✞ The soul: Paradise of Jesus on earth.
Dear children, take courage! I am your Mother and I am beside you, even though you do not see me. Flee from places where your dignity as Christians is profaned. You are in the world, but you are not of the world. Bend your knees in prayer and seek first the things of Heaven. If you should happen to fall, seek the mercy of my Jesus in the sacrament of confession. In this time of great confusion, strengthen yourselves by reading the Gospel and in the Eucharist. Be meek and humble of heart, for only thus can you contribute to the definitive Triumph of my Immaculate Heart. The smoke of the devil will spread and there will be great spiritual blindness. Days will come when you will seek the truth and in many places they will offer you lies. Seek Jesus and remain faithful to the teachings of the true Magisterium of His Church. Onward in defense of the truth! This is the message that I give you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for having allowed me to gather you here once more. I bless you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at peace.
Dear children, you are important for the realization of my plans. Give me your hands and I will lead you to the One who is your everything. I know each of you by name and will pray to my Jesus for you. Do not depart from prayer. Humanity is walking along the paths of self-destruction that men have prepared with their own hands. Repent. Approach the confessional and seek the mercy of my Jesus. It is in this life, and not in another, that you must witness to your faith. A great storm will come and the great vessel [the Church] will stray from safe harbor. I suffer because of what is coming for the righteous. Bend your knees in prayer and you will see the mighty hand of God act in favor of the righteous. Onward without fear! This is the message that I give you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for having allowed me to gather you here once more. I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at peace.