✞ What victim means.
Ash Wednesday
Lord Jesus spoke to me during Mass. He said, “Today, when you commence Lent, you all receive the Holy Cross of Ashes on your forehead.”
“That is a sign for all of you that from dust you came and to dust you shall return. That represents that you shall all die, so then I can raise you into Eternal Life. Try, during this Lent to be repentant. Go often to Confession, so that the devil will have no power over you. Do some self-denial and good deeds. That will please Me very much and you will receive My special Blessing,” He said.
Thank you Lord Jesus. Have mercy on us.
God the Father is offended by Modern Fashion
Our Blessed Mother said, “My daughter, I come to you to tell you I cry for my children all over the world. They allow themselves to be guided by the ugly spirits, the devil, who with his cunning ways, he tricks them and guides them wherever he wants.”
“Just look at the fashion that people follow and wear these days, especially the ladies. So short are the dresses. The fashion exposes their flesh and nakedness, and because of this fashion, the ladies deceive many men. They cause them to sin terribly.”
“The same fashion that the young people wear in public these days, they also wear to church and everything is accepted. The priests do not say anything. My children, our Almighty God and Father, is very offended, to see all of this.”
“There is no dignity or shame anymore. Please speak to the people. We give you authority to tell ladies about the fashion they wear which is too short and indecent.”
I said, “Blessed Mother, my mother, how can I tell people all of this? I can offend them.”
She answered, “Not if you tell them gently, the way we tell you. It won’t offend anybody.”
Thank you Blessed Mother for giving us this message. Have mercy on us.
We should all ask for God to be merciful to us.
Visit to home of Holy Family in Nazareth
One day, while I was reciting the Holy Rosary, blessed Mother appeared to me, with a holy angel accompanying her.
She said, “Today, you receive the grace to be taken to our home in Nazareth, where we used to live while we were on earth.”
Suddenly, we found ourselves in a little house in Nazareth. The house was very small, bright, with a kitchen and small living area. From the kitchen it led directly to a bedroom.
I did not notice our Lord Jesus straight away because I stood there observing Blessed Mother and waiting for her instructions. Right away, Blessed Mother started to get busy. I saw her get a bowl and pour water into it and place it on the stove. The stove was made of what looked like stone or clay with a fire burning beneath.
I saw a neighbour come by to say hello to Blessed Mother. She was talking to her while Blessed Mother was busy in the kitchen. The neighbour was a lady dressed in a long tunic with a scarf covering her head. There were printed flowers on the edges of the scarf. She looked nice. After a short while the neighbour left.
Blessed Mother then took the liquid from the stove and poured it into a pewter mug. The liquid was a deep green colour, which looked like an herbal tea. She then turned around, smiled and came towards me, carrying the herbal drink. I smiled and turned around to follow her. I followed her through to the adjacent room which was the bedroom. There was no door, just a wide opening.
As I stood at the foot of the bed I suddenly noticed our Lord Jesus in bed. Overjoyed, I immediately fell to my knees, bowing my head, and making the Sign of the Cross. I said, “Glory to You, my Lord Jesus Christ.”
I asked, “Lord, are you sick?”
He replied, “Yes, even the Son of Man gets sick.”
At the same time I observed Blessed Mother who moved to the side of the bed and placed the herbal drink on a wooden stand next to our Lord. She then turned towards our Lord and gently pulled up the quilt to cover Him right up to His Neck.
Our Lord then said, “Come closer My child!”
Obeying Him, I stood up and moved to the side of the bed, opposite to where our Blessed Mother was standing. As I stood there, our Lord then lifted Himself up and sat up in bed and reached for the cup and slowly sipped the herbal mixture made by His Mother.
He said, “See, My child, what My mother just made for Me and brought to Me, this is an antibiotic!”
I exclaimed, “What! Antibiotic in your time my Lord! Antibiotics were invented not long ago, not in your time?”
Jesus laughed and then said, “My child, antibiotics existed since the creation of the world, only they were made from a different substance. It was a natural substance. But the antibiotics that you have now, they are not natural. They are made from synthetics, which is not the same.”
He continued, “What I want to tell you is that when people ask you to pray for them, when they are sick, they need both the doctor and prayer. The medication and the prayers work together.” Pointing up to Heaven, He continued, “And then Grace comes, and the healing proceeds.”
The bed in which our Lord was lying was very simple. The bed posts were very thick and square in shape. The quilt cover was made up of many small pieces of fabric sewn together. Each one was different with tiny prints of flowers, little yellow flowers, little blue flowers, and little white flowers. All were very tiny and delicate.
The top sheet was embroidered with little pink flowers, and little green leaves on the stems. I could see how the sides of the sheet, hanging over the bed, were already very well worn. In my heart I understood that they had only the one bedding which was washed and re-used.
I looked for St Joseph but he was not there. I felt St Joseph had already died.
Thank you Blessed Mother and Lord Jesus for the Grace that you revealed to us so that we can learn to live humbly, just like you lived on earth.
Very Important message: We must beg for God’s Forgiveness and Mercy
I had a difficult night of sleeping due to suffering for the Holy Souls, so I decided to pray the Holy Rosary and other prayers that I would usually say in the morning.
Suddenly, our Blessed Mother appeared with Baby Jesus. They were accompanied by an angel. Blessed Mother was wearing a tunic that was of a burgundy and purplish colour. I could see her beautiful, long, dark brown hair, as she was not wearing a veil.
She then said, “We come to invite you to come with us, so that we can show you, and explain to you something you did not know before.”
Suddenly, I was taken to a very holy place. I could see that it was Heaven. We were in what looked like a building, and the room that we were in, was quite spacious. In the centre of the room was a table that looked like an Altar.
Blessed Mother said, “I am placing my little Divine Baby Jesus into your hands, because I know that you love to nurse Him.”
She then gently gave me Baby Jesus to hold in my arms. He looked like He was about four to five months old. He had curly, blonde hair and was wearing a nightie of a soft blue colour.
Blessed Mother said, “Now you can place Baby Jesus in the centre of the table.”
As I sat Him in the centre of the table, I put my arms on either side of Him, in case He might fall. As I looked to my right I could see a group of holy people. They were reciting the Holy Rosary. Blessed Mother said to me, “Go to the washroom and get a bar of soap and bring it here.”
I said, “But Baby Jesus will fall down, I have to look after Him.”
Blessed Mother replied, “Don’t worry, He’ll be fine.”
I obeyed her and went to the washroom which was located to my left. As I looked in, I was amazed at how beautiful the room was. The washroom had a most brilliant sparkle and shine. All the walls were made of glass, shining like crystal, and the floor was made from a glowing light-coloured marble. For a moment I hesitated to step in, because of its beauty. Around the walls were rows of shelves, all made of glass, and on these shelves I saw many bars of soap. I walked in and took one of the bars of soap, and holding it in my hand, was about to go back to Blessed Mother when suddenly, God the Father appeared.
In a very serious tone He asked me, “Where did you get that?”
I answered, “Just here in the washroom!”
“Who told you to go there?” He asked.
“Blessed Mother” I answered.
Since it was Blessed Mother who gave me permission to go into the washroom, I could see from God the Father’s expression that it was okay.
He then said, “That soap is no good!”
Looking at the bar of soap in my hand, which looked like normal, homemade soap, I said, “It looks good to me.”
But then God the Father explained to me, “What I mean is that it needs two more powerful ingredients to make it stronger.”
I was thinking to myself, “Maybe He means it needs caustic soda.”
Hearing my thoughts, God the Father smiled and said, “No, not that strong! That will kill everyone!”
“My daughter, I will explain to you what that soap in your hand represents. See that group over there, they are praying the Holy Rosary and that is very good. They pray and intercede for the people. However, people also need a good soap to wash away their sins. Now that you are in Lent, approaching Easter, you have to tell people that they need to wash away all their sins by making a good Confession. They need to really clean themselves. The world really needs to be washed with a good soap and to be repentant. It is so sinful.”
Pointing towards the washroom and waving His index Finger, as if scolding, and in a much angrier tone of voice, God the Father gave a stern warning, “See that washroom where you got that soap from. Tell the people in the world that I will be closing it very soon. There will be no more soap to wash away their sins. I really mean it! There is still a little time left, but not much time, for them to repent.”
I immediately understood that once He closes the washroom, even though there would be calls from people begging for His Mercy, He will not answer them, because He gave the world time to repent. He begged and begged and warned but they took no notice.
Then Baby Jesus came towards us. He came like a little angel in his little blue nightie and stood between God the Father and myself. I was listening to God the Father and when I looked down a second time, Baby Jesus had just vanished. I understood that He entered into the Spirit of God the Father and they became One.
I felt such a peace and calmness, unlike anything here on earth.
The reason Blessed Mother asked me to place Baby Jesus on the table is because He is the Eucharist. God the Father explained that the prayers that were being said by the Saints in Heaven are good, but they are not enough. People living on earth need a good soap to clean their soul by repentance and Confession. God the Father then gives them His Grace and Blessings.
Later, as I was praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet, God the Father spoke to me and explained, “The two most powerful ingredients are My Forgiveness and My Mercy, and they work together. Without these two ingredients the soap is useless!”
God the Father is so Holy, and as we are sinners, we need to beg for His Forgiveness and His Mercy, before it is too late and the doors of Mercy are closed.