✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
March 9th, 2021:
Dear children, I am your Sorrowful Mother and I suffer because of your sufferings. I want to tell you that the Lord is very close to you. He loves you and cares for you with immense love. Do not depart from the path of conversion. Give the best of yourselves and you will be generously rewarded! Humanity is walking along the paths of self-destruction that men have prepared with their own hands. Return in repentance to the One who is your Way, Truth and Life. This is the right time for your return. Flee from sin and be filled with the Love of the Lord. You are heading for a painful future. You will be persecuted because of your faith. The wolves will spread everywhere and many will be deceived. Be attentive: in everything, God first. Where there is not the full truth, there is God’s enemy. Onward in defense of the truth. This is the message that I give you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for having allowed Me to gather you here once more. I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at peace.
March 6th, 2021:
Dear children, you are living in the time of the Great Battle. Do not forget: in your hands, the Holy Rosary and Sacred Scripture; in your hearts, love of truth. Turn away from the world and live turned towards Paradise, for which alone you were created. Do not live in sin. You are precious for the Lord and He expects much from you. Do not fold your arms. Do not leave for tomorrow what you have to do. I am your Mother and I have come from Heaven to lead you to Heaven. Give me your hands. Do not allow anything to stop you from serving and following My Son Jesus. God’s enemies will act to keep you from the truth. Do not allow half-truth to lead you away from the path of salvation. Be faithful to the true Magisterium of the Church of My Jesus. Onward without fear. I will pray to my Jesus for you. This is the message that I give you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for having allowed Me to gather you here once more. I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at peace.