✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
This evening the Virgin Mary appeared all dressed in white. The mantle wrapped around her was also white, delicate and very wide. The same mantle also covered her head. On her head was a crown of twelve shining stars. The Virgin Mary was surrounded by many angels, large and small, who were singing a sweet melody. Mother had her arms outstretched in welcome; in her right hand was a long holy rosary, white as light, going down almost to her feet. In her left hand was an open book; the wind was moving the pages, which were turning quickly. The Virgin Mary had bare feet which were placed on the world [the globe]; the world was shrouded in a large gray cloud. Mother’s face was sad, but a big smile was hiding her sorrow, her worry (just as a mother does with her children). May Jesus Christ be praised…
Dear children, thank you for being here. Thank you for accepting and for responding to this call of mine. Children, this evening I again invite you to prayer — prayer made from the heart. Children, if I am here it is through the immense mercy of God, who desires that you be converted and that you all be saved. Children, my heart is torn with pain at seeing so much evil and so much suffering. The prince of this world wants to destroy all that is good, clouding your thoughts and leading you away from the only true good — my Son Jesus. Dearly beloved children, this is the time to decide: you cannot continue saying that you love God and continue to do evil. Daughter, there is so much evil and suffering in the world. Pray, children, pray.
Then Mother showed me many scenes of war and violence. Afterwards she showed me the Church in Rome — St. Peter’s.
Children, pray much for my beloved Church, pray for the Holy Father and for all my chosen and favored sons [priests]. Pray, children, do not judge: judgment does not belong to you, but only to God, the one and only true judge. Pray much concerning the fate of this world.
Mother then asked me to pray with her; we prayed for a long time. In conclusion she blessed everyone.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.