✞ One who lives up high in the Divine Will, is not subject to mutations.
Dear children, the righteous contemplate God’s Face. Those who do the Will of God will never be scorned.[1] Pray. The Great Ship will encounter great hindrance, and the pain will be great for my poor children. Do not depart from the truth. Be faithful to Jesus. Do not retreat. Whatever happens, do not stray from the teachings of the true Magisterium of the Church of my Jesus. The lessons of the past will lead you along the path of holiness. Do not forget: the presence of my Jesus in the Eucharist is a non-negotiable truth. The Great War will come and the truth will be your weapon of defense. Onward without fear! This is the message that I give you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for having allowed me to gather you here once more. I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at peace.