✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
During Holy Mass I had a vision revealed to me through an Angel. The angel said, “You have the privilege to see the Saint whose feast day it is today, and how much he loved Jesus, while he was alive.”
In a vision, I saw a beautiful Church in Heaven. In the Church, I could see a Saint with both arms, raised high, holding Baby Jesus. He was Saint Stanislaus, and he was levitating high above the Altar holding our Lord. He was worthy of holding Baby Jesus because he loved Him so much when he lived on earth.
Baby Jesus was so alive! He had the most beautiful smile. In His right Hand, He held a small incense dish, and with the movement of His Hand from left to right, the incense spread throughout the Church over all those present.
I said to the Angel in absolute awe, “What a beautiful vision this is!”
The angel responded, “It is a Wedding Feast. It is for the souls who have arrived here today. This Church was chosen by our Lady, the Mother of Jesus.”
I said, “It is beautiful.”
The angel continued, “Our Lord is very joyful as these souls have chosen to come to Him. That is why it is called a Wedding Feast. Heaven rejoices because these souls chose to come to Jesus. It is a big celebration. Little Jesus is overwhelmed by this joy. These souls were on the borderline, deciding yes or no for God. They chose yes and made the right decision.”
I could see the souls were both men and women, and they were so beautifully dressed.
The angel said, “These are new arrivals. Valentina, you witness this because you are part of all this, through your prayers and your sufferings for these souls, you are here now to witness the joy of these souls.”
It was such a joy to be a part of all of this. Jesus was glowing and smiling, beautiful beyond words. I waved to Baby Jesus, and as I did this, the angel joyfully laughed.
We can see how our Lord Jesus is rejoicing in Heaven when people choose Him and want to come to Heaven, His Heavenly Home.
Jesus is the sacrificial little Lamb of God, who is present in every Mass celebrated on earth. In the Heavenly Church, it would not be a Mass, but Jesus would still be present to welcome His people to His Heavenly Home.