bare and were resting on the world; on it was the enemy like a great dragon, that Mother was holding firmly with her right foot, holding its head firmly. It was shaking its tail hard and giving out loud screams. Mother was smiling.
May Jesus Christ be praised
"Dear children of mine, thank you that this evening you have answered this call of mine, hastening in numbers into my blessed woods.
Dear children, this evening I am again here among you to ask you for prayer, prayer for my beloved Church and for all my chosen and favored sons. Yes children, I ask you for prayer. The whole Church needs much prayer, so that the true magisterium would not be diminished.
Pray, children, pray much, but do it with your heart, do not only move your lips when you pray, but do it with your heart.
Children, when you pray I am present, I listen to you and pray with you. I am your Mother and am always near you. Many feel lonely and abandoned; it is not so - I am always present, know that I am always beside you and that I never leave you. But when you are overcome with despondency and loneliness, take refuge in the wounds of my son Jesus. Go to Church and place yourselves in adoration before the Blessed Sacrament: there my Son is alive and true, there you can always find him, he is the only one who never leaves you alone and never betrays you.
My beloved children, I want this place to become a place of worship and prayer, I would like so much that a small chapel be erected where everybody could come.
Dearly beloved children, pray that this place would become what I want."
Then Mother spread out her arms and from her hands came out something like highly colored stardust; this dust lit up the whole wood and Mother said: "Shine, children, be light.
Today I have granted many graces. I love you, children, I love you. "
Finally she blessed everyone in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.