February 26, 1910
✞ Before dying, the soul must make everything die in the Divine Will and in Love.
Volume 9 — Entry 28
I saw Mother: she was all dressed in white with a golden belt around her waist, on her head she had a delicate white veil and the crown of twelve stars, on her shoulders a long blue mantle that went down to her bare feet that were resting on the world . Under Mother's right foot was the ancient enemy in the form of a serpent. Mother had her arms open in a sign of welcome and on her chest a heart from which many rays of light were going out.
May Jesus Christ be praised
"My dear children, I love you and seeing you here in my blessed woods fills my heart with joy. My children, once again I come to you to ask you for prayer, prayer for my beloved and favored sons, prayer for this world ever more swollen with evil, ever more tormented. My dearly beloved children, I ask you to love, love with all your heart, love those around you, love those who are far away, love those who hate you, and pray for them. Pray, my children, pray especially for those who are far from my Immaculate heart, pray for those who seek peace and love down the wrong roads, pray for those who seek happiness far from the Lord. My children, only the Lord is joy, only he gives you true peace, only he loves you with an immense and unparalleled love, only he has given his life for each one of you. My children, I love you. Children, do not fear, I am always close to you, do not walk away from my Immaculate heart.
My children, I ask you for prayer, prayer for families that are increasingly targeted by evil, increasingly put to the test by the falseness of this world, ever more attacked and scorned. My children, pray, pray for families and in families; may every family be fragrant with love for the Lord, may it be a little flame that burns with love for the Lord. I love you my children, I love you.
Now I give you my holy blessing. Thank you for having hastened to me."