✞ Luisa of the Passion of the Tabernacle’
This morning during prayers an Angel appeared saying, “Come with me.”
He took me to Purgatory. We met many souls. They told us they had been there for a long time. Some women had their teeth all broken, the flesh hanging from their faces. They told me, “You have no idea how painful it is.” I asked, “What is it you have done to suffer like this?” They said they had reconstruction to change their faces while on earth. “Now we have to suffer for all the wrong we have done. Please help us and pray for us so that we may be forgiven.”
I prayed for them and offered them during Mass. I also offered the pain I suffered for them.
After a few weeks the Angel again took me to Purgatory. We passed through a dilapidated house, deserted and empty. I saw milk sprinkling down inside the place and said, “Where have all the souls gone?”
The Angel answered, “I brought you to this house to witness their suffering. Your prayer and physical pain purified them and lifted them to Heaven. The milk represents the whiteness and purity which cleansed them.”
We went on to another section and I met again the women whose faces were so disfigured. They were very grateful to see us. Their faces were back to normal but they could still feel the pain, putting their hands to their faces. They had to stay in a very narrow confined space like a cupboard. They explained they had to stay there until someone releases them.
Lord, please be merciful to these souls.
Vision of my friends while they were on a pilgrimage in Italy
Some friends of mine recently left for a pilgrimage to Europe. They went to Italy, Medjugorje and Salzburg in Austria.
But today, I had such a vivid vision of them. I was praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet at about 4.30 in the afternoon.
All of a sudden, such a vivid vision appeared to me of my friends who were in Italy at the time. In the vision, I saw my friend Toni, and standing around her I could see the rest of the group. I could clearly see Jan, Veronica, Mary and Joe (Toni's husband).
I could distinctly hear everything they were saying.
Then, I heard Toni exclaim," I wish Valentina was here; she would love it, she would love to see everything that we are seeing now!"
Toni was so emotional. I could see tears coming out of her eyes. She was very deeply moved.
I knew this was from our Lord. I could feel His presence and I asked Him, "Lord, is this possible? What I am seeing and experiencing now; is it real?"
He smiled and said, "Yes, it is all real. It is the Holy Spirit which has manifest very strongly between them and you."
Our Lord said, " Through the Holy Spirit anything can happen. You can be transposed anywhere in the world. The Holy Spirit can transmit a vision, an actual event to you, no matter where you are in the world."
"Everything that they have so far experienced as a group, Toni is the one who has absorbed the most, very deeply and sincerely. She was very open to the Holy Spirit, who entered her soul." He said.
The Holy Spirit is never resting, He is always active in our life.
Through her tears I could see that she was truly touched by the Holy Spirit.
A few weeks later, after my friends had returned from their pilgrimage, I saw them at Jan's place, for our Rosary prayer group on the first Saturday of August.
I was delighted to share with them my vision of them, and how in spirit I saw them all whilst they were in Italy. They were overjoyed to hear my story.
They confirmed that what I had seen and heard was all true. They were very happy and they asked me if I could write it all down for them.
Thank you most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. You love us so much and you manifest through the Holy Spirit and love us and guide us.
While I was saying my morning prayers, our Blessed Mother appeared to me.
She said, "How bad the world is today, and how sinful it is, and it is getting worse. Encourage people to pray more and encourage them to convert."
She said, "Pope Francis is working very hard right now to proclaim the Word of God and to encourage people to turn to God, to think of Heaven, because Heaven is your Home My children."
She then showed me a huge Garden with the gates wide open and said to me, "Tell the children to decide now, to prepare and change their lives, to live more spiritual lives rather than materialistic lives. My Son will soon close the Gates."
In my heart I felt this was very serious. I knew that once the Gates are closed, there is no more Mercy for humanity.
Our Blessed Mother said, "I am very sad for the world. I cry so much for the children who are lost."
She asked me to console our Lord and to spread Her message.
During Mass and Holy Communion, Jesus appeared to me saying, “Tell people that many storms will happen all over the world such as you have never experienced.”
“People of the world are behaving very badly and are very sinful.”
“My child, console My Sacred Heart for so many offences I receive daily. Please speak to the children. Don’t be afraid. Maybe someone’s heart will be touched by this message and convert.”
Be merciful to us, Lord Jesus.
12 August 2015 St Mary McKillop's Chapel, Parramatta Our Father who art in Heaven
At the beginning of the Mass I offered my sister, her daughter and her grandchild. They were all very sick with the cold. I sat in the third row from the front.
During the Mass, while we were standing and praying the 'Our Father' prayer I experienced a beautiful vision.
Our Lord told me many times, when we say the 'Our Father', we call Him and He comes down from Heaven to us and He listens to us and He is very joyous.
It was a vision of our Lord Jesus Christ. He was standing not far from me and He was facing the altar.
I could see my sister Angela, baby Lucian and my niece Michelle. They were standing in front of our Lord, facing the altar.
Baby Lucian was looking directly at Jesus, so was Michelle, she was next to the baby.
I could see our Lord, how He gently raised His hand towards my sister Angela, (she was really sick with a touch of bronchitis) and He moved His hand gently along the contour of her back without touching her. He then repeated the same along the front of her.
In my heart, I understood that he was healing her of the sickness. (That afternoon, whilst seeing the doctor, she found out that she had bronchitis).
Our Lord was now smiling and looking at baby Lucian, who was five months old, and then, with the Sign of the Cross, He blessed him.
He then smiled at Michelle, and asked her, “Michelle, would you like to receive My blessing?”
Smiling at our Lord, she said joyfully, “Oh yes please.”
He also then blessed her with the Sign of the Cross.
I was so overwhelmed watching this vision.
I was looking at the Lord in front of me, that I didn’t realise that the people around me were now kneeling down and that it was time to receive Holy Communion.
I can describe our Lord Jesus.
He was wearing a brilliant white tunic. Over the tunic He was wearing a very pale cream long vest, all the way to the ground.
Around His neck He was wearing a white stole, which had a beautiful, golden, yellow embroidery, all the way along the length of the stole.
Our Lord is very tall, with beautiful wavy dark hair. He was very joyful.
I can say that our Lord is truly present at every Mass.
For a moment, I was in two dimensions. I almost called out to the Priest, who was offering the sacrifice of the Holy Mass, “Father, here is our Lord Jesus. Can’t you see Him. He is truly present here in our church.”
Then I realised that the people around me could not see the vision that I could see.
Thank you Lord Jesus for all your blessings and graces and healing.
Blessed Mother appeared while I prayed. She was holding a little white, flower basket and said, “How I wish all My children would pray the Holy Rosary for the whole world. I keep coming to collect the prayers, but there are not many to take back to Heaven.”
Then She showed me Her basket. Inside were little green beads filling only half the basket. These represent good fruits of the prayers offered sincerely.
Holy Mary then said, “How can the world change from this corrupt evil when people don’t pray enough and they are not interested in helping this poor humanity?”
“People are becoming very selfish, thinking only of themselves, while the rest of My children experience hardship. Not enough food, many die, especially young children. Their cries reach all the way to Heaven. This gives much pain to My Son, to His Sacred Heart. Please! My daughter, help Me to save the world. The world is on the brink of destruction, full of sin and evil.”
“Tell My people to pray the Holy Rosary daily, so together you will change the hearts of humanity.”
People, please, take this message seriously. Our Heavenly Mother was very sad as she spoke to me.
At home, Lord Jesus appeared to me with Holy Mary as an eight year old boy.
They both looked very unhappy.
Holy Mary began saying, “Praise be Jesus, My daughter. We come to tell you we are very sad for the people of this world. So sinful is this world. The devil is confusing everyone. All God’s Commandments have been broken, but My children, things cannot go on like this. You did experience a very unusual weather this season. They are signs given to you from God. This tells you that your lifestyle must change and is a wakeup call from your sleep and good lifestyle, greed and selfishness.” “My child, this country will also receive severe storms and hurricanes.” In a vision, I was shown the wind twisting and picking up dust etc. I said, “Blessed Mother, I am terrified of storms.” Jesus came close to me and said, “My child, don’t be afraid, I am always with you to protect you and all My children who sincerely love Me.”
Holy Mary said, “Encourage people to pray the Holy Rosary.”
Thank you Jesus and Blessed Mother. Have mercy on us.
During my morning prayers the Angel appeared to me.
He smiled and said to me, "Come with me, I will take you to a place that you have never been to before."
All of a sudden we were in a beautiful countryside. Very green and lush.
I asked the Angel, "Where is this?"
He said, "This is England, the countryside of England."
We were standing about ten metres away from an old building. This building looked like a castle. It was very, very long in length."
I was thinking, "What do I have to do with this?"
I then saw on a wooden partition a beautiful little bird. It looked like a willie wagtail. It was singing, and joyfully fluttering its tail.
I said to the Angel, "Oh what a beautiful little bird. What is it doing?"
The Angel smiled and said, "Our Lord Jesus put it there for you to see. Would you like to know why I brought you here?"
He then pointed to the Castle.
"See, in that Castle, there are many poor souls who have been imprisoned there for over a century. They are not allowed to go out and you are the one who has to release them." The Angel said this with a smile on his face.
"That's why I brought you here, so that you can release them."
"Oh," I said, "Why me? How come they have been kept in prison for so long?"
The Angel said, "Nobody prayed for them. They were forgotten."
We were not allowed to go inside the castle. The poor souls imprisoned in there were from a royal household, including Counts, Princes and their servants. I sensed that they were in complete darkness, in a dungeon within the castle.
The Angel said, "See this bird, how happy it is, it was brought here for a reason. It is free, it sings and is happy and that is how the Souls would like to be, free and out of prison."
While we were standing and watching the castle, the Angel turned to me and said, "Valentina, do you want to know something? You are the one who releases most of the Holy Souls, thousands and thousands of them. They are purified and then they can go to Heaven."
In my heart I said, "I hope that soon they will be released."
In the morning while I was praying, I had a vision of a demon in the appearance of a woman. A very large woman. She said, "You think that you are going to get away with all your messages and prayers, but I will show you what I can do to destroy all of that."
She then showed me in her possession some kind of clear white liquid. She started to pour this liquid over what appeared to be a very rough concrete pathway. It had a strong pungent smell.
I said, "What are you doing?"
She replied, "I am spreading this liquid along the path over which people walk." With a wicked laughter she said, "I want to harm them."
I said, "You can't do that."
"Oh yes I can, just wait and see what else I can do," she said.
She had a little square box and she took it into her hand. It had something in it but covered up. She said, "Do you know what is in here?"
I said, "I don't know."
"Inside of this box I have Ebola germs. I am going to use them and throw them on people so that they get sick and die."
"That's terrible. What a horrible creature you are, harming people," I said.
The woman demon then placed the box into something that looked like a small square fridge or freezer and then shut the door.
She said, "It will be there for the time being."
I felt that this germ was sitting somewhere in a laboratory, and one day if it ends up in the wrong hands it will be released.
When the vision disappeared I said to our Lord, "Please protect your people, protect the people all over the world. Please don't allow all this to happen. Have mercy on us."
Later on that day I attended a special Holy Mass. The Mass was celebrated in Latin by a most beautiful Priest for the Golden Wedding Anniversary of my dear friends Toni and Joe.
During the Mass I said to our Lord, "Lord, I offer all those Holy Souls, that you showed me in England, in this Holy Mass."
"Lord, open the windows and doors of that Castle and release all those Souls who are imprisoned in the dungeon."
In an instant I could see a beautiful light that was rising up above the horizon. It was such a beautiful feeling. Finally, after so many years they were released.
In my heart, I felt that our Lord listened, and through His Love and Mercy He did release them.
They were finally free, but they probably need some more prayers.
Thank you Lord Jesus, for showing your Mercy to the Souls.
As I entered the Church today, I glorified the Lord and thanked Him for the grace He gave me to be at Holy Mass today and to thank Him for the beautiful weather.
I said to the Lord, "Lord, here is Your little sinner. I am sorry for ever having offended You."
The instant answer from our Lord was, "In My Eyes you are just. Keep always in My Truth and live always in My Truth, and the light will shine through you, to others."
Just before the prayer, 'Holy, Holy, Holy..' I could see our Lord surrounded by a multitude of angels and many people. It was like an assembly. I could see the angels blowing their trumpets to make an announcement.
Our Lord said, "My Angels are as of now, ready to announce My Judgement upon the world. And how severely I will judge the world. Those who believe in Me and love Me, they shall stand on My Right. But the non-believers and those who ridicule Me and condemn Me, they shall be thrown into the Darkness."
"They shall cry and scream and grind their teeth and they will say to Me, 'Lord, you didn't judge us justly', but I will say to them, 'Oh yes, I did judge you justly. I sent you My prophets and I warned you many times to repent and to turn back to God. You ignored everything, you ridiculed My prophets, and you refused My Mercy and My Love'."
As I heard those words in the vision before me, shivers went through me. This is not a joke. This is reality. It was so serious.
We should take these messages seriously while we still have time to convert and repent.
Sunday. While praying, Jesus appeared saying, “I come to reveal to you and to tell you, My child, of the messages that I spoke to you in the past. You already know about them, but today I am taking you with Me to show you what is happening right now in the world.”
In a split second we walked through a different country. IO saw much misery in many places. Even in the Middle East I saw persecutions, isolation, people crying and running away from danger.
Our Lord showed me all the people who were coming to Europe. He said, “It’s like locusts when they come to eat the crops.” Comparing this to what is now happening.
‘This is because My children break all God’s Commandments. They have put their own law in to their hands. So much crime and filth, life doesn’t mean much to anyone, just to kill. Everyone is important in the world today. Self-love, greed, materialism, money and lies. People don’t speak the truth anymore.”
Our Lord looked at me and said, “It is hard to trust even your own friends these days.” We saw so much misery. “The economy will collapse again,” He told me. “Everything that is happening is passing very quickly.”
He said, “Whatever is happening, evil and sin are spreading everywhere because you are going through the most difficult times and there is more ahead of you. You cannot change what is prophesised in the past. You are experiencing theses times and you are now living in them. You have to go through this cycle to fulfil prophecy.”
Lord Jesus said, “My child, I know that what I show you makes you sad and depressed. I want you to be courageous. Hope in Me and trust in Me.”
“In very near future I will change and make all things new and beautiful. There will be no more corruption, pride and selfishness. Everyone will love Me.”
“Speak of My love to people. Tell them to change and repent and not to wait till the last minute.”
Our Lord then said, “Come, I will take you to My beloved Mother, She awaits for Us.”
Suddenly, we came from misery and desolation into a different place, like a garden. There Blessed Mother was waiting for us.
Our Lord said, “She is your refuge and guide, taking you through all these difficult times. Make sure you kneel in front of Her and pray daily.”
In that instant, I felt much better, all sadness was taken away from me. It was like a big shrine and I prayed the Holy Rosary together with Our Lady. She blessed me and then I was taken back home to prepare for Mass.
Thank you, My Lord Jesus, for all your guidance and protection in these bad times we live in.
Thank you, our Mother Mary Most Holy Lady of the World, pray for us.
This morning when I almost finished my morning prayer the Archangel Michael appeared to me.
I continuously experience the presence of many poor souls in my bedroom. This morning the Archangel Michael appeared and he was talking to one of the Souls in my room. Holy Michael alerted me to the presence of this soul. This particular Soul was separate from the others and was resting on the floor beside my bed.
Holy Michael addressed the Soul and said very seriously, “What do you think you are doing here? You shouldn’t come to this house. This is a very poor house. You were a very rich man and very famous while you were alive and now you come here. Who told you to come here?”
I could then see the Poor Soul stand up and he said to Holy Michael, “I have come here to this house because I find rest and peace here.”
In my heart I felt that this man had been very high up in the world, he appeared to be in his early to mid-fifties with chestnut hair. While Holy Michael was talking to the poor soul I could see a very tall building, many offices with people working in them. I saw lots of writing. Maybe he was a journalist. I could see that this man was the head of all of this. He was highly respected in the world.
Holy Michael sternly reprimanded him and said, “You are disobedient, you have come to a very poor house and you shouldn’t be here.”
In that instant I felt very humiliated by what Holy Michael said to the poor soul. I thought now even the poor souls know how poor I am. I became very emotional. In my heart I wanted to tell our Blessed Mother what Holy Michael had said. Tears began rolling down my cheeks.
Later that day, I went to Holy Mass and offered up all the Holy Souls in my room including the rich and famous man. I said, “Lord, let it be Your Will and be merciful to all these Souls.
At that moment when I offered up these Souls, Holy Michael appeared in the Church and said, “Valentina, don’t be upset by what happened this morning. I didn’t mean to hurt you, I came to protect you and to tell you that during their lives these Souls (such as the rich and famous man) did not know you nor would they have looked at you, but now they need your help and they all come to you.”
I said to Holy Michael, “I feel much better and I desire that all these Holy Souls will be saved. This is a charitable and compassionate act. I know our Lord likes us to help Holy Souls.”
After Holy Mass I went to the Chapel to pray the Holy Rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet.
During my prayer our Blessed Mother appeared to me, and said, “My daughter, I spoke to you many times before about the behaviour and the fashion the ladies wear these days. They are so shamefully dressed, they come to church in the presence of God, scantily dressed or wearing very tight pants. This offends God very much. My children you are all misled by the Devil. Change your clothes to a modest and decent style. Don’t wear pants, wear dresses or skirts below your knees, not short. You deceive many men and cause them to sin, when they look at your tight pants, your scantily dressed bodies and your very provocatively open clothes.”
“Oh my children I cry for all of you for behaving like this. You will be judged severely when you come in His presence one day. You can even lose your life in Eternity for being so disobedient. My beloved priests and Bishops should speak openly to people and educate them better but they keep silent. They do not want to offend anyone. How sad we are all in Heaven. Heaven is watching you my children when you enter the Church in the presence of God. You offend Him so much by your fashion. Humble yourselves and pray that you will change to a modest dress style. This will be beneficial for your own soul.”
“I desire good for all of you my children and lead you to my Son Jesus. Right now He is very offended watching the world behaving so badly. I ask my daughter Valentina to spread this message to people about this fashion which is so offensive to Heaven, but people condemn her. It is our own request from Heaven. It is not from her. We only ask her to spread this message.”
“I bless you all. Please change!”
Blessed Mother Mary was very sad when she gave me this message.
This morning while I was praying, the Angel appeared.
In the palm of his hand he held two Crucifixes.
The Angel said, “I come to tell you that now is the time that you should protect your homes. See these Crosses, place them inside, above the entrance doors of your home."
"You are now living in very dangerous times and evil times. Our Lord Jesus wants all His people to place His Holy Crosses inside their homes for protection.”
Later on, while I was praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet, our Lord said, “Children, time is ticking fast, do not waste any of your precious time. Repent while you still can.”