✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
I saw Mother, she was all dressed in white; on her head was a long white mantle with golden edges, that went down to her bare feet resting on the world. Around the world was the ancient enemy in the form of a snake: Mother was crushing his head with her right foot. Mother had her hands folded in prayer and between them a long Holy Rosary made of pearls.
May Jesus Christ be praised
“My dear children, I love you and I am beside you. Children, be strong in these dark and hard times.
Children, everything that I have long announced to you has begun.
My children, do not be discouraged; hold the Holy Rosary in your hands with even greater strength; remember, children, where two or more people are gathered in the name of the Lord, my beloved Jesus and I are among them.
My children, do not abandon prayer, entrust yourselves with greater strength and turn to the Lord, pray to him constantly, be flames of love that burn for the Lord.
Children, in these hard times, even if you cannot physically feed on my Son, feed on him spiritually, invoke him, pray to him, love him.
My children, I am with you always, I accompany you, I watch over you, I hold you close to me and I cover you with my mantle.
I love you, my children, I love you. Be strong, invoke the Lord with the rosary tightly in your grasp.
I love you, my children, I love you.
Pray, children, pray for my beloved Church, pray for the Vicar of Christ.
Now I give you my holy blessing. Thank you for having hastened to me."