✞ In the Divine Will one forgets about sins.
This morning while I was praying, our Blessed Mother came with a gentle smile and said, “Peace be with you, my child. Praise Jesus for He is the King of Kings, of everlasting joy, yet He is so denied in the world.”
Our blessed Mother continued, “I come to tell you how there is much confusion in the Church today amongst the priests and bishops. They do not speak the Truth of the Gospel to people. My Son Jesus is very upset because of the wrong teachings and they deny Him. They lead people astray.”
“My children pray, pray! I want to tell you to keep the Cenacle Rosary alive. Do not give up and do not relax. You do not know how essential this Cenacle Rosary is and how powerful it is in this crucial time in which you live. The devil would like you to give up, and would like to discourage you, so that you will not pray. Be strong and participate in this prayer of the Cenacle Rosary. Pray from your heart. I am among you and I guide you. Things can change and you will receive graces. Encourage one another to join in this powerful Rosary, the Cenacle and Consecration to my Immaculate Heart.”
“Remember my children that I am guiding you in this church, St Patrick’s Parramatta. I love you my children and I bless you all in the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” Our Blessed Mother made the Sign of the Cross.
Our Blessed Mother comes to give us encouragement.
Blessed Mother we love you to stay with all of us, your children.