✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
During my morning prayers, our Blessed Mother appeared. She said, “I come to give you a warning message. Soon, there will be a Sign on the horizon. Just as the sun rises from the east, so too will the Sign appear on the horizon for everyone to see. The Sign that will appear will pierce each soul deeply. Everyone will know that God exists.”
“All over the world, humanity is led by the devil. People live in terrible sin and darkness, in danger of losing their soul. How I cry to see my poor children be slaves of the devil. He deceives them by telling them lies to justify their sins. Governments and society introduce all kinds of laws and tell people it is good to have changes. Slowly people accept these changes and the false promises, that will lead them to be stripped of all their freedoms. Now, everyone is controlled by these false laws, where there is no God. It is a very dangerous time in which you live. Do not believe in the false promises.”
“You must return to God. He is the only One to give life in abundance. He suffers for all of you to redeem you because He loves you unconditionally.”
Our Blessed Mother was crying as she gave me this message.
We must listen to Blessed Mother’s warnings and pray for conversion.