✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
Give thanks to the Lord at all times. Cross yourself and write, my daughter, covered with the Precious Blood of my divine Son Jesus Christ, the Lord. On this great day of the Holy Family of Nazareth, pray for all families around the world.
Families are being very much attacked at the moment: they are divided, tested by illness. How many separations there are at this time: they are tested and attacked by the forces of evil because they have forgotten to invoke the Holy Family, have forgotten to place everything in Our hands, to entrust everything to Us, and what is most serious is that they have forgotten to follow Our example, to live and meditate on the life that Jesus, Joseph and I lived in Nazareth.
Remember the wonderful things the Lord has done for each one of you. Thank Him for the family that He has given you and pray for all those who have lost everything because they have allowed the spirit of the flesh, the world and the Devil into their hearts. This evening the Lord will place a very special grace in your hearts: it is the gift of God the Father and of the Holy Family of Nazareth. Rejoice, for the Lord comes to visit all faithful hearts who have chosen Him out of love and who follow in the steps of my divine Son Jesus Christ, the Lord. Be blessed in the Name of the Father + in the Name of the Son + and in the Name of the Holy Spirit.
+Amen! Alleluia!