Message from Our Lady to Angela

By Our Lady of Zaro

January 26, 2019

This afternoon, Mother appeared dressed all in white. The mantle enveloping her was also white and covered her head as well. On her head, Mamma had a queen's crown; her arms were open in a sign of welcome. In her right hand was a long white rosary of light going down almost to her feet. On her chest Mother had a heart crowned with thorns. Her bare feet were resting on the world. Mother was sad, but was hiding her pain with a beautiful smile.

May Jesus Christ be praised

"My dear children, here I am once again in my blessed woods to welcome you and give you peace.

Dearly beloved children, today I again invite you to pray for peace. Peace, my children.
Dearly beloved children, hard times await you, and I am sad because not all of you are ready.
My children, the prince of this world increasingly distracts you from graces and shows you false beauties. Little children, only with prayer can you defend and strengthen yourselves, do not think that you can do it alone. Without God you can do nothing!
Little children, today I again invite you to daily prayer of the Holy Rosary, to adoration and confession. Many believe that they can save themselves doing without these things, but this is not the case. Do not delude yourselves. God is the true prince and the true King. Do not let yourselves be deceived by those who show you other ways.
My children, this strip of land was willed by God: my presence here is the work of the Father, who wants and desires your salvation. Do not fear anything, I am here to save you and these are my blessed woods.
My children, many will be the trials that you will have to overcome, and you will encounter many obstacles, but do not be concerned about frivolous things: pray and trust in what I tell you. I am your mother and each one of you is precious in the eyes of God. Do not be afraid, I repeat, none of what I do not want will happen.
Then Mother went and touched and blessed some of those present. Then she blessed everyone."

In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Then Mother asked for a novena to the Holy Spirit starting tomorrow (27/01).