✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
This afternoon Mother appeared all dressed in white. The edges of her dress were golden. Mother was wrapped in a large white mantle, delicate, quasi-transparent, studded with glitter. The mantle also covered her head. On her chest Mother had a heart of flesh crowned with thorns, her arms were open in a sign of welcome, and in her right hand was a long holy rosary, white with light, which reached almost down to her feet. Her feet were bare and placed on the world. Mother was surrounded by an immense light.
May Jesus Christ be praised
"My dear children, thank you that today you are again here to welcome me and to respond to this call of mine, hurrying into my blessed woods.
Children, today I am again here to ask for prayer, prayer for my beloved Church and for all my chosen and favored sons.
Children, pray that the flame of faith would remain alive in each of you.
My children, you will be put to hard testing and many will fall into the traps of the ancient enemy. But today I address each one of you: pray even when the trials become difficult to face, do not retreat, but take the strength you lack from confession and the Eucharist: it is there that Jesus awaits you and nourishes you.
My children, I ask you increase your prayer and not make God into one more thing. God is the one who saves you, God is the true wellspring.
Dear children, many of you turn to God only in times of need, but it should not be like this; God should be loved every day, adored every day: he is the true and sole salvation.
The world offers you many hopes and many illusions, but it is only God who truly saves. Take refuge in him and pray to him every day."
Then Mother showed me the center of Italy: at one point I saw a great earthquake, many houses were destroyed and the victims were many.
"Children, all this does not depend on God, but on men. God loves you and wants the salvation of all. "
Then Mother touched the children present and the priests present at the site. Finally she blessed everyone. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.