✞ The agony in the Garden was, in a special way, for the help of the dying; the agony on the Cross was for help at the last moment, at the very last breath.
I saw Mother: she had a white garment, a golden belt around her waist, on her head was the crown of twelve stars and a delicate white veil that also served as a mantle and went down to her bare feet that were placed on the world. Mother had her hands folded in prayer and between them was a large white rose.
May Jesus Christ be praised.
“My dear children, I thank you for having hastened to this call of mine; I love you, my children, I love you.
Children, pray; my children, evil surrounds you, grips you, continues to tempt you in order to make you fall; it discourages you, it makes you believe that there is no tomorrow, that there is no love; but my children, it is up to you to decide, it is up to you choose whom to follow, whom to love, whom to believe. My children, evil tempts you, but it is up to you to choose whether or not to give in to temptation: you are free. God in his immense love created you free and loves you regardless of your choices; he loves you anyway and always. My children, strengthen yourselves with prayer, with the holy sacraments; see that the world is pervaded by evil ”.
As Mother was saying this, I saw many black shadows spreading over the world beneath her feet, and wherever the shadows reached there was devastation and desolation.
"My children, prayer made with the heart, with love and true faith can do everything."
While Mother was saying this, many petals began to fall from the rose in her hands, which on touching the world turned into drops of water that fertilized the earth and made it flower again.
“Behold, my children, the power of prayer; do not tire of praying, my children, do not depart from my immaculate heart. Now I give you my holy blessing. Thank you for having hastened to me."