✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
St Patricks Cathedral
Vision of our Lord Jesus on Calvary
During Holy Mass, after I received Holy Communion and returned to my pew and knelt, I prayed to our Lord as I was consuming the Host. Suddenly, I had a vision of our Lord Jesus on Calvary. Blessed Mother was to His right, and surrounding the Holy Cross were all the angels and saints of Heaven.
Our Lord spoke to me and said, “You have to consume Me right away after you receive Me.”
At St Patricks Cathedral, the Holy Host is quite large and hard to swallow, that it takes me a bit of time before I can fully consume It.
He said, “Swallow Me so that I can work better in you. I still manifest in front of you on Calvary.”
As I didn’t swallow Jesus right away, He appeared to me on the Cross on Calvary. Only when I swallowed the Host did the vision then disappear.
I said, “I thank You, my Lord, for coming to me in the Holy Eucharist, and I ask pardon and mercy for myself and all the people that receive You unworthily, and I thank you on behalf of myself and everyone.”
All Souls Day
Every first Saturday of the Month, I meet with my prayer group. Today, during our prayers, Blessed Mother appeared.
Smiling, she said, “My children, I am so happy that you gather again in your prayer group, especially today, for Holy Souls. They are anxiously waiting on your prayers. Many will still be raised to Heaven. They need your prayers.”
All the prayers said during the gathering were offered for the Holy Souls.
Blessed Mother was ever so grateful and thankful.
All Saints Day
During the Holy Mass, before the Consecration, I received a beautiful vision of Blessed Mother and our Lord Jesus.
In the vision, the walls and ceiling of the church disappeared, and I could see Heaven above with millions of Saints and our Blessed Mother and our Lord Jesus in the centre. Then just beneath Heaven, I could see the earthly church, the Mass that we are participating in united to Heaven. I could also see Purgatory, with the souls there waiting and yearning to be released to Heaven. Heaven, Earth, and Purgatory are all celebrating in unison.
Our Lord said, “See, that is why you have to proclaim My Holy Word and explain to them that I wish that they would all come to Me. I wish them to convert and come to know Me. Especially today, with so much paganism in the world, they need to hear My Holy Word.”
“I wish the world to come to Me so that they can also rejoice in My Heavenly Kingdom, which I desire so much for the world.”
“Pray always for Priests and Bishops, many of them need to be purified. They have to be retained longer in Purgatory because they disobeyed Me while they were alive on earth by not speaking the Truth.”
We need to pray for Holy Souls and for the conversion of sinners, which our Lord laments so much.
Cleanse your Soul for Christmas
In the afternoon while I was praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet, suddenly a very nice-looking gentleman walked into my kitchen through the back door. He was quite tall with greying, short hair. He was wearing conventional clothes, light bone-coloured pants with a white shirt.
The gentleman spoke to me in Slovenian and said, “I bring you good wishes and regards.”
He then asked me, “Are you preparing for Christmas?”
I answered, “O Yes, I’ve started cleaning my kitchen. I offer everything for the Holy Souls when I do my cleaning to purify their souls so that they can go to Heaven.”
He said, “That is good, but from now on, as you prepare for Christmas, you must always cleanse your soul, to be ready to greet Jesus your Saviour, for Christmas. He wishes people to greet Him, pure and holy. That is what is most important.”
With curiosity, I asked Him, “Where do You come from? Where do You live?”
Smiling and with His right Hand pointing towards Heaven, He answered, “I come from the Most High.”
I said, “But what is the name of that place?”
He told me three different names of the places which I never heard before.
He said, “Anyway, they are in the High Up.”
At that moment, I suddenly realised that this is God the Father! I felt so foolish for not recognising Him right away, as I saw Him numerous times on earth before.
Our Father in Heaven does not immediately make Himself known but likes for you to recognise Him slowly. He wants you to work it out for yourself, but He will help you.
He then showed me a Baby, about six months old, lying on the ground, and crying uncontrollably. The Baby was wearing a dusty blue tunic. Next to the Baby was a soft, light grey blanket with pastel blue coloured prints all over it. I immediately knew this was Baby Jesus. He just kept crying and crying.
I said to God the Father, “Look, the Baby is crying!”
God the Father, said, “Do you know why He is crying? He wants to be lifted up by you.”
I then took the blanket to wrap Baby Jesus and then to lift Him up. I proceeded to lift Him up from the waist when God the Father, interrupted me, and said, “No, no, not that way, you will hurt Him.”
God the Father, then showed me how I should lift Baby Jesus. While demonstrating, He explained, “Put one arm under His Legs, and one under His Back and Head, and then raise Him up.”
I did as He told me and said, “Father, the Baby Jesus is still crying. Why is He crying?”
God the Father replied, “You know why? You must console Him and tell Him you love Him because the world rejects Him and does not love Him.”
Baby Jesus calmed down a little as I held Him, but He was still sobbing deeply.
God the Father then asked me, “How many sisters do you have?”
I thought to myself, ‘but You know everything,’ but still I answered, “We are three here in Australia.”
He asked, “Do you love one another?”
I answered, “Oh, yes, we love each other very much. We never fight. Sometimes we have disagreements, but we are never angry with each other, and we forgive each other quickly.”
Approvingly waving His index Finger, He said, “That’s the way! Love one another, not like the world, is today. They hate one another, and they do not forgive one another. There is a lack of love in the world today. The world would be beautiful if only people would love one another and forgive each other.”
God the Father and Baby Jesus then departed.
God the Father have mercy on us.
St Patricks Cathedral, Chapel
The White Rose
On Friday after we had finished the Cenacle Rosary prayers, three of us walked towards the Sanctuary of Blessed Mother, ‘Our Lady Help of Christians’.
I looked around the pedestal upon which the statue was standing, for the white rose that I had placed for Blessed Mother and our Lord Jesus exactly one week ago, just as She had asked of me, so that I would console them. It wasn’t there. Someone has moved it and placed it next to some other flowers that were sitting on the floor in front of the statue.
How beautiful and fresh it still looked, considering it had been sitting in a vase of water for the last week.
Today when I came to attend the 11am Sunday Mass, I approached the sanctuary of our Lady Help of Christians, to thank Blessed Mother for giving me the grace to come to the Holy Mass.
I said, “Blessed Mother, here I am. I thank you for the grace that you and your Son Jesus give me to be here today.”
I then looked down to find the white rose that I had placed there, but I couldn’t find it. All the other flowers that I saw on Friday, were still there. I was disappointed, thinking what had happened to it?
With sadness in my heart I said, “Oh the rose is gone!”
I looked up at Blessed Mother and I could see that she had a sad expression on her face. She said, “Don’t look for the rose because somebody has taken it away. I am sad because the white rose, was meant for Me and My Son, for consolation as we asked of you.”
I lamented, “Oh Blessed Mother! How can they take things away from the church, especially from in front of your statue? Blessed Mother I shall replace it with another one for you.”
She said, “Somebody who read the message (about the rose), thought that if they take the rose, it will be a special grace given to them. I am disappointed in the people who do these things. It is like stealing from the church.”
We cannot cheat Blessed Mother or our Lord Jesus as they know everything, and they see everything. The rose was meant for them to console them, because of the sins committed in the world and for all the offences committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Only Anointed Hands should touch the Holy Eucharist
I said my morning prayers and then I prayed the Divine Praises. Our Lord said that when we say this prayer, it is for atonement and for the reparation of our sins.
Blessed be God.
Blessed be His Holy Name.
Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God and true Man.
Blessed be the Name of Jesus.
Blessed be His Most Sacred Heart.
Blessed be His Most Precious Blood.
Blessed be Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar.
Blessed be the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete.
Blessed be the great Mother of God, Mary most Holy.
Blessed be her Holy and Immaculate Conception.
Blessed be her Glorious Assumption.
Blessed be the name of Mary, Virgin and Mother.
Blessed be St. Joseph, her most chaste spouse.
Blessed be God in His Angels and in His Saints. Amen.
As I was praying this prayer our Lord appeared to me.
Lord Jesus said, “Valentina, I want you to write the words that I am going to tell you. Many people who are ministers of the Holy Eucharist, practically everywhere in all the churches they always say, ‘I was inspired by our Lord to do that!’ They feel very privileged and they feel very special.”
“No, My children! I never inspire anyone. That is very false. How can they make up all of this? I would never inspire a person to serve Me in the Holy Eucharist and to touch Me. No one should touch Me and serve Me in the Holy Eucharist, only the hands that are anointed by Me. They are My priests and bishops. They are the one’s I have chosen and anointed to serve Me.”
“Lay people make up their own beliefs, thinking that if they serve me, they are privileged and are much closer to Me. No, My children! You offend me, and sacrilege Me, so deeply that the whole of Heaven is upset for Me.”
“It is your pride that allows all of this. However, this is false. It is not from God. It is from the evil spirit that wants to sacrilege Me in the Holy Eucharist. No, My children! I love you but be humble. I do not want you to think that you please Me by doing this. No, My children! You offend Me terribly.”
“You have no idea how sacred is My Body. In the olden days, even the priests and bishops trembled when they would hold Me, because they believed in My True Presence.
Poor and hungry people suffering in the World
It was late evening and I had just finished my prayers. I picked up the Holy Bible and opened the pages to St Paul and began to read. I really love this Gospel, it is a very good teaching and simple to understand.
I was hoping to have good night’s sleep, instead, I started to experience an intense pain throughout my whole body, especially my left leg. I kept lamenting to our Lord, as the pain was so intense that it kept me up all night.
As dawn broke our Lord suddenly appeared to me and said, “Valentina, My child, I Am very sorry that you are in so much agony. It is I Who gave you extra strong pain to endure.”
Jesus then invited me to come with Him.
He said, “Come with Me and I will show you why you have to suffer.”
Suddenly, our Lord Jesus and I were in the middle of the Continent of Africa, in some remote place. He took me to meet some abandoned, poor people with little children. What I saw I will never forget. The children were dying of starvation, along with their mothers. They had nothing to eat and I could see their rib cages protruding out, there was no flesh, their eyes were large and completely sunken, their teeth were just like hanging from a skeleton.
Our Lord Jesus was so sad at the sight of the suffering of these poor people. He said, “My child, look at how they suffer. There is nothing for them to eat. They are persecuted and abandoned left to be killed by evil tribes.”
“Every minute, one or more die. This tears My Heart into pieces to watch these people in so much poverty. This should not happen. There are so many millionaires in the world, rich men, but they are only for themselves, and they are still grabbing and accumulating more wealth. The more they have, the more they want.”
Jesus repeated twice, “Greed! Greed! Never enough!’
“If they could only share some of their wealth, how many graces they would receive from Me. Instead they are cold-hearted and selfish.”
Our Lord took one of the babies and held it in His Holy Hands. He then gently placed the baby back in the mother’s arms, but the baby died. The mother was too weak to cry out, as she watched her little baby die.
Our Lord blessed them, making the Sign of the Cross with His Holy Hand. We then left this place, and our Lord took me to a Middle Eastern country.
There, too, we stopped, and our Lord sadly shook His Holy Head in disbelief at what was happening. I could see how He was finding it difficult to hold back His Tears. His Eyes were all watery.
I started to cry at what I saw. In this place, everything was ruined and devastated. All the people were being persecuted. They were crying, with no food to eat, or water to drink. I could see adults running away from the bombs that were falling. I could see many children screaming and crying.
Our Lord kept repeating, “See, My child, how they suffer. Every day, many innocent children and ordinary men and women are killed. This war and all the evil that is happening here, should not be. But evil men want to fight and cause all evil, because the devil tells them to do so, to reduce the population in all parts of the world. So much misery, so much hate, so much unnecessary suffering.”
Our Lord then said, “I didn’t plan to judge the world yet, but the way it is going, worse than ever, I will judge soon.” Jesus spoke these words as we watched all this misery.
Our Lord turned to me and said, “Valentina, My child, please tell the world to repent of their sin and greed. Greed is a terrible sin. It can even cause you to lose your soul.”
“Valentina, the pain that you endure, it is for all of that, which I reveal to you. It gives Me some consolation for My Sacred Heart which is bleeding of too much pain for what I now see in the world.”
Our Lord is so sad.
Lord Jesus come to help the needy and bless them and give them strength in their daily persecution and struggles.