✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
I saw Mother: her dress was a soft gray, around her waist she had a golden belt, on her head the crown of twelve stars and a long white veil that went down to her feet. Mother's hands were clasped in prayer, slightly open in front of her chest, and in her hands she had a strong white light that shone.
May Jesus Christ be praised
"Dear children! Behold I come to you to bring you peace, love, serenity, justice.
My dearly beloved children, be ready to say your clear and strong "yes"; be ready to follow the Lord to the foot of the cross, be ready to die with Him in order then to rise again with Him.
My children, do not let yourselves be deceived by the false beauties of this world, do not stray from my Immaculate Heart.
Children, there is no more time to delay, no more time to wait, now is the moment to decide: either you are with Christ or against Him; there is no more time, my children.
My beloved children, I come again to ask you for prayer, prayer for this world that is ever more in ruins, ever more prey to evil, ever more full of self and ever farther from God.
My children, without God you are nothing; evil uses you like puppets, promising you false beauties and then, when you are no longer useful, it throws you away. Only in God there is love, only in Him there is peace, only in Him is true joy!
My children pray, pray for my beloved Church, pray for the vicar of Christ, pray for my beloved and chosen sons the priests; they are the most tempted by evil, and alas when one of them falls into the clutches of evil, he drags many others along with him.
I love you my children: be ready, strengthen yourselves with prayer, with Eucharistic adoration, with the sacraments, with the recitation of the Holy Rosary, with Holy Mass.
I love you my children, I love you.
Now I give you my holy blessing.
Thank you for having hastened to me."