✞ The agony in the Garden was, in a special way, for the help of the dying; the agony on the Cross was for help at the last moment, at the very last breath.
Seven Little Angels
While I was praying my morning prayers, all of a sudden, I had seven heavenly souls surrounding me. They looked like little children, about seven to eight years old, both boys and girls. They were dressed in different coloured tunics, some pink, some white and some very pale blue.
I asked them, “Who are you?”
They all answered at the same time, “We are your guardian angels. Our Lord sent us to you. We were with you yesterday in church. Wherever you went we followed you to protect you.”
In a vision they showed me how they protected me the day before, during the Divine Mercy Sunday devotions and Holy Mass. They showed me the church hall in which we gathered after the Mass for coffee and refreshments.
They said, “You see, when you went to get a cup of coffee we were with you.” I could see in the vision how they watched my every movement.
I said, “But you are only little, how can you protect me?”
They all answered, “Try us! We have the power of God.”
Two of the seven angels were identical twins. They stood on either side of me, one to my left and one to my right. They had the most beautiful crystal blue eyes.
They all said, “There were some people there that did not like you and were envious of you. You were in danger. That is why our Lord sent us to protect you.”
I said, “How can they go to church and receive Jesus in the Holy Eucharist and be like that?”
They said, “These people do not realise that God sees everything and knows everything. We will remain with you all day today.”
The angel said, “We are the angels for the day. Today you merit seven of us.”
The more you merit through good works then God sends you more angels to protect you. That is why I had seven guardian angels to protect me on that day.
How important it is to invite your guardian angels to protect you everywhere you go. If you invite them our Lord sends them to you. Thank the Lord and thank the angels for coming.
Divine Mercy Sunday
While I was saying my morning prayers, our Lord Jesus appeared and said, “Treasure this moment in this time in which you live, that is given to you abundantly, but that will not last forever. The world is in a terrible state of sin. It needs to repent and to turn away from the slavery of the devil, and come back to the Truth and the Light to be saved with God.”
Jesus said, “My child, tell this to people and to the whole world. These are very decisive times. People must repent before it is too late. Many things will come your way and many things will happen to you all. You will be suppressed even by your government. It will be very hard for people, if not in a state of grace, to comprehend all of this, and worse is still ahead of you. This also tells you, and gives you a sign and an indication of My Coming. My Coming is very near to liberate my children from all evil slavery. Encourage people to repentance and to a good Confession, so that the enemy will not harm them and will not have power over them. Be courageous and trust in Me to protect you daily.”
Jesus then smiled and, pointing towards me, He said, “As for you, My child, tell the world My Holy Words. Do not be afraid. I Am always with you to protect you and so is My Mother Mary and the angels. Be at peace, I the Lord have spoken the True and Holy Words.”
Thank you my Lord Jesus. Have mercy on the whole world.
In the afternoon I attended the Divine Mercy Sunday procession, prayers and Holy Mass at Our Lady of the Rosary Church in Kellyville.
During the Holy Mass our Lord Jesus showed me a vision. I could see a very small train station. Jesus said, “To better understand what Divine Mercy means, I will show you the train. The people on the platform are waiting to enter the train once it arrives. Upon arrival of the train, all the people on the platform enter the train. The train is full and the doors close. It is ready to depart. Many people arrive late and try to get on the train but the doors have closed and the train is starting to move. That train only goes one way and there are no other trains to follow. This is the same as Divine Mercy which I now give to people abundantly. Whoever repents and confesses, they receive My Forgiveness and My Mercy and they are safe and on board for the journey to Heaven. Those who are late, the Mercy will end, and they will call and try but it is too late. That is why I give them the opportunity now to receive My Divine Mercy and My Forgiveness. It is better to act now while it is given to you freely.”
We better listen and repent while we still can and tell others and encourage them to do the same.
Hot Weather in Autumn [In the southern hemisphere it is Autumn.]
While I was praying my morning prayers, our Lord Jesus appeared and said, “Valentina, did you notice that people are wondering why there is such hot weather in autumn. What all this points to is, that the world is in terrible sin. It has never been so sinful and so corrupt like it is now. Nature, the weather and everything is out of season. Nature is fighting against you all. People are blind. They do not see the reality. God permits all of this to happen so that people will turn away from evil, instead of denying the True God.”
Jesus said, “Tell people to change before the Mercy of God ends. You will call but He will not hear you. Now there is still a little time to repent and return to God. Tell people that I the Lord love them and that I desire that everyone comes to God.”
While Jesus our Lord was dictating this message to me, I was suffering such intense pain that I could not lay still. In that moment of suffering I asked our Lord if my suffering could heal a very sick friend of mine.
Our Lord answered me in a very firm and very serious tone, “No! The world is so sinful, more than ever before. People have to have sicknesses and crosses in order to console Me. I will only give sick people the strength to better endure the pain.”
Jesus said, “Everything points to the same thing. Sin is the cause of all pain.”