✞ One who lives up high in the Divine Will, is not subject to mutations.
This morning when I thanked the Lord for a peaceful day and asked Him for His mercy He appeared to me.
Our Lord said, "My child it is necessary to ask Me and to pray for peace in these troubled times that you can all see and are going through in the world, especially in those countries where there is so much misery and war. People don't want peace."
"Rather they look for hatred and trouble. Some live in fear, especially after what happened in your own city of Sydney, because of the terrorist attack. This year, there will be a lot of conflicts and problems in the world. Mainly in those countries in which the terrorists are breeding. There will be a lot of suffering, but people remain blind and they do not turn to God in prayer. They deny God because their pride will not permit them to believe in Him. My Child, I speak to you as a loving Father to tell people to open their eyes and to see what is going on in the world. You can no longer survive without Me. It will only get worse. People gather together and place flowers and express sadness for lives lost and killed, but no one mentions God."
Our Lord was very sad when He said this.
Our Lord said, "Rarely a prayer is said for the deceased, it is only publicity of the event which goes around the world. My Children, that won't solve the problems of terrorist attacks. Only I your Lord can give you peace and stability through prayer and My Mercy." "Pray to My Divine Mercy for the world which sinks deeper and deeper into the abyss of sin."
Our Lord was very sad telling me this message. We better take it seriously and beg Him for His Mercy for the sins committed in the world.
When I said my prayers and morning offerings, I had a vision of the holy Angel. He came and said, "I was sent to you by our Lord Jesus, to take you so that you can see for yourself how many souls need your help. Do not complain when you experience pain in your body but accept it with love."
I said to the angel, "But sometimes it is hard to bear it."
In a split moment we were in a very strange place, all open space and very depressing. What I saw was a long chain of open-top carriages. In each carriage I could see only men seated. They were seated so tightly, five in a row, as if they were glued together. They had very sad, expressionless faces and they were all dressed identically in grey clothes. I came very close to them and asked them, "Who are you?
Why are you all sitting so tightly together as if you were glued together?"
I received no response. Their sad faces were just staring at me.
Then the angel said to me, "These are all priests and bishops. They are very sick. They need Masses and prayers to be said for them."
The angel explained to me, "Here on earth you all go for a flu injection, to prevent you from getting a bad virus."
He pointed to the souls and said, "They are very sick. They do not need flu injections. They need Masses and prayers to help them. They can only get help when the High Mass is offered for them by Bishop Anthony."
I casually answered the Angel and said, "But Bishop Anthony is no longer in Parramatta. He is in the City now and I don't go into the City." The Angel listened to what I had said and with a serious tone in his voice he answered me, "You have to go there and tell him. After all, Bishop Anthony. should never have left Parramatta. He was chosen to be there because Parramatta is a large Diocese."
Feast of the Epithany
This morning when I suddenly awoke the Angel of the Lord came to me and he said you will be surprised where I will take you today.
The Angel and I suddenly found ourselves in front the Chapel of St Patricks Cathedral Parramatta. The gates of the church were closed. I noticed the time was 4:40am in the morning. As we both came closer to the entrance gates of the church the Angel partially opened the far left, large steel framed gate. Inside, I saw so many souls, all men, very poorly and raggedly dressed, unshaven. These were older grey-haired men and many with beards. One man came towards us to stop us from entering and said, "Don't come in. We are very sick. Don't come near us. We are all priests and we suffer so much and we need your help." Then again for a second time the Angel opened the door half-way, so we could see how many souls were inside. I could see that the Chapel was packed, full to capacity with poor souls. Then I said to the Angel, "Christmas has just passed, I thought that most of the souls would have gone to Heaven."
He said, "Not all of them go. Some of them need to do more penance and need more cleansing."
That same day, I had an urge to go to mass to offer all these Holy Souls at the foot of the Cross, so they will benefit from the Holy Mass.
While I was kneeling in church, I could feel the presence of all the Holy Souls that I saw that morning.
They surrounded me, and from my back I could feel a very cold breeze and an intense pressure. It became so cold that I had to put a scarf around my neck, whilst everyone else in the church was feeling the summer heat.
After receiving Holy Communion, Our Lord Jesus said, "My Child, I opened the door twice for you so that you can see how many souls were waiting to be helped. See how many souls are waiting to be helped these are all priests. You were amazed to see how poorly they were dressed."
He said, "I stripped them of their garments because they offended me terribly when they served me during their life. They are not worthy to wear them."
Our Lord also asked me, if I could speak to the Priest who was celebrating the Holy Mass so that he could pray for them and offer them in the Holy Mass. That would help them greatly. After Holy Mass, I approached the Priest and told the story about the Holy Souls and our Lord's request for Mass to be offered up for these souls. The priest was very happy and said that he would remember them and offer them up during the sacrifice of the Holy Mass.
I was praying the Divine Praises to our Lord Jesus, when I experienced a vision. Two white Holy Hosts appeared before me. They were suspended in the air for a long time. One was all white and the other had an aura of red around it.
Suddenly, two heavenly beings appeared as well. One was an Angel and the other our Lord Jesus, and they both said to me to kneel down in front of them. They were both seated and between them I could see a golden ciborium, and inside the ciborium I noticed was the Holy Eucharist. Then they asked me to say the Act of Contrition. They both asked me, "Would you like to receive Holy Communion?"
I said, "Yes, please." The Angel then took the Holy Communion from the ciborium in his hand and raised the Host in front of me, before putting it back in the ciborium. I was thinking, "It looks like I am not worthy to receive it." I felt a little bit sad inside. Then our Lord Jesus smiled and said, 'I will give you a much greater gift."
I was watching our Lord. Next to our Lord I could see a little box, like a gift box with a small slit opening on top. Through the slit, Our Lord, with His right hand, proceeded to pull out a beautiful lacy wine red fabric. He double-folded the fabric and then He placed it around my neck.
He said, "I cover you with my Precious Blood so the enemy will not have any power over you. The enemy cannot harm you, It is so sweet and powerful you can even taste it." Both Our Lord and the angel were smiling when this was said to me. After Our Lord said this, I took an edge of the fabric and put it in my mouth to taste it. The taste was exquisitely sweet, beyond anything in this world. I was thinking to myself, I can't eat all of this."
He then said, "Wear it all the time."
The lace was a combined deep red wine and purple colour. The lace edges of the fabric were even more intricate and beautifully embroidered with gold. The whole garment was so light. Everything that comes from our Lord in Heaven is so beautiful and perfect.
On Sunday after Holy Mass I met up with my very dear friends, M.. and R.. and Z... As we walked together sharing the Holy Word of Jesus, our Lord suddenly started to be very happy. He was with us and He said, "Aren't you going to tell M.. and Z.. and R.. how I cover you with my Precious Blood. They too will be very delighted to hear the Good News. Tell everyone not to fear anyone in the world. When you ask Me to cover you with My Precious Blood, I will personally place Myself, the Garment around you to protect you.
Our Lord Jesus teaches us how His Body nourishes us, gives us life and strength in our daily life and benefits us for Eternal salvation, and will benefit us one day in Heaven. He also teaches us how powerful His Precious Blood is against the enemies that want to harm us.
While I was praying, our Lord Jesus appeared to me and said, "Peace be with you My child. I come to tell you, I do not like what I see before Me in the world. It upsets Me very much, so much misery and suffering, persecution of Christians, wars in many countries and the killing of innocent people."
"This is all happening because humanity and its leaders are cold towards all of these events. They are selfish and greedy. They do not make any effort to stop all of this." "My child, think of how I suffer at this moment and how I died for your sins, but the world still denies Me. If it was not for the Sacrifice I made for you, you would all being living in darkness."
"I did all of this out of My Love for mankind but their hearts remain cold towards God." "Because they remain spiritually deaf and blind, they do not see how sad I am. I tell you My child, I do not like what I see before Me. I do not like the behaviour of the whole world." "Tell humanity to change and convert and repent before it is too late."
Our Lord said, "Come to Me, come under My Holy Cross and ask Me to be merciful. My Cross is your salvation, the Cross upon which I died for each one of you, to save you from darkness."
Be merciful to us Lord Jesus.
During the Easter Sunday Holy Mass at St Margaret Mary's Church, our Lord appeared to me. Suddenly, I could see him near the altar. He was in a most brilliant white, and He was very joyful.
During the Mass I could see Him elevated above the main altar. He then instantly transformed into a most beautiful little Easter Lamb, pure white. I could see tied around His neck a beautiful red ribbon, and beside Him was a small white banner with a red cross. Appearing with a banner, the Agnus Dei (Latin for "Lamb of God") represents the Risen Christ who triumphs over death. It also represents gentleness, tenderness and innocence. Our Lord spoke to me and said, "Rejoice and be glad My child. Today, is the day that I bring hope and life to the world."
Then He said, "My child, people ask you, when is our Lord Jesus coming to the world? There is much confusion in the world today. They make up dates of My coming. These dates are false."
Our Lord said, "When people ask you the question, when is our Lord Jesus coming to change the world which is so bad? Tell them that only the Father in Heaven knows when all this will happen. Not Me."
"Listen to My Father and obey Him. Tell people not to be too curious, but to trust Us and continue to pray." He said
I was in the Chapel at St Patrick's Cathedral in Parramatta. A group of angels and saints appeared to me. They said to me, "We were sent by our Lord to explain and show you what our Lord desires to be placed here in this church."
Suddenly a vision appeared before us. It was a heavenly vision. It was one of the most breathtaking visions that I have ever seen. I saw the wall in front of our Lady of Grace Chapel vanish. The existing statue of our Lady also vanished. In its place a dome appeared. The dome was a combination of dazzling marine blue and royal blue colours. The colours were continuously inter-changing between lighter and darker shades of marine blue and even evolving into a royal blue colour.
The dome was full of angels moving around. They looked like cherubim. As the colours in the dome were transforming from deeper to lighter shades with brilliant crystal-like effects, so were the angels moving in motion with the changing brilliant effects of light and colour. The angels and saints then said to me, "After seeing all of these beautiful colours, the best is yet to come. Now watch!"
All of a sudden our Blessed Mother appeared. She wore a most beautiful gown, with no sash, and wore an elbow-length veil, all in splendid white, like a bride. The vision was absolutely breathtaking.
Her gown and veil were of a brilliant heavenly white with continuous folds of delicate flowing fabric from her head to the ground.
Her hands were joined in prayer. She teaches us to be humble and to pray with hands joined together. Our Blessed Mother had a soft, gentle smile and her eyes were raised to Heaven. She is full of Grace.
The angel said, "Take a good look and observe our Blessed Mother." I said, "She is absolutely beautiful. I have never seen her dressed this way, all in pure white." The white represents her purity.
The angel asked me, "Are you happy to see all these beautiful visions that we are showing you?"
I said, "Yes, I am very happy."
Then they all turned towards me and said, "Now, who is going to tell them (the clergy of this parish) what our Lord desires for this church, how He wants His holy Mother to be honoured in this church?"
They all looked at me and smiled, "Who is going to tell them?"
They pointed at me and said, "It is Valentina."
"Oh, not me," I said, "They will not listen to me. Even if I tell them they will not listen." They all said to me, "It is your duty to tell them, the way our Lord desires and wishes for His Holy Mother to be honoured in this church in Parramatta."
Mary, Queen of Angels, pray for us.
An Angel takes me to visit souls from the town of Camden, near Sydney.
The angel took me to a place which appeared to be way deep and muddy, in a valley full of old ruins. It was a very depressing place.
The angel said, "Now, I am showing you all of these people and you must help them, to bring them to the Light."
I said to the Angel, "Who are these people? I have never been to this place before. What is the name of this place?"
He replied, "This place is called Camden. I have brought you here so that you can help these people. They once lived here."
He showed me many souls, and among a group that I met was a man and a woman. They had something in the shape of a triangle which they were showing me. Inside the triangular shape was a medal. As I looked closer, I could see the image of Saint Padre Pio on the medal. The medal was attached to them.
They said to me, "We were devoted to him while we were alive, but now, we cannot ask for his help any longer."
I said to them, "I know Saint Padre Pio. We are friends. I visited him spiritually. And He gave me many messages. He also visited me."
The two souls had a very sad expression.
I asked Saint Padre Pio, "Please intercede for this couple, that were devoted to you, and who were showing me your image on their medal."
I also offered them to our Lord Jesus during the celebration of the Holy Eucharist.
During one of our Rosary prayer group gatherings, at my friend Nives's house, our Blessed Mother appeared to me.
We were sitting around the statue of our Blessed Mother, when suddenly I could hear Her voice speak to me, "Kneel down My child." Then she appeared to Me.
She smiled, "My children I come to tell you how much I love you, I want to save you and protect you from the Evil that is around you in the world. When you pray in groups I am present with you and lead you to My Son Jesus."
She said, "The joy is enormous in both our Hearts, and My Son pours out many Graces upon all of you. Children, continue to pray and make sacrifices for this sick and sinful humanity, so that the Grace from the Father can be obtained and Mercy given to the world." I felt that our Blessed Mother was preparing me for the vision that I was about to see. Suddenly, I found myself elevated above the people gathered in the room. I was transferred into another dimension, whilst at the same time, I was fully aware of the prayer group around me.
A vision appeared before me of our Blessed Mother Mary standing in front of a large group of people. She was beautifully dressed in a white tunic and blue mantle with Her hands joined in prayer, while the people around Her were singing the most beautiful and enchanting hymns and songs. It was a Heavenly melody.
Our Blessed Mother was very joyful and She said to me, "I am leading you, My children, through this battle of Evil. This is a victory that you will win through your prayers and your devotions to Me, and I am leading you to My Son Jesus."
The vision was so incredibly beautiful. I recognised some of the people in this large group. I could see my friend Nives, who was standing beside our Blessed Mother. I could also see some other ladies from the group. I was quite surprised to see how the people in the group all looked so much younger than their earthly age. I could see them as youthful adults. They were full of joy, singing and praising our Lord Jesus. Their singing was like a great oratorio of angelic voices, so beautiful that I cannot describe.
It was not of this world, but a celestial harmony, a melody from Heaven.
I was standing beside our Blessed Mother when She looked at me and said, "Nothing matters in your lives or is more important than prayer."
After the vision ended, and I came back to my earthly reality, from a heavenly realm, I looked around the room, and saw all of these people and felt a sudden sadness and disappointment. I could no longer hear the heavenly singing and praising. At that moment, I had an immense desire to share this beautiful vision with our prayer group, but I felt that many of them would not understand.
I said to our Lord, "Maybe people will not understand this vision." I love them all, and I asked our Lord to bless each of them.
Today Blessed Mother Mary appeared and she greeted me, "Praise be Jesus." I answered her, "Praise be Jesus forever."
Blessed Mother said to me, "My daughter, when people ask you to pray for them tell them that I am more than happy to answer their petition, especially petitions concerning marriage." "My child, I want to explain to you today that in the world all the laws and commandments regarding marriage are broken and people live in sin. To live in holy matrimony is a gift from God, as only God unites and blesses the couple. They must live their marital life in chastity and holiness and always give thanks to God."
"Sadly, today all over the world marriages break down and couples are split. They break all of God's commandments and they have no shame in doing so. Couples live together outside of marriage, or remarry, but even then they are not happy because there are no blessings from God. Today people make their own rules and commandments, whatever suits them. They live in sin and this can have a terrible effect on their life, such that they can lose their soul forever. The way humanity carries on between individuals is an abomination. How sad I am to tell you this message. I am your mother and I want you to tell my children to change their lives, not to live in sin but to live a holy and good life and to obey the Holy Law that pleases God. You should worry more about your souls than to please each other in the flesh, so that you will be worthy of eternal life and heavenly paradise already here on earth."
Our Blessed Mother was very sad when she was dictating this message to me. It is very serious to lose your life in eternity, to never see God.
After I said the Angelus in the morning, my room was suddenly filled with Holy Souls. I recognised one of the Holy Souls and he came very close to me. It was Robin Williams, the Hollywood actor who had recently died.
He was very poorly dressed. He was wearing a red jumper and light brown coloured pants, three-quarter length. The way he was dressed he looked like a clown. I made the Sign of the Cross and he went away. Five minutes later he re-appeared. He stood there just looking at me. It appeared that he could not speak, and instead he was pointing to himself indicating that he needed help from me.
I immediately offered him to Our Lord, and I said a decade of the Rosary for his soul. I was thinking, how he looked very raggedy, but at the same time I felt happy that at least he was saved as he was in Purgatory. One day soon I hope our Lord Jesus will take him to Heaven and dress him in beautiful white, through our Lord's goodness and mercy.
I prayed, "May eternal rest grant him O Lord, and may Perpetual Light shine upon him O Lord and may he rest in peace. Amen."
I had a vision of how they are going to remove the statues from the catholic schools and our churches.
The Angel said, "They do not want the children to pray in the presence of the statues."
And then I said to the angel, "When is our Lord going to do something to stop all this evil doing?"
The angel smiled and said, "Do not lose hope because God can change all things instantly. Have hope and trust in our Lord Jesus."
Come Lord Jesus come.
This morning the Angel appeared to me and asked me to come with him. He took me to Purgatory, as he often does.
The place he took me to this morning was a remote place, what appeared to be the basement of a dilapidated building. As we descended into the basement the light radiating from the Angel dimly lit up the space around us. Moving towards us into the light there was a group of men.
The men introduced themselves and told me they are all priests. These priests were dressed in a drab grey colour. They were lamenting how much they have to suffer in Purgatory and were pleading for help from me.
I asked them, "What is it that you did that you now have to suffer for in Purgatory?" They answered, "We did not do the right things concerning the Law of God, specifically, concerning the celebration of the Holy Mass. We did not give enough reverence to Jesus during Holy Mass. Our homilies were very short and sometimes there were no homilies. The teachings and explanations in our homilies were not proper and truthful. We should have more clearly explained to people the consequences of their sins and how important the Sacrament of Reconciliation is for their souls."
They said, "There is so much sacrilege in the church in regard to Holy Communion. We knew in our hearts that it was wrong for us to be giving communion in the hand but we remained silent. This is the biggest sacrilege and now we have to suffer for this." The whole time they kept stretching out their hands towards me showing me the palms of their hands. That must be their penance that they cannot put their hands down. While I was there with them their suffering was less but after we left they have to go back to the darkness and endure severe penance.
I admonished them by firmly saying to them, "It serves you right. Do you know that most of the messages that I receive are concerning you priests and what goes on in the church, specifically sacrilege in the church. If only you priests would have read my messages and acknowledged the Truth that I received, you would not be here now. But of course you were too proud to listen to private revelation."
They said, "We now know the Truth but cannot do anything, it is too late for us." Two or three of the priests then came very close to me and said, "You know, you really, truly have a holy gift. Don't keep silent Valentina."
Later that day I went to Holy Mass and offered up the Souls of the Priests that I saw that morning. I offered them up at the foot of the Holy Cross before Holy Mass began.
That night I hardly slept due to intense bodily suffering and pain. By morning all the pain and suffering disappeared. I asked our Lord, "Was that suffering from You or the devil?" Our Lord smiled and said, "For what you have asked you must suffer."
It was shown to me that when I offered up these priests at Holy Mass and said to our Lord, "Dear Lord Jesus, be merciful to these priests, I know that they offended You while they were alive and now they cannot help themselves."
Our Lord explained to me that prayer and Holy Mass are very powerful in helping Holy Souls. However what helps them the most is when you receive bodily pain and this is offered up for them.