✞ The agony in the Garden was, in a special way, for the help of the dying; the agony on the Cross was for help at the last moment, at the very last breath.
Blessed Mother with Baby Jesus
January 28th
This morning while I was praying Blessed Mother appeared with Baby Jesus in her arms.
She smiled and said, “I have brought you to my Son Jesus. I want to place Him in your arms. I know how much you love My Son. He wants to come to you to be loved.”
As she said this, she came towards me and gently placed Baby Jesus in my arms. As I held Him, I could see His beautiful Eyes. They were glowing from a beautiful light. As He gently moved His Holy Head I could see a golden glow radiating from His Eyes and encircling them. So much golden light was flowing from His Eyes. The glow also radiated from around His Holy Head. He was dressed in a little blue top, which itself was reflecting so much light. He was so peaceful and serene.
Suddenly a beautiful pillow appeared before me, burgundy in colour with golden tassels around the edges.
I gently placed Baby Jesus on this pillow. I was adoring Him and praising Him and telling Blessed Mother how beautiful He looks.
This heavenly experience was so uplifting and gave me much consolation.
She said, “When people read your messages, tell them that I want to place my Son Jesus in everyone’s arms. He loves to be nursed and to be told how much you love Him. That is why He comes to you as Baby Jesus, because you give Him tender love just like you would give to any baby.”
“Tell people, all they need to do is open their hearts to Him with sincerity, and talk to Him. He then comes to each one’s heart and each one’s arms, and each of you will feel peace and happiness in your hearts because Jesus gives you that peace. It is peace that the world cannot give you. It is peace that only God can give you.”
Blessed Mother then said, “I have to tell you that I am very saddened at the cancellation last week of the Cenacle Rosary that you attend each Friday. Because of the National Australia Day celebrations they cancelled the Sacrifice of the Holy Eucharist, the Mass and then the Rosary prayers that follow. Just think my children, how many souls can be saved through all of that.”
She then said how relaxed the priests are because they do not understand the meaning and the power of the Holy Mass and the power of the Cenacle Rosary.
“The devil is really enjoying himself now, after the prayers and Holy Mass have been cancelled due to the National Day celebrations. Everybody is relaxed in prayer, but my children I try very hard to tell you, to pray and not to be relaxed.”
“Sadly, I have to tell you, that you are on the verge of many catastrophes and disasters. They are happening now and many will happen this year. Many people will die in these disasters.”
“By praying you can save souls. My Son Jesus is very offended by the world, the way it is now. It is so very sinful. Not enough prayer is reaching Heaven to obtain mercy from God for the world, the way it is now. People are too relaxed in prayer. Encourage people to pray and pray.”
Blessed Mother showed me how we are on the verge of disasters and catastrophes. I was shown a huge rocky cliff. From the top of the cliff, I could see a rope hanging down the ravine below. On the edge of the cliff I could see a large rock. The rope was so thin that it was ready to snap. That is how close the world is to disaster now.
Too many people are looking for entertainment and enjoyment. This year alone there will be many disasters in the world.
To obtain mercy from God, our Blessed Mother needs our prayers.
The Cenacle Rosary
Blessed Mother explained to me how important and powerful is the Cenacle Rosary. She has gathered all her priests together with the laity in a powerful Cenacle of prayer which is lead entirely by Her Immaculate Heart. I could see how, in the presence of the Cenacle prayer group, Blessed Mother reveals to us her Immaculate Heart, which opens up and completely envelops the cenacle prayer groups in the world and Her Immaculate Heart becomes one with them.
She said, “By attending the Cenacle Rosary, think of how many souls you could have saved and how many graces you could have received for the many different intentions, even for the conversion of sinners and for non-believers.”
Blessed Mother, pray for us. Jesus, have mercy on us.
Attendance at Cenacle Rosary Prayer Group
February 3rd
Today, I was with my prayer group praying the Cenacle Rosary, for the First Saturday devotions. We first prayed the Divine Mercy Chaplet, we then consecrated ourselves, our families and the world to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. This was followed by the Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
For the Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary I remained on my knees while most the others present decided to say the Consecration prayer sitting down.
As we started to pray the Consecration prayer, immediately Blessed Mother appeared. She was smiling and said, “I am sorry my children, but I must remind you, and tell your friends this, that you must all kneel down, always, because I am present with my open Heart, and so is my Son.”
Blessed Mother looked so beautiful, dressed in a white tunic and covered with a blue mantle. Our Lord Jesus was also standing there beside His Mother, and was dressed in a white robe with a beautiful red sash draped over His shoulder.
Blessed Mother said, “With an open heart we receive your Consecration. That means that you promise that you belong to Us. It is an act of humility that you kneel in the presence of my Son and me.”
As she was saying this, she opened her arms to reveal her Immaculate Heart and to accept and receive our Act of Consecration. Our Lord, standing beside His Mother, with open arms was revealing His Sacred Heart.
She said, “Your Act of Consecration goes through My Immaculate Heart and into the Sacred Heart of my Son Jesus. My Son receives you so beautifully and He is so overjoyed watching you promise yourselves to Him. He is very joyful and happy, and He blesses you all in a very special way.”
Blessed Mother desires that we always kneel during the act of Consecration prayers. I then told my friends at the prayer group, what Blessed Mother had just said to me.
I said, “I am sorry but Blessed Mother said that we must all kneel because she is truly present.”
Suddenly they all went down on their knees and were very joyful to hear this message from our Blessed Mother.
Below is the prayer of the Act of Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary:
Act of Consecration -To the Immaculate Heart of Mary – For Religious & Laity
Virgin of Fatima, Mother of Mercy, Queen of Heaven and Earth, Refuge of Sinners, we who belong to the Marian Movement consecrate ourselves in a very special way to your Immaculate Heart.
By this act of consecration we intend to live, with you and through you, all the obligations assumed by our baptismal consecration. We further pledge to bring about in ourselves that interior conversion so urgently demanded by the Gospel, a conversion that will free us of every attachment to ourselves and to easy compromises with the world so that, like you, we may be available only to do always the Will of the Father.
And as we resolve to entrust to you, O Mother most sweet and merciful, our life and vocation as Christians, that you may dispose of it according to your designs of salvation in this hour of decision that weighs upon the world, we pledge to live it according to your desires, especially as it pertains to a renewed spirit of prayer and penance, the fervent participation in the celebration of the Eucharist and in the works of the apostolate, the daily recitation of the holy rosary, and an austere manner of life in keeping with the Gospel, that shall be to all a good example of the observance of the Law of God and the practice of the Christian virtues, especially that of purity.
We further promise you to be united with the Holy Father, with the hierarchy and with our priests, in order thus to set up a barrier to the growing confrontation directed against the Magisterium, that threatens the very foundation of the Church.
Under your protection, we want moreover to be apostles of this sorely needed unity of prayer and love for the Pope, on whom we invoke your special protection. And lastly, insofar as is possible, we promise to lead those souls with whom we come in contact to a renewed devotion to you.
Mindful that atheism has caused shipwreck in the faith to a great number of the faithful, that desecration has entered into the holy temple of God, and that evil and sin are spreading more and more throughout the world, we make so bold as to lift our eyes trustingly to you, O Mother of Jesus and our merciful and powerful Mother, and we invoke again today and await from you the salvation of all your children, O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary.
(with ecclesiastical approval)
Blessed Mother with Baby Jesus