✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
I saw Mother: she was all dressed in white, a long mantle went down from her head to the feet on which she was wearing simple leather sandals; her feet were placed on the world.
On her head Mother had the crown of a queen; in her right hand she had a scepter and in her left a half-open scroll; behind Mother's left shoulder was St Michael the Archangel like a warrior. In his right hand St Michael the Archangel had a long spear.
May Jesus Christ be praised
"Dear children of mine, I love you and I thank you that you have hastened to this call of mine.
My dearly beloved children, I am close to you, but alas you too often abandon me in order to run after false beauties. Children, do not depart from me.
My children, I love you, the Lord loves you with an infinite love.
My children, this time of Lent is a time of great graces, a special time, a time to return to the Lord, a time to rediscover lost values. This, my children, is a time of conversion, a time of love for the Lord.
My beloved children, remain steadfast in faith, your foot should not falter.
Pray my children, pray. Blessed are those who put their trust in the Lord, because they will not be disappointed.
My children, I love you, I love all of you; each one of you is precious in the eyes of the Lord; each one is unique but not indispensable.
I love you, children, and I will never tire of repeating it to you: I love you, I love you.
Now I give you my holy blessing.
Thank you for having hastened to me."