✞ The agony in the Garden was, in a special way, for the help of the dying; the agony on the Cross was for help at the last moment, at the very last breath.
There was much buzz regarding the end of the recent Synod that was held in Rome with the princes of the church and Pope Francis.
I must say for myself, I find the pontiff's statements at times quite disorientated. I do not know if it is a case of mis-translation, mis-interpretation, or downright advancement of an agenda put into action years ago.
Our prayer groups have been faithful to pray for the pope, all cardinals, bishops and priests since we began the MMP rosary cenacle 22 years ago. That includes the good with the bad...yes I said bad...how many newsletters have I written and sent out giving evidence to the infiltration of Freemasons and communists to the priesthood?
So lets get one thing straight once and for all...that the church we love will go through a schism, has been prophesied long ago. That there exists in the church right now a "schism de facto"...i.e., it exists without being officially proclaimed is true for anyone who has eyes to see it.
There are those in the church who are the wolves in sheep's clothing! So called progressives that would like to see married priests; homosexual priests; women priests who would, yes! marry same sex couples; co-habitating couples and in fact, try as they might, to render the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church impotent of the power entrusted to Her by Jesus!
We have nuns who dress like lay women; who think they are priests; who are practicing lesbians and lead some movements to oversee that this agenda becomes a reality. But they are not alone, for we have as well priests, who also indulge in this sinful behavior and then offer the Holy Mass. Worse than that, I have been told by a holy priest that he knew of priests who would then go off and participate and offer a satanic black mass. You see even the devil knows the TRUTH ..i.e., he doesn't go off and have a "worship service" or a "praise gathering" etc...no he has a black MASS. For even the devils know that JESUS IS PRESENT IN THE EUCHARIST MADE PRESENT AT OUR MASSES!
I would like to think that most of my readers are totally aware of the attack on the church and are not surprised by the statements that I have made here (and in previous newsletters). But over the course of 22 years, I have been very blessed to have many priests come into my life. Of course I then spiritually adopt them and have prayed for all of them from the day they came into my life. And they have shared much of the information that I pass along.
Prophecy proclaims that the church will undergo great persecution, but will rise again more glorious than ever........ And we have JESUS' promise....
Matthew 16:18 "And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."
NOVEMBER is the month to remember the HOLY SOULS IN PURGATORY ...click on the link below to be taken to Father Harry's website to request GREGORIAN MASSES for your deceased loved ones and MOLEBEN MASSES for your living loved ones.
It has been a long time, 22 years since I found a little prayer book called the PURGATORIAN MANUAL, published in 1946 for the Vexilla Regis Association Inc. and learned about the power of the devotion to the HOLY SOULS. From that time on, I "bequeathed" to the Holy Souls all merits that come to me, to them.
So I remember them all year long, but NOVEMBER is the month dedicated to praying for them.
"May the Divine Assistance remain always with us, and
may the faithful departed through the mercy of God REST IN PEACE."
+++ http://frharrygregorianmasses.webs.com/
The following article on Holy Souls has been taken off a website:
On November 1, 1731, the deceased Abbot Panzini (Benedictine Olivetan Order in Mantua Italy) appeared to Mother Isabella Fomari (Poor Clare nun in Todi) as she sat at her work desk. He explained to her that he was suffering in Purgatory. He then placed his burning hand on the work desk and left his hand mark. Then he burned a cross on it with his finger. He also touched the sleeve of her habit. This burned all the way to her flesh and caused her to bleed on her arm. Her habit and the blood are not in the museum, but a piece of the wood from her work table is.
Mother Isabella then gave a detailed account to Fr. Isidoro Gazata. He let the diocese do a thorough theological investigation which determined that this burned handprint was of a supernatural origin.
On June 5th. 1894, the deceased Sister Maria of Saint Louis Gonzaga, appeared to Sister Margherita and told her she was suffering in Purgatory.
Although Sister Maria was a pious nun, when she was sick with tuberculosis, she became depressed and prayed that she might die soon to end her suffering. A few days later she died a holy death.
When Sister Maria appeared, she was dressed in her Poor Clare habit and surrounded in a hazy atmosphere. She told Sister Margherita that she was in Purgatory to make up for her lack of patience in her illness and asking to die rather than accepting God's will in her life. She asked for prayers. As proof of her appearance and of her suffering, she touch Sister Margherita's pillow with her forefinger which left a burnt hole in it. She again appeared two times to thank Sister for her prayers and to let her know she was soon to be released from Purgatory. She also gave some spiritual advice for the Poor Clare Nuns in her community.
End Time Remedies
This is a wonderful apostolate that you can get the "end time" sacramentals, remedies, etc. and just a good place to shop online for Catholic items.
Cukierski Family Healing Ministry
It is clear and getting clearer every day that the persecution of Catholics/Christians and Jews is increasing.
One day, perhaps sooner than we think, we will be unable to attend daily mass at the parishes we have now, for TRUE MASSES will be offered "underground"....for the powers that be will force the TRUE CHURCH to do things that are intrinsically evil and go against the Magisterium. Those priests who go along with the agenda will be uncovered...they are the wolves in sheep's clothing. The good and holy priests WILL be forced to go underground.
We can see that this same sex marriage issue, i.e., homosexual/lesbian/transsexual agenda is going to cause those bishops/priests who know that they cannot perform this type of ceremony in the HOLY, CATHOLIC, APOSTOLIC AND ONE CHURCH to be, perhaps, the first ones persecuted. They will have to turn to the laity, who stand ready and armed with faith to take them in and care for them.
Yes, we are living in that time where anyone speaking the TRUTH of Holy Mother Church and of the bible knows it is truly dangerous. If it was "dangerous" 20+ years ago for priests and/or laity to speak on these issues (and I have shared experiences that priests have shared with me or my own, in many of the past newsletters).....then you can see that danger intensified 1000 times over in today's almost hateful society that wants everyone to be "politically correct." In fact since the election of this imposter to the office of President, he stirs up every chance he can, to rise up bigotry, racial tensions, anger and yes, hate. Please do not write me trying to plead a cause/case for him.
I did my own "homework" prior to the 2008 election. And we can see how far down this country has been brought down by his agenda. Make no mistake...it is not that he is incapable to perform the duties of the office of president. No...he is INTENTIONALLY doing all that he has done to destroy the principles that this country was founded on. He IS a muslim. He IS surrounded with muslim's and "czars" (what country is he leading, Russia?) who have ties with the radical muslim groups who want the caliphate ....in other words for Islam to rule the world, and he hates the USA as it was founded on Christian principles and is doing all he can to destroy the Constitution.
Read your history......and stop believing the lies continually broadcast on the television. The tv and the computer are the main tools for the spread of propaganda in this age! So the Lord let me know a long time ago that we were to use at least the internet/computer for promoting the TRUTH, to fight for those principles that men and women have fought and shed blood for us to have. Men and women bled for our freedoms in the many wars, but JESUS BLED FOR OUR SOULS! We know that the mainstream media is controlled by the Freemasons and they will always try to DIS inform and propagate lies of the New World Order.
We HAVE fulfilled the many prophesies stating that a time would come where we would have Cardinal against Cardinal, Bishop against Bishop and priest against priest. Couple that with the confusion in the church over these last 50 years, since Vatican II, the wishy washy preaching of most priests (I said most, not all. I KNOW that there are priests who preached with passion...and have paid/are paying a high price because they did), that causes people to live in mortal sin and still go up and receive Holy Communion....tells well of the ignorance of most cradle Catholics of the faith.
Because, and I'm repeating myself here, if they did know and believe what JESUS SPOKE and the bible teaches, what Holy Mother church teaches and truly believed in the presence of JESUS in the EUCHARIST, it would have been the CATHOLIC VOTE THAT WOULD HAVE KEPT OBAMA FROM OFFICE!
The fact that many Catholics feel abortion and homosexuality is a non-issue; that it will not affect us in a negative way is very sad to me. As we LIVE the negative now, on a daily basis, it is my prayer always that people realize that God LOVES the sinner...but HATES the sin. For we know that sin will always bring consequences.
I always have tried to proclaim the great love and mercy of God not matter what sin has been in a persons life, and Jesus is truly waiting for the repentant sinner to return to His Sacred Heart, where His Love was poured out for us on Calvary, for that love transformed me, Praise the Lord!
The justice of God has been upon us and WILL continue to escalate.....God has been merciful in giving us so much time of mercy. So I plead for all to be in a state of grace, pray and as St. Padre Pio said, TRUST. Jesus and Mary will be faithful to keep all their promises for all of us that take refuge in their Hearts!
I had been working on this newsletter hoping to get it out right away and then my back went out on me again....so since the results of the mid-term elections tell us that people are tired of the policies of Obama, I pray, I truly pray that those elected are faith believing men and women who want to get this country back to the Christian principles that it was founded on.
May God continue to have mercy on us!
But beware of "false flag" events...for the enemy never gives up...and so we must continue to persevere in our prayers...I want to believe that people have learned in these six years of Obama's agenda, that they are losing what many fought for us to have...freedom!
CATHOLICS GET INFORMED, EDUCATED AND LEARN...continue to learn the faith; history, for if you do not know it....IT WILL BE REPEATED! Persecution has happened many times before in history and I pray that as the world continues to be purified, as the blood of the martyrs is being shed daily, and the Divine Intervention that is rapidly approaching, is the church headed towards Golgatha, and after the 3 days in the Tomb, will be resurrected more glorious than ever with the crown of Victory of the Blessed Virgin Mary...the Era of Peace and the Eucharistic Reign of Jesus!
OF course this is for perhaps "new" readers...for my old timers absolutely know what is coming, and we know we are the "heel of the Blessed Virgin Mary's foot".....which crushes the head of the serpent!!
Viva Cristo Rey! Viva La Virgen de Guadalupe!
Until next time, Love in the Two Hearts, Sadie
If you are at the end of your all....Jesus waits for the cry of your heart, your invitation to open the door of your heart so He can come in....
"Dear Lord Jesus,I believe you are the Son of God and that you died for me, come into my heart Lord and make yourself real in me. Forgive me of my sins Lord and I forgive anyone who has offended me."
The above prayer is the prayer I prayed 33 years ago this month that changed my life and put me on the journey that I have been on since that day. I was rejected; filled with pain and hurt and anger, and yes, at the end of my all........thank you LORD JESUS CHRIST FOR COMING INTO MY HEART......
May Christ's PEACE be with all of you. The best kept secret in the world I thought at the time: ....JESUS LOVES ME! AND YES!...HE LOVES YOU TOO! FAITH, AND PROPHECY REGARDING THE PLAGUES
With all the negative news regarding viruses and Ebola.....Do not panic!
Remember all that heaven has done to warn of these days where plagues, among other things, would take many people. Do you believe that this is on the agenda of the elitists, to eliminate many "useless eaters" as they can? Well I want to tell you that, Yes! It is...
But to those who would have ears to hear and eyes to see, would recognize the "signs of the times" that Jesus told us to be watching for in scripture, "
Matthew 16:3 And in the morning: To day there will be a storm, for the sky is red and lowering. You know then how to discern the face of the sky: and can you not know the signs of the times? Douay-Rheims Bible
I am re-sending the following remedies as a reminder of remedies that has been given by Jesus and/or Mary. Although these are only two, I am sure there are others......however, I am just wanting to remind everyone ...don't forget heavens words.
I had the great blessing of having an audience with Maria Esperanza of Betania, Venezuela. She gave this information regarding an illness that would take many babies and children, as we are currently hearing in the news.
Hawthorn Tea
"I am going to give you a remedy for the illness of infants (and small children} You must take the leaves from the hawthorn plant and steep them into a tea for 8 minutes. Then administer the tea orally to the infant {or child} 1/4 cup at a time, continually throughout the day and night, until the ravages of the illness subside. The symptoms will be flu-like, with a high fever, purple-blackened color to the lips, jerking and flailing like convulsions."
This remedy was given to MARIA ESPERANZA, for the times we are living. This (plague) will come to small children and babies. There will be no ordinary remedy, or medicine that will work. This was given to Maria by JESUS.
Is the virus we are hearing about THE ONE that Maria gave the remedy for? I don't know...but what I do know is that I would have all that was needed in readiness and use it...with faith.
"For, amen I say to you, if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you shall say to this mountain, Remove from hence hither, and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible to you." Douay-Rheims Bible Matthew 17:19
So it will be up to us...to the faith that you have to believe what you cannot see...that is faith.
As Mother Angelica once explained, "Faith is like walking a tightrope, and hearing Jesus say "JUMP!".....and you look down and there is no net, but knowing that before you hit the ground, the net will be there"....(perhaps I paraphrase a bit, its been many years since I heard her say that on EWTN).
But that is what we need to have and ONLY JESUS PRESENT IN THE EUCHARIST can give us that faith...because when I go to Mass...it is not a "host"...that I look at when He is elevated after the consecration...it is Jesus with his beautiful face and blue eyes....his Sacred Heart that I lay my head against, His wounds that I kiss......His majesty...His sorrow....His love.....that is what I see.
Another woman that was blessed with heavens messages is Marie-Julie Jahenny, to whom the Blessed Virgin Mary said:
"There will be a grave illness which human science will not be able to alleviate. This illness will attack firstly the heart, then the spirit, and at the same time, the tongue. It will be horrible. The heat accompanying it will be a devouring fire insupportable and so intense that the members of the body affected will be red -- an unendurable fiery red. At the end of seven days this disease, sown like a seed in the field (incubation period) will spread everywhere rapidly and make great progress."
"My children, here is the ONLY remedy which could save you. You are familiar with the Hawthorn which grows practically in all hedges. The leaves of the Hawthorn, not the wood, can arrest the progress of this disease." "You will gather the leaves, not the wood. Even dry, they will keep their efficacy. You will put them into boiling water and leave them there for 14 minutes, covering the receptacle so that the steam remains therein. At the onset of this disease, one must use this remedy three times a day." "This disease will produce a continual vomiting and nausea. If the remedy is taken too late, the part of the body affected will become black and in the black there will be seen a sort of pale, yellow streak." SOURCE: Marie-Julie Jahenny, The Breton Stigmatist, by Marquis de la Franquerie, 1977
The following are also from Marie Julie Jahenny:
1. THREE DAYS OF DARKNESS: Only BLESSED WAX CANDLES will give light. One such candle will suffice for each household during the three days of darkness. They will not give light in the homes of the impious and blasphemers.
2. FATAL PLAGUES: The one and only remedy to protect oneself is to swallow a piece of very thin paper (cigarette-paper) on which will be written: "O, Jesu Christe, Victor Mortis, Salva Nos, O, Crux, Ave, Spes Unica." "O, Jesus, Conqueror of Death, Save us, O, Cross, our only Hope, We greet You."
3. FOR ANIMALS: One must put around their necks a St. Benedict medal. Our Lady warned all people to wear a St. Benedict medal.
4. DURING THE PERIOD OF THE GREAT CALAMITIES: (Earthquakes, wars, floods. etc.) : Recite the following prayer to the Holy Cross: "I hail thee, I adore thee, I embrace thee, O, Adorable Cross of my Saviour, protect us, keep us, save us, Jesus loved thee so much, by His example I love thee. By thy holy image calm my fears, I only feel peace and confidence."
5. GREAT STORMS: The following prayer to the Cross, revealed by Our Lord, to be recited: "O, Crux Ave, Spes Unica. Et Verbum Caro Factum est. O, Jesu Christe, Victor Mortis, Salva Nos." "O, Cross, Our only Hope, We Greet You, and the Word has become Flesh. O Jesus, Conqueror of death, Save us."
6. WARS AND REVOLUTIONS: (Our Lord revealed during an ecstacy): To dispel all fear and terror, you will touch your forehead with a holy picture or a medal of Mary Immaculate [the Miraculous Medal]. Your spirit will remain calm. Your heart will not fear the approach of the terror of men. Your spirit will not experience the effects of My Great Justice.
7. UNKNOWN DISEASES (Given during an ecstacy) : A medal of My Divine Heart, and a medal upon which is traced the Adorable Cross. You will steep into a glass of water the two images, be it made of cardboard or metal. You will drink this water that is twice blessed and twice purified. One drop only in your food, one little drop, will suffice to drive away not the scourge, but the scourges of My justice. (The Miraculous Medal alone, fulfills the conditions required). You will give a drop of this water to the poor souls touched by the scourge of unknown diseases, those which attack the heart, the spirit, the word.
8. DIVERSE ILLNESSES: You will use by means of infusion (steeping, brewing): The herb of Glechóma hederácea outdoor climbing ivy, on trees, especially in critical conditions [SEE BELOW] and for the pains of the chest and violent headaches. The HAWTHORN Cratáegus oxyacántha, [SEE BELOW] for use in cholera (which will be frequent and widespread). See below for the precise method to be applied as indicated by the Holy Virgin. For unknown fevers: the humble VIOLET Víola odoráta, perfume and virtue of humility, will be effective.
9. EPIDEMICS or EPIZOÖTICS: [epizootiology is the science dealing with the character, ecology, and causes of animal diseases. ed.cj] The Lord gives to the great ST. BENEDICT [PATRON SAINT OF EUROPE! ed.cj] the power to alleviate this great calamity. A respectful procession of the statute, made without any fear or dread, may arrest this calamity.
10. EARTHLY AND CELESTIAL FIRE: The Sacred Heart of Jesus: The heat will be terrible ... a sign of the Cross made with holy water will diminish the heat and drive away the sparks. You will kiss five times small indulgenced crosses ... small crosses applied to the five wounds of Jesus Crucified on a holy image. From such protection may benefit souls, poor sinners, invoking My Immaculate Mother, Mother of Salvation, Refuge and Reconciliation of sinners.
11. OBJECTS OF PROTECTION: The Holy Virgin: "Always have ready and at hand your objects of protection: your blessed wax candles, your medals, your pictures and holy objects from which flow all blessings." The Holy Virgin says: "My little children, it is faith, it is confidence, the most beautiful of all prayer which obtains the most."
12. PLACES OF REFUGE: Revelation of the Divine Heart of Jesus to Marie-Julie: "My loved ones, there are three places of refuge (for the time of tribulations): My Divine Heart, My Divine Cross, and My Beloved Immaculate Mother." St. Anne said the same things to Marie-Julie: "You have several places of refuge at the moment of chastisement: that of the Cross, the Adorable Divine Heart, and the Virginal Heart of my Immaculate Daughter."
(Note: The medal and cross spoken of to Marie Julie Jahenny are available from the website link here.)
Now I am sure there are other "end time" remedies, but these are the ones that came to my heart. Having had a personal audience with Maria Esperanza of Betania, Venezuela, I feel blessed to have come to this knowledge.
Please pray as to where your heart goes and follows....the worse thing people can do is try to follow ALL the messages that are being distributed right now. Pray and discern which ones keep you in the peace of the Lord. Heavens messages are not meant to put people in fear, for fear is not of the Lord. Keep your peace, even if some of the messages are dire, they will have some element that will fill your heart with peace.
God is doing what He has always done.....warning his people, that because of the sins of mankind and their failure to respond to heavens plea's to convert, especially some of the priests, his mercy will be felt in the justice that will be permitted to come to the world.
The blessed assurance that we have is that we must continue to persevere in our prayer life, in receiving the Eucharist, praying the rosary with our families if possible, or with a prayer group. I cannot convey to you the power of praying in a community. That is the prime reason ol' red legs fights to cause divisions...because community prayer IS so powerful.
As we pray, Our Mother is with us, She dispenses the graces that we need to persevere.
I like to think we are all different colored threads that heaven is using to weave this beautiful tapestry......and of course in our prayer group, we are her "motley crew".....just little nobodies who love Her and Jesus and all that Our Catholic faith has given us, and try to be obedient to Her calls of suffering and praying for the conversion of sinners.
May God bless you, and keep you in His Peace...May Our Lady cover you with Her Mantle of Protection and tuck you deep in Her Immaculate Heart!
Until next time,
Love in the Two Hearts,