✞ The agony in the Garden was, in a special way, for the help of the dying; the agony on the Cross was for help at the last moment, at the very last breath.
I always have a lot of suffering for the Holy Souls. I suffer a lot physically. The pain comes without any warning and is very severe.
Today, while I was praying, the Angel of the Lord appeared to me and said, “Come with me and I will show you the result of all your suffering and pain that you have endured for the past week.”
He was very cheerful, I then knew that he has something nice to reveal to me. In a split moment we found ourselves in a place where there were many souls. While we were watching them walk and move around, I was thinking to myself, “All these glimmering and shiny shoes, this must be Heaven.”
In response, the Angel said, ‘No, no, this is not Heaven yet, these souls are in a special place, they have been especially chosen and rewarded with golden shoes, because their prayers were very sincere. Therefore, God put them in a special group together. The gold represents the Grace that was given to them.”
We were, in what appeared to be, a plain room in a building. It was not a dark place, I thought it was Heaven, but it was not, it was very close to Heaven. There seemed to be hundreds of souls in this group.
The Angel and I stood there and watched the souls move around.
I asked the angel, “What is going on here? These Souls are all wearing glowing golden shoes and golden boots. Some were wearing flat golden shoes and some flat golden ankle boots. As they were moving around, their shoes were letting off an amazingly brilliant golden light.
I asked the Angel, “Why are some souls wearing flat shoes and others wearing flat ankle boots, why are they not all wearing the same shoes?”
He said to me, “Those wearing boots are rewarded with a higher degree of Grace from God, than those wearing shoes.” I could feel that there was no envy or jealously amongst them. They love one another and are all very happy and joyful.
I was so in awe of the beauty emanating from these souls and from their shoes. I have never experienced anything like this before.
The Angel said, “These are the souls from Purgatory, especially chosen by God to pray for you people on earth.”
Then, the Holy Souls moved closer to us, they knew my name, and they said to me, “Thank you, Valentina for helping us. We have been especially chosen to pray for all of you people on earth, for whatever petition you would like to ask of us: for conversion, stronger faith, for a person in depression, for health and wellbeing, for success in work and school. Tell other people to pray to us for our intercession in their needs.”
The Holy Souls said, “Valentina, you don’t ask for yourself, but you pray for us and you suffer for us. We all pray for you, for your wellbeing in body and spirit. Our Lord keeps you well.”
At that moment, due to their intercessory prayers and protection through our Lord Jesus, I felt that I had avoided many bad things including certain illnesses that were meant to come my way.
We can thank our Lord for giving us this beautiful grace through the intercession of the Holy Souls.
On another occasion, Our Blessed Mother said to me, “My children, it is your duty to pray for one another and for the Holy Souls. There is no barrier between you and the souls. You are very united, even though you can’t see them. It’s not meant for you to see them.”
Our Blessed Mother showed me, how when we give up praying and are distracted from praying, then the Holy Souls take over.
They look up to Heaven, and pray for.