✞ By living her nothingness, the soul is filled with God.
Graces from Heaven for the Hour of Grace
It was about eight o’clock in the evening when I sat down in my lounge room, to read through some of my messages from the little booklet. The pages opened up to the message I received from the 8th December 2018, the Feast of the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception. On that day I received a Heavenly visitation.
As I was reading this message, I looked up at the Statue of the Rosa Mystica, situated in my lounge room. In that instant, it suddenly all came to me when I exclaimed, “Oh Blessed Mother, how slow I am! The message about the Hour of Grace from the 8th December, I received that Hour of Grace when you all visited me. Now I understand Blessed Mother. That was the Grace I received: when you all came and visited me.”
Blessed Mother appeared instantly. She was smiling as she said, “Yes I know, I was waiting for you to come to the realisation that you received the biggest Grace, when Heaven came to you. You are a bit slow to wake up. Finally, you came to acknowledge all that. That is what you prayed for, and that is what you received.”
I said, “Blessed Mother, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the visitations I have received from Heaven. I am very sorry not to have realised at the time. I thank you a million times.”
Blessed Mother, you and our Lord teach us so beautifully, but we are so slow to understand the graces we receive from Heaven.
Thank you Blessed Mother and Lord Jesus.
Melbourne, wake up and pray
While I was saying my morning prayers, the angel appeared and said, “You wonder every time you hear news about a murder committed in Melbourne. Do you know why there is so much crime in Melbourne?”
The angel continued, “I will tell you why there are so many murders and why bad things will continue to happen. This is because people neglect their prayers. Instead, they like to have a good and easy life, seeking entertainment. Not many prayers go to Heaven, and that is why the devil has so much power.”
In a vision, I was shown many rosaries, strewn around, all over the floor.
People of Melbourne, wake up and pray!
Souls waiting in Hotel Lobby
I was in the city of Sydney with friends, and we had just left a café to go back home. As we were walking back to our car, we decided to take a short-cut by walking through the lobby of a large luxurious city hotel.
As we walked into the grand hotel lobby, I could feel an overwhelming presence of souls. I could sense them pulling me towards them.
We continued to walk through the lobby towards the elevators, which would take us up a few levels and lead us to the street at the back entrance of the hotel. We stepped into the elevator to take us to the third floor when mistakenly we stepped out too early onto the wrong floor.
While waiting for the next elevator, we briefly wandered around the hallway. The level we were on was a mezzanine so that you could see the beautiful lobby of the hotel below. It was very quiet on this level. I felt a heavy presence, and I could hear my name being called, “Valentina!” The sound of the voice was coming from a distance, like an echo. It felt a bit eerie. I walked back towards the lift as the door opened, and we made our way to the next floor and walked out of the hotel.
That evening as I was saying my prayers our Lord spoke to me. He said, “Do you know that it was all My doing that you made a mistake and stepped out onto the wrong floor. I wanted you to walk around on that level because there were souls everywhere, in the hallway, waiting for you. They are waiting to be relieved and for you to help them.”
“They have been doing their penance there for a long, long time and nobody helps them. They committed a sin there, and that is why they are captive there doing their reparation. These souls need deliverance, and that is why I called you to come there, to help them, to get them out of there.”
He said, “People come into the hotel but no-one sees them, so no-one helps them. They are ignored, as people do not have the spiritual gifts to do anything for them. Pray for them and offer them up at the Holy Mass so that they can get out of there.”
Our Lord said, “When they died, these people never had anyone to pray for them and offer up Holy Mass for them.”
You see how souls must do reparation wherever they commit sins. Lord, be merciful to these souls, they are captive in that hotel.
Our Lord calls Purgatory a Prison
In the morning while I was praying, I found myself with the angel. He said, “We have to visit souls today who are waiting for you to help them.”
Suddenly we found ourselves in one part of Purgatory. It looked like the middle part, as it was a vast open space and it was full of light. I saw people running and walking at high speed. I saw many children with their mothers. The children looked to be between the ages of five to eight years. They were constantly running, along with their mothers.
As we came closer to them, the angel said, “You can ask them questions.”
So I started to talk to them and asked them, “Why are you here?”
They said, “We have been here for a long time. Nobody has helped us. For instance, when the Bishop came to the area where we were living on earth, we didn’t attend the instalment ceremony for the new Bishop. The ceremony was too long, so we avoided it. We were disobedient for doing what we did.”
“By being disobedient, we offended God very much, by abusing His Grace. The Bishops are very important, as they represent Jesus Christ on earth. Now that we know how we offended God we would like to go back to do reparation and to be obedient to our Lord, but it is too late now. That is why we are constantly on the move.”
The angel said, “The Bishop in the church must be respected. He has been chosen by God. He has been placed there as the Bishop. He has authority to lead people to God.”
I was watching how all the souls in this part of Purgatory, are always in flight. They cannot stand still, they have to keep moving at high speed, zipping from one place to another. I understood that the unceasing running motion for these souls is their penance, and their souls are not in peace.
One moment they were standing next to me, then in a flash they were running away and disappearing and then coming back again. This they did continuously.
They told me, “In the earthly time we have to travel for two hours and then come back and then we have to go to another place and do the same. There is no plane to take us, we have to walk there.”
They were making me nervous by the way they were rushing around so fast.
One young lady was in a severe state of panic, very restless and nervous. I said to her, “Just a minute! Let me bless you, Jesus will give you peace.”
As I was about to bless the young lady, a group of souls also stepped towards me, and each of them allowed me to bless them.
I made the Sign of the Cross on each of their foreheads and blessed them individually by saying the words,
“May Jesus give you pardon and mercy for all your offences and may He give you peace.”
They were so grateful that they were hugging me after that. I felt united with them, and I felt good for them. I tried to console them and tell them to be courageous and that I would help them.
The angel said, “Now we must leave.”
While the souls are in the presence of the angel and myself, they do not suffer, they stop running and moving. It is as if there is a momentary pause in their suffering. The angel does not like for us to stay too long with the souls, because each of the souls must continue with their penance and they must endure all the suffering and pain that is designated for them as part of their purification. As soon as we were leaving, I could see the souls running and moving again, they could no longer stay still.
If people on earth would only think a little about the afterlife, they would live differently. Instead, they do not worry and do not care so they will have to suffer afterwards. There is no break or relief in the suffering. Our Lord calls Purgatory a prison.
Lord, have mercy on these Holy Souls and may You grant them pardon and peace and embrace them in Your Heavenly Home.