✞ The agony in the Garden was, in a special way, for the help of the dying; the agony on the Cross was for help at the last moment, at the very last breath.
Events that will soon happen in the World
June 17th
While I was praying my morning prayers, the angel appeared to me and greeted me by saying, “I am the Angel of the Lord. He sent me to reveal to you the events that will happen in the world very soon.”
He continued, “I have to tell you there will be a very big earthquake. It will be the biggest ever earthquake and it will happen in China. This will happen very, very soon and from now on, until September this year there will be many calamities in the world.”
“God is offended too much by humanity in the world. Pray, that God will be merciful to the many souls that will die in these calamities and disasters.”
I said to the angel, “Oh the poor people. I feel so sorry for them.”
The angel replied, “Do not lament for the people. Always say, ‘let God’s Will be done’. God is already offended too much. He has to wake up humanity.”
Later that morning I attended Holy Mass at St Patrick’s Cathedral in Parramatta.
After receiving Holy Communion I knelt down in my pew, when suddenly our Lord Jesus appeared and stood right in front of me.
He said, “My child, be at peace. What you have heard from the angel this morning is bound to happen. Let nothing disturb you, no matter what happens. You are united to Me. That is the most important thing, that you are united to Me. Keep spreading My messages and be courageous.”
This message is for all of us to read and not to have fear of any kind but to have faith in our Lord Jesus and to be united to Him. He will take care of all of us.
We love You and we thank You Lord Jesus, please protect Your people.
Blessed Mother cries tears of Blood for her Children
June 12th
This morning, while I was still sleeping, Blessed Mother came to me. Ever so gently, I could feel someone nudge my right shoulder, to wake me up. I immediately woke up and was surprised to see our Blessed Mother standing there beside my bed. With a sense of urgency in her voice, she said, “Wake up my child! We are waiting for your prayers.”
I looked at the time on the clock on my bedside table. I remember it was 4.02am. Blessed Mother was looking at me with a very sad expression on her face. Then I noticed blood exuding from one of her eyes. She was crying tears of blood. I was so sad to see this.
I asked, “Blessed Mother, why are you crying? Why is there blood coming from your eye? Why are you crying tears of blood?”
Very sadly, she answered, “See how I suffer for my children all over the world. I have no more tears left to cry for them. All that I have left now is the blood that comes from my eyes. These are the most painful tears. My children offend my Son so much, with the sins they commit.”
She continued, “See my daughter, it is like when you have a little pimple on your face and you constantly touch it, the pimple becomes painful. Then you lament about the pimple and it starts to annoy you. What about Me? You see how I suffer for my children every day, because they are falling into the deep abyss of Hell, for which there is no more help. For this reason My children, please, I beg of you to pray for non-believers, so that my Beloved Son will have compassion and mercy for them, through your pleading and your prayers. Pray, pray the Holy Rosary!”
With deep sadness, Blessed Mother then departed.
Many times before, Blessed Mother explained to me that at midnight, Heaven opens up. This is the time for each of us here on earth, to offer our prayers and petitions to Heaven. They are waiting to receive our little prayers. During the night when we cannot sleep, or when we receive a nudge and are woken up, we can use this time to offer our little prayers and sacrifices to Heaven. We can offer them up for the sick and the dying, and especially for those who die suddenly and unprepared. These people all need our prayers. Heaven is anxiously waiting for us to offer a little prayer to save a soul.
As reparation for the tears of blood cried by our Blessed Mother, we can offer a decade of the Holy Rosary, and in this way we console our Blessed Mother.
The Killing of Innocent Babies
June 8th
This morning, while I was praying, the most holy mother Mary appeared to me. She said, “My daughter, look how sad I am for this country of Australia for making abortion legal.”
She said, “Now the Government permits everything that people ask of it. The members of the Government will do anything, and give people what they ask, just to keep their seats in Parliament. They agree to the killing of innocent babies. The little innocent babies cannot defend themselves, and they have no chance for life. I want to tell you, how sad my Son Jesus is for all the evil that He sees and that He hears, and that is happening in the world.”
She said, “The killing of innocent children is a terrible mortal sin. The cries of the little children rise all the way to Heaven. How long can God continue to watch all of this evil that is happening in the world?”
“My children, I lament to you as a Mother. My Immaculate Heart grieves as the Mother of all my children. I suffer so deeply and I cry.”
Again Mary repeated, “I cry and my tears become red as blood. Tell humanity how God is offended. Humanity should stop carrying on so sinfully. God will punish and judge the world severely.”
Then our Blessed Mother cheered up a little and said, “My daughter, bring me a little bouquet of flowers and place them in the church in front of my statue. In that way you will console me and my Son, Jesus, for the many offences we receive. Tell my children to do the same in reparation. This will console our Hearts. When people come to pray near my statue in the church, tell them to pray three Hail Marys, and I will offer them to the most Holy Trinity for pardon and mercy in reparation.”
Looking very sad Blessed Mother then departed. I could see that she was crying tears of blood. She explained to me that the tears of blood are the most painful tears. She really feels the pain.
People who commit such horrible sins should repent and confess otherwise there will be no forgiveness.