✞ What victim means.
4543 - Message of Our Lady Queen of Peace, October 21, 2017
Dear children, turn back to Jesus and learn from Him how to be meek and humble in heart. Leave the things of the world. You are the Lord's and Him alone should you follow and serve. I am your Mother and I have come from Heaven to call you to conversion. Do not fold your arms. Do not live far from My Son Jesus. It is in this world, and not in another, that you must testify that you are the Lord's Possession. Flee from the places where your true dignity as Children of God is desecrated. You are in the world, but not of the world. Draw near to the confessional and seek the Mercy of My Son Jesus for your lives. Seek strength in the Eucharist, for only thus can you bear the weight of the trials that are already under way. The evil action of the traitors of faith will shake the faith of many men and women of faith. Stay with Jesus. Be faithful to the True Magisterium of the Church. Victory will be for My Jesus and all those who remain faithful to the end. Onward without fear. This is the message I give you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for having allowed Me to gather you here once more. I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Remain at peace.
4542 - Message of Our Lady Queen of Peace, October 19, 2017
Dear children, I suffer at what comes to you. Good fruit will not come from a bad tree. The seed will be sown and will contaminate the hearts of many men. The tares will grow and many will be confused, thinking it to be wheat, but the Lord will separate His people from all evil. Open your hearts to the Action of the Holy Spirit and you will never be deceived by the traitors of faith. Be attentive. Love and defend the truth. Bend your knees in prayer, for only thus can you separate yourselves from all that is contrary to the Lord. Be gentle and humble of heart, for only thus can you recognize the Voice of God. Go forward in the defense of truth. Stand firm on the path that I have pointed out to you. Seek strength in the Words of My Jesus and in the Eucharist. Your victory is in the Lord's Hands. This is the message I give you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for having allowed Me to gather you here once more. I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Remain at peace.
4541 - Message of Our Lady Queen of Peace, October 17, 2017
Dear children, I ask you to keep the flame of faith burning in your hearts. Believe in the Gospel, the source of truth that guides you to Heaven. Value the Presence of My Jesus in the Eucharist. The Eucharist is your greatest treasure. Do not leave the Only Church of My Jesus. The devil will cause confusion and division in the House of God, but you can overcome him by being faithful to the True Magisterium of the Church of My Jesus. Sects exist in order to confuse and many will be contaminated by the mire of false doctrines. The Truth of My Jesus is kept intact only in the Catholic Church, which My Jesus will never abandon. Be faithful. Do not allow the enemy of God to take you away from the path of truth. Bend your knees in prayer and do not forget the great lessons of the past. Whoever remains faithful to the end will be saved. I am your Sorrowful Mother and I suffer for what comes to you. Courage. Your victory is in the Lord. This is the message I give you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for having allowed Me to gather you here once more. I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Remain at peace.
4540 - Message of Our Lady Queen of Peace, October 14, 2017
Dear children, the enemies of God will act to distance you from the truth, but those who belong to the Lord will remain firm in the faith. The Words of My Jesus are Eternal Truths and these do not change. Do not allow the devil to win. Stay with the truth. Do not let yourselves be contaminated. I am your Mother and I have come from Heaven to call you to holiness. Open your hearts and accept the Will of God for your lives. This is the time of sorrows for men and women of faith. Stand firm on the way that I have pointed out to you. Bend your knees in prayer before the cross. Humanity is walking in spiritual blindness and only in the Light of Truth will men be saved. Do not retreat. I need you. Go forward in truth. This is the message I give you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for having allowed Me to gather you here once more. I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Remain at peace.