✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
While praying the Cenacle Rosary at home, I prayed an Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be for Pope Francis.
Immediately our Lord spoke to me. He said, “Do you know that Pope Francis today has more enemies in the world that are against his teachings, than enemies in the Vatican?”
“Pray for Pope Francis,” He said.
This morning I was praying my morning prayers when, all of a sudden, I could see many souls, both men and women, all begging me for help. This group was constantly moving, never still, as this is part of their penance for sins committed while they were alive.
Suddenly one of the souls from the group approached me. I felt that this particular soul was a priest. He came towards me and then just as quickly would run away, constantly moving. He would do the same thing a second time, and only when he approached me the third time did he stop.
He said, “Valentina, I am Bishop Bede. I was directed to you. Remember I was the Bishop of the Parramatta Diocese.”
While he was the Bishop of this Diocese, I met him on a few occasions, and I remember him quite well.
“I just want to tell you I wasn’t worthy to be dressed in the white garment. That is why I come to you for help,” said the Bishop.
Kindly and very politely, he asked me, “Will you help me?”
He was dressed very poorly in a suit made of sackcloth, of a brownish colour. He looked very sad and appeared middle-aged.
I answered, “Definitely, I will lead you to the Lord, to the Light, so that He will have mercy on you.”
The Bishop then left along with the other souls. It was our Lord who directed him to me.
I offered the Bishop and all the other souls present there to our Lord at Holy Mass that I attended later that morning. Lord have mercy on Bishop Bede and the other souls.
Today, during Holy Mass, when I was offering people to our Lord, I asked our Lord for the conversion of my family because I know there are quite a few of them that do not practice their faith anymore. I also asked for the conversion of many people so that our Lord would touch them.
Suddenly, Padre Pio appeared in front of me, very young looking and so radiant, wearing his brown Capuchin habit.
Smiling, in Italian, he said, “Valentina, Jesus sent me to console you because you worry too much. Don’t worry! You are chosen by our Lord, and He loves you so much, you have no idea! He sent me to tell you not to worry so much. Soon, there will appear in the world, the biggest sign that was prophesied and has never been before. It is not far away. It will come to the world, to humanity, and everyone will know that they are in the presence of God, and a lot of conversions will happen. So, don’t worry too much about who is converted and who is not converted. Everyone will be touched very strongly by this event. Just proclaim the Word of God, and be happy. He chose you, so spread His Holy Word when you can, and tell people to repent and to be ready for this big event that is coming. It is not far away; it is very, very near. The whole world will experience this, the biggest event to happen in the world, never before.”
I said, “Santo Padre Pio, you are so holy, your hands had the stigmata, the wounds of Jesus Christ.”
He said, “Valentina, we both work for our Lord. We are all His chosen children, and we are all His little servants, that we have to do and fulfil His Holy Will. Be courageous and do what He asks of you! Don’t be upset. Trust Him. Continue to pray because this sign, the biggest sign that is coming, approaching this world; nobody will refuse it. People will convert, you will see.”
Padre Pio then left. St Padre Pio, pray for us.
One day I was taken by an angel to a supermarket. We were walking through the supermarket, and the angel showed me the fruit section and how people taste test the fruits, even peeling mandarins and leaving the peel behind.
The angel said, “See, people touch and taste the fruit to see if it is right or not. Do not do that! When you die, you will come back and have to do penance and keep bringing back that which you stole. It belongs to the company. If you asked to taste, and they give permission, then you can taste, but without asking, that is stealing. In God’s Eyes, that is not good.”
The angel explained that it is not easy for souls to keep coming back to the supermarket; they cannot just walk in and return the stolen food. A considerable effort is required. I saw how they have to climb over what looked like a bench to get back to the supermarket and return the stolen food. They have to repeat this action repeatedly, which becomes extremely monotonous, and the soul gets fed up, but they have to continue.
Today the Holy Mass was celebrated by Bishop Vincent and assisted by Father Peter, Father Robert and Father Chadi. At the end of the Mass, the Bishop installed Father Robert as the new Dean and Administrator of the Cathedral.
Prior to the Bishop proclaiming the appointment of the new Dean, a lady was given the task of presenting Father Robert to the Bishop. As she was doing so, our Lord said, “That should not be. They have a congregation of priests there, and they could have made the announcement. Why does the lady have to do that? I don’t agree with that.”
As soon as the lady finished the introduction and Bishop Vincent proclaimed Father Robert as Dean, our Lord said, “Valentina, watch now! Now they are going to start clapping, the whole church, which doesn’t please Me at all.”
As soon as our Lord said this, the whole church started clapping.
I smiled and said, “Lord, you were so right!”
He said, “Why do they have to clap? They give glory to one another, they don’t think of Me, that I like reverence and holiness in My Church.”
Our Lord said during Holy Mass, “See, My child, people are confused about the weather patterns around the world. Now, in Australia, you have a deluge of water. People do not understand why the weather patterns are changing so quickly. For a long time, I have been preparing for this and have been adjusting and changing the weather patterns. Nature is suffering throughout all of this because of the sins of mankind. People do not repent, no matter what I send them!”
Our Lord continued, “People need to wake up and see that something is there that they need to change, but they don’t. The weather will continue to change and will get worse. It is changeable, and this disturbs people. But still, they will not acknowledge this enough to come to Me and repent, to ask Me to be merciful to them. They don’t acknowledge Me at all! But the weather pattern will change drastically and continuously throughout the world until people realise that they have to change.”
I saw Bishop Bede in a previous vision, and he told me how he was not worthy to receive the white garment.
I said I would help him and offer him up at the Holy Mass. I did so on the 21st March 2021, at the High Mass.
This morning when I was praying the Angelus at about six-thirty, Bishop Bede came to my room.
Smiling, he said, “Valentina, I come personally to thank you. What I needed was that Mass you offered for me on Sunday and that Mass opened up the door to Heaven for me. I was waiting for that Mass.”
He embraced me and said, “Now I am safe, and I really thank you and appreciate so much for your offering.”
I was so happy and said, “Gee, that was quick.”
“That Mass and the prayer you offered for me, our Lord accepted and opened Heaven for me. I appreciate and cannot thank you enough how happy I am.”
He was so joyous and radiant and glowing in holiness. He was younger than in the previous vision, dressed in a white garment, as worn by Bishops.
Lord, thank you for being merciful to the Holy Souls.
Today, when I prayed the Divine Praises during my morning prayers, our Lord came, and He was smiling. He said, “Valentina that pleases Me very much. I Am going to give you an example. There was a man at one time living on earth, and he loved Me very much. He used to come to church every day, and he was so devoted to Me. He came every day to the church for years and years. He was lonely, and he lived by himself. He would come and lament to Me, and pray to Me and converse with Me, even if I didn’t answer him. But he knew I was listening to him, and he would receive peace.”
“One day, he came to the church and found that the Tabernacle was obscured by flowers. It was all covered up with greenery and flowers, and he received the shock of his life. He said, ‘Why did they do this? That never happened before! It looks like they don’t want me. He thought, ‘If the Lord cannot see me or hear me that he would not talk to me.’”
“So, he walked out of the church with a broken heart. So disappointed was he that he never came back any more. Soon after that, the man died because he was elderly.”
In a vision, the Lord showed me the gentlemen. He was a rather tall man, an elderly person. The only consolation he received on earth was being in front of the Holy Tabernacle in the church.
Our Lord said, “When the man died, I, with My open arms, accepted him in Heaven, because He was so devoted to Me, and I was very upset for him, that his heart was broken because he could no longer talk to Me and come to Me. I explained to him that even though they covered the Tabernacle with flowers and greenery, I would still see him and listen to him. But because he was such a simple and loving person, he did not understand this. When I explained all that to him, I rewarded him in Heaven for being so devoted to Me, and now he lives so happily ever after in Heaven with Me. His reward was big in Heaven.”
Our Lord continued, “For instance, I do not like that some churches put a lot of flowers in front of the Tabernacle. I do not like any flowers in front of the Tabernacle. I want the Tabernacle to be free.”
Our Lord explained, “It is like a blockage. I Am Divine, I can still see, but people think they please Me to place a lot of flowers in front of the Tabernacle, but I don’t want that. I want It free. The Tabernacle must be free. It must be on Its own, and in the centre. If they place flowers, they should be put on the side or at the bottom, but not in front of Me.”
My heart was so touched by our Lord telling me about the loving, sensitive and simple elderly man.
In the morning, around five o’clock, I was suffering so severely that the angel came and said, “Come and witness something. You will be shocked at what you see.”
He brought me to a church that I could not recognise, nor did I know its location. Inside I could see a priest in priestly vestments behind the Altar. There were only a few people in the pews. As I was standing to the side of the Altar, I could not see the priest’s face.
The angel said, “Kneel down and listen.”
I did as the angel instructed and watched and listened to what was happening in front of me.
The priest turned towards the few people in the church and said, “I cannot serve the Mass until I nail every nail around the Altar. When I finish hammering all the nails around the Altar, then I will celebrate the Mass.”
I could see the nails were new and very long, about fifteen centimetres in length. The Altar was covered in a white tablecloth and had what looked like timber surrounding the edges. The priest proceeded to hammer each nail into the wood using a huge hammer. He hammered each nail right next to each other. As I watched what he was doing, I thought to myself, ‘he will never finish; this will take forever.’
I started to cry and said, “Oh my Lord, he is hammering our Lord Jesus to the Cross!”
I looked around and asked the angel, “Where is the Tabernacle?”
“Go to your right, it is an L-Shape, and there you will find the Tabernacle,” answered the angel.
I looked around the corner and saw the Tabernacle on the side. I noticed that there was no Perpetual Light.
In the meantime, the priest was still hammering the nails into the Altar. I could see the people waiting and looking, wondering what is going on.
Then our Blessed Mother, St Joseph and little Boy Jesus appeared next to me. I ruffled Jesus’s wavy hair, and He smiled. The Holy Family came to console me because I was crying at what I saw happening in front of me.
Blessed Mother said, “They try to cover up my Son and deny Him so they will do anything to get rid of Him.”
“This is happening throughout many churches in the world today,” they told me.
Lord, have mercy on us and on the whole world.