This evening the Virgin Mary appeared all dressed in white. The mantle that enveloped her was also white, broad, and the same mantle covered her head as well. On her head the Virgin had a crown of twelve shining stars. She was bathed in great light; she had her arms outstretched as a sign of welcome, in her right hand was a long holy rosary, white as light, going down almost to her feet. Her feet were bare and were placed on the globe. On the globe scenes of wars and violence could be seen. Mother slid a part of her mantle over a part of the world, covering it. To the Virgin Mary’s right was St. Michael the Archangel like a great captain. Mother’s eyes were filled with tears, but at the same time, she had a beautiful smile as if she wanted to hide her sorrow. May Jesus Christ be praised…
Dear children, thank you for having accepted and responded to this call of mine. Dearly beloved children, this evening I pray with you and for you. My children, these are the times that I had foretold to you long ago — times of trial and pain. My children, please intensify your prayers and pray for my beloved Church. Pray for priests who are increasingly being seduced by error leading to sin. Pray much for the Vicar of Christ.
At this point, the Virgin Mary bowed her head and asked me to pray with her; we prayed together, then she resumed speaking.
Children, I weep for my beloved Church that continues on the path of division; I weep over all that is happening in the world; I weep because more and more children [people] are turning away from the good. Children, pray that the authentic Magisterium of the Church would not be lost. Pray, children: may your life be a continuous prayer.
My children, this evening I pass among you, I touch your hearts, I touch your wounds, I touch each one of you with maternal love. I hold out my hands to you: grasp them and walk with me. Do not let yourselves be attacked by the prince of this world who, increasingly, is seducing souls and leading you away from the faith.
My children, I ask you to walk in the light. Be light for those who still live in darkness.
In conclusion, Mother blessed everyone.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.