Message of Our Lady of Zaro to Angela, January 8, 2019
This evening, Mother appeared as Queen and Mother of All Peoples. Mother had a pink dress and was wrapped in a great blue-green mantle; her head too was covered by the same mantle. On her head Mother had the crown of a queen, between her hands joined in prayer a long holy rosary of light that almost reached down to her feet. Mother's bare feet were resting on the world, where there could be seen scenes of wars and violence; while these scenes were following one after another Mother's face became sad. Then she looked down and slid her mantle over the world, covering it. To her right was Jesus crucified.
May Jesus Christ be praised
"Dear children, thank you that this evening you are again here in my blessed woods to welcome me and to respond to this call of mine.
Children, this evening I ask for prayer for peace in the world, ever more threatened. I ask for prayer for families, increasingly targeted by the forces of evil. Little children, the family is like an altar of love and if this love is firm, nothing can scratch it. Parents have the great task of teaching their children love and prayer. Every family should have its own little prayer cenacle, because many will be the trials that you will have to face, but not all of you are ready. Seek strength in the Eucharist, turn to Jesus when you feel lonely and lost, take refuge in his holy wounds, hide in his pierced heart. Jesus is your salvation, there is no other!
My children, the earth will shake again, the forces of nature will become more and more uncontrolled. Many diseases that science believed it had defeated will return.
Do not attribute all this to God - he loves you and wants your salvation; this is the work of man who has moved away from God and wants to take his place. I beseech you, children, listen to me, I love you all and I wish to save you all. If I am here among you it is by the infinite love that the Father has for each of you. Do not turn your back on me, please do not betray me; I desire that all of you would participate in the triumph of my Immaculate Heart, but if you do not convert, this will not be possible. Convert, children, convert. "
Then Mother passed among those present and touched and caressed some people individually.
Finally she blessed everyone in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Message of Our Lady of Zaro to Simona, January 8, 2019
I saw Mother - she had a dusty rose dress, the mantle that she had on her shoulders was very broad, green in color, on her head was a delicate white veil and the crown of a queen; her arms were open in a sign of welcome, her bare feet were placed on the world, on the world beneath her feet there were a succession of images of war and destruction, then Mother covered the world with her great mantle and everything ceased.
May Jesus Christ be praised
"My children, this is what will all happen if the world does not convert to my Immaculate Heart.
My children, I love you; children, learn to pray: the world needs prayer, strong and constant prayer; my children, learn to pause before the Blessed Sacrament.
My children, turn to Him for every need, in moments of sorrow take refuge in His holy wounds, open your heart to Him. My children, entrust every moment of your life to Him, invoke Him in pain but also in joy, make sure that He is part of your life whether in pain or in joy.
My dearly beloved children, love your neighbor, recognize in the eyes of the sick the face, the pain of my Son and love them.
My children, be ready to follow my Son, to follow him to the foot of the cross; in moments of pain and need do not depart from Him but hold tightly to his cross and He will give you the strength you need to face every adversity.
My beloved children, do not turn away, do not betray me, be ready to fight holding the Holy Rosary tightly in your hands.
I love you, my children, I love you.
Now I give you my holy blessing.
Thank you for having hastened to me."