✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
This evening before Mother arrived, I had a vision.
I saw Jesus climbing Calvary, charged with the cross. Many people were following him, including many who were insulting him and shouting.
Among those people there were many women including the Mother of Jesus. Mother was sad and was following him in silence and humility. Jesus had a white tunic full of blood; his body was abused, and from his head where there was the crown of thorns blood ran down onto the ground. Mother was wrapped in a big black mantle; she was running after him but hiding herself - it was as if she did not want to show her pain: she was sad, her eyes were full of tears and she was clasping her arms tightly but silently to her chest.
Then suddenly everything disappeared and Mother arrived in a great light, with arms open in a sign of welcome. Mother had a very light gray dress and the mantle enveloping her was of the same color.
Mother had bare feet place on the world, and she was very sad.
May Jesus Christ be praised
"My dear children, thank you that this evening you are again here in my blessed woods to welcome me and to respond to my call.
Dearly beloved children, this evening I come to ask you for prayer for peace in the world, ever more threatened. "
As she spoke her face was lined with tears.
"Children, this time of Lent is a time of grace and prayer. This is a time of conversion. The Church gives you this period of grace: do not let it escape you. Pray, children, pray and return to God.
Dearly beloved children, whenever you sin you do not only hurt yourselves, but you hurt me and my son Jesus.
Dearly beloved children, please live the messages that I come to bring you. The messages should not only be read, but should be meditated upon and lived out. In the messages I give you, thanks to my Son, there are all the ways how you can save yourselves. Seek strength in prayer, in the Eucharist and in the Scriptures, do not stray from me and my Son.
This is a serious period of great trials, and it will not be easy to overcome this period if you do not completely abandon yourselves to God and do not say your "Yes".
My children, the enemy is like a hungry lion, ready to make you become his prey, but if you are strong and persevering he will not be able to touch you.
My children, I beseech you to love one another and not to create slander among you. Whenever you do this, you make me suffer. I love you, but I cannot help you if you do not give me the possibility to act; if you close your hearts to me, I can only knock, but I cannot enter, I need your "yes".
I am your Mother and you my children; I beseech you, listen to me, do not delay any longer. This is the time to act and to be true warriors of God. "
Then I prayed together with Mother for those present. She went and blessed some people individually.
Finally she blessed everyone. In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.