✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
Be like the Good Samaritan
St Patrick’s Cathedral, Parramatta
During the Holy Mass, our Lord Jesus came and said, “These days, not many people honour My Precious Blood. I Am not even mentioned in the Churches. They do not realise how valuable and how powerful is My Precious Blood. During this month of July, they should honour My Precious Blood.”
“If I permit, in an instant I could save the whole of humanity, if only they would acknowledge Me. Do you notice how these days everything is controlled by evil.”
“Evil! Evil! Evil!”
“Behind all of this evil are the powerful people. They want to control the little people, who are afraid, so they obey everything they are told to do by the powerful people. My children learn to discern what is right and what is not right. Ask Me and pray about any decision before you make it; discern and think about it. Do not say yes to everything.”
Jesus said, “Right now the whole world is controlled by the society of evil and their plans. The devil thinks that I Am sleeping through all of this. It will become so bad in the world: many natural disasters will continue to happen, and there will be very severe ones to come.”
Jesus asked, “Valentina, you believe in My Power, do you?”
I answered, “Yes, Lord.”
“Do you believe that I Am the King?” Jesus asked.
I said, “Oh yes, My Lord, You are the King of Kings.”
Jesus said, “I will come with My Holy Power. The lightness of the Light of My Presence, I will show My Power and all the evil will be crushed and sent to the abyss. Unless these people repent, they will otherwise perish forever.”
“Do not lose your faith even though you are living in very bad times. Even the good people are confused; they are uncharitable to one another and are jealous of one another.”
“You must convert and repent, to receive Grace from Me, so that you are protected by Me; so go often to Confession, so that you won’t be attacked by the devil.”
Jesus taught me that when we go to Confession, the devil flees from us.
“During Holy Communion, Valentina, so many people approach My Banquet Table unrepentant. Speak to the priests and tell them that I wish that they talk to people and tell them to often go to Confession and to be repentant before they receive Me. I Am very offended for being sacrileged so much in every Church.”
Jesus then talked to me about the people I meet and those who sit near me in the church pews during every mass.
“Valentina, did you notice how you approach different people and how different people sit next to you in Church? Do you know what that means?”
Jesus continued, “Each time you sit in a different place, and there are people around you, I sanctify them.”
I asked, “Lord, what does that mean?”
Jesus answered, “Each time you are next to these people, and you offer them during the Mass, I sanctify them, and one day you will meet them in Heaven. You offer them to Me, and I sanctify them, and I purify them, and in that way, their soul will be saved while passing from this world to the other, without them knowing what you have done for them. They will be very grateful and happy.”
“Even the Holy Gospel today, (Luke 10:25-37), about the good Samaritan traveller, teaches you to be like the Samarian, who helped the man on the roadside. What is more powerful than offering to Me, at the celebration of the High Mass, your neighbours; those people sitting around you, thinking of their salvation, the salvation of their souls.”
Our Lord is saying that we can all become like the good Samaritan, especially through our offerings at the High Mass. By praying for the salvation of the people around us, and offering them to our Lord, there is nothing greater.
Today there was such a beautiful brightness of Golden Light in the Church. Our Lord showed me His power. The Light that emanates from our Lord is brighter and more brilliant than a million suns. Evil cannot stand the brightness of the Light of Christ.
Today, during the Holy Mass, our Lord said to me that He is not happy with the ladies that assist at the distribution of Holy Communion. He said, “Pray for the ladies who run to My Sacred Table to help with the distribution of Holy Communion. That is not the place for any lady in any Church. I will judge them when they pass to the other world, and they will be very sorry, for they will know the Truth. It is their pride here on earth that does not allow them to admit to the Truth.”
Previously our Lord showed me how the Saints in Heaven tremble when they approach Jesus, as they know that He is so Holy.
Feast of St. Anne
(This message was originally received on the 26 July 1993 and was not previously published.)
I was kneeling this morning while I was praying.
I had a vision of our Lord Jesus and Holy Virgin Mary. They were talking amongst themselves, but it was not meant for me to hear what they were saying.
Blessed Mother Mary then turned towards me and smiled. Her gentle look always makes me happy and joyful. She extended her right hand and pointed to a beautiful, saintly lady standing near her. Dressed in a beautiful, long soft pale pink dress, the lady smiled at me too and then said to me, “I am St Ann. I am the mother of Blessed Mary.”
St Ann said, “You know how you see my daughter and my Grandson talking to one another, they had a meeting, the way you people on earth call it a meeting.”
She said, “You see, my daughter has to beg and intercede to her Son for everything. Nothing is done without His permission. Even today, she has to ask permission for me to meet you.”
I said, “Oh, St Ann, how grateful I am to meet you, and how happy that I am worthy of this grace from our Lord Jesus. St Ann, this is such a privilege because the Church in my home village in Slovenia is dedicated to you. You are the Patron Saint of my village, the refuge, and protector of the people there.”
St Ann smiled and then said, “That is why you are worthy to meet me and to know me.”
She smiled and then she left.
A moment later, a vision appeared, and I could see St Joseph and little Jesus walking along the road together, close to each other. Little Jesus was about five years old.
I said, “Oh, may You be praised, Jesus. St Joseph pray for us. Thank you, my beloved and Holy Mary, that you pray and intercede for us all to your Son.”
“Thank you, St Ann. Please pray for us.”
Urgent Request from Lord Jesus to republish Message received on 20 July 2004
After I finished saying my evening prayers, I was just about to pick up a book to read, when I heard Lord Jesus speak to me. He said, “Why don’t you read from the writings that I have given you? Why don’t you open My message from July 2004?
As He said that, I immediately picked up the messages from that year and the page opened to the message from 20 July 2004.
He said, “Read it! It is important. I want people to open their eyes and to repent. People are wondering why so much is happening in the world. I want you to spread this message around and give it to people to read.”
As I started to read the message again, I understood that it is serious and is coming to fulfilment.
Message from July 20, 2004
St Patrick’s Cathedral, Parramatta, after Holy Mass
Our Lord Jesus said, “Peace be with you My child. The most important part of your life is to be peaceful always and only I, the Lord, can give you peace to your soul, not from the world in which you live, there is too much noise and confusion.”
“Valentina, people are talking and wondering why you have such changeable weather all over the world. I tell you now, you are all going through the last pages of the book I spoke to you, in John, the Book of Revelation and the period of changes in the world. History is about to change forever.”
“I, the Lord, Myself,” He said moving His holy hand in a sweeping circle, “am doing this.”
“I keep shifting your courses of history and they are disturbing your weather and the nature is confused. Even science cannot find an answer as to why all this is happening. Drastically, they are moving and disturbing your planet, until mankind realises that it is God in control of everything, but man is blind and will remain blind and they have no knowledge of My Creation because they are not spiritual enough to discern right from wrong.”
“These disturbing events will persist and will bring catastrophic disasters, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, floods, droughts, heat waves, icy weather, storms and so on, but still this will not awaken people to pray and to change men’s hearts. Their hearts will remain icy cold but this will not change them because their pride will prevent them from doing so, until My fire will come from Heaven to cleanse all evil from this sinful world.”
“Only then will My chosen and faithful rejoice in My new Creation and love Me and learn to love Me, obeying in all My Will and will remain joyful and happy in their God who loves them so much.”
“Fear not, remain faithful to Me, for these things must happen. Feel not alarmed, pray and trust Me. I, the Lord, have spoken true, My faithful and humble servant.”
He then departed, very serious and solemn in His manner.
Lord have mercy on all mankind. Our Lord asked me for us to take this message seriously. Read it carefully and if you are not converted please make an effort to understand. Valentina.