✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
Baby Jesus and the Signs on His Right Foot
During the night, I suffered extreme pain in my leg. It was unbearable. I kept saying, “Lord, how am I going to go to church if You don’t give me a little rest?”
Towards the early morning hours, the pain started to leave me as our Lord took a lot of it away. As I was beginning to feel better, I decided to pray my morning prayers.
Suddenly, Blessed Mother appeared holding Baby Jesus in her arms. He looked so beautiful. Blessed Mother said, “I come to console you. I come to bring you my Son, to give you courage so that you do not think of your suffering.”
She asked, “Would you like to hold my Baby?”
“Oh, I’d love to,” I replied.
“He wants to come to you,” she said, as she gently placed Him in my hands.
I said, “Oh Blessed Mother, I am not worthy, but feel very privileged that I hold Baby Jesus.”
She said, “He loves to come to you because you console Him.”
I was touching His little Feet and playing with Him. His Eyes were so big and full of love and passion.
I said, “Blessed Mother, how beautiful! There is no baby so beautiful as Baby Jesus.”
She said, “No, there is no-one anywhere as beautiful as He is. You must understand that He is Almighty God, and He is so holy.”
Baby Jesus was radiant, dressed in a white satin outfit. His little Feet were bare. He was so calm, so peaceful and serene.
I admired and played with His little Feet when suddenly, I noticed on His right Foot markings. They were like wounds that had healed and a mark left behind, like little signs.
I asked Blessed Mother, “Why are these marks on His little Foot?”
She explained, “He was already born with these signs. These are Biblical Signs that represent that He is God, and He is Christ, and He is very holy.”
I could see on each toe the following signs:
‘C’ represents Christ.
I couldn’t see the sign on the littlest toe as it was too small.
The signs are on His right Foot because this represents power and strength, that He is God, and He can put His Foot down to crush evil. Each sign has a different meaning.
For quite a long time, we were sharing in the joy of Baby Jesus.
Thank you, Blessed Mother and Baby Jesus for the beautiful grace that you reveal to me.
Bear it with Love
St Patrick’s Cathedral, Parramatta
Today, during the Holy Mass, I said “Lord, I am sorry that we offend You with the wearing of the mask. I feel so uncomfortable, and it is so annoying.”
Our Lord responded, “Bear it! Bear it with love.”
And then He said, “I tell you once more, through the Coronavirus, that has spread all over the world, I was hoping people would convert and repent and change.”
“But they haven’t, only a very few have,” He said.
“How people are so blind. Repentance is everything. When they repent, I Am willing to forgive and to forget. But if they don’t repent, My right Hand is very heavy. I have to lower it down again. You’d better tell My children something else will come.”
“Repentance is the key word today,” He said
When people repent of their sins, stop offending God, and adjust their lives, God will definitely be merciful. If people don’t, who knows what is ahead of us. The future is in our hands.
A Soul Receives the Everlasting Crown of Life
At home, while I was praying the Rosary and the Consecration to our Blessed Mother, I asked Blessed Mother, “Is it still good the way we consecrate ourselves to your Immaculate Heart, during the Cenacle prayers?”
Blessed Mother appeared. In her hands, she held what looked like a board with prayers on it. She said, “Oh, yes, that is good. You must continue.”
I continued praying when suddenly I was taken away and found myself in Heaven, sitting on a bench next to our Blessed Mother. We began chatting to each other, when, suddenly, to our right, coming through a door were many people. Amongst them was a lady I knew from my local Slovenian Church. Her name is Maria. She looked so radiant and beautiful and was beautifully dressed.
She came in and joyfully exclaimed, “I was dead, and now I am alive! And I will live forever and ever!”
Blessed Mother was smiling as Maria came towards us. She embraced Blessed Mother and kissed her on both cheeks. Maria was grateful to her, as Blessed Mother probably consoled her many times. She then also kissed me on both cheeks and then hugged me.
She then stood back. There were other ladies there as well. She said, “I have received the Crown of Life, and no-one will ever take it away from me. I will live forever and will never die again.” She was so happy, and Blessed Mother was smiling.
Maria continued and said, “I can do anything I want now, and right now, I am going to visit three places.” She now had freedom, and never again will she die. She was so happy and joyous.
While she was alive on earth, I remember Maria had ginger-blonde hair, and her face had many prominent age spots. However, now she looked so beautiful, her face was now spotless and so radiant. Blessed Mother was so joyful with her.
I said to Maria, “Maria, I prayed for you too.”
“I know you did,” she said.
A few years ago, I met Maria in Purgatory; the angel took me there. She was among a lot of people. When I came near her, she turned her face away from me. She looked very sad and miserable. I remember I said to her that I was surprised she was still in Purgatory, I thought she would already be in Heaven. She told me that she was not worthy to even look at me. I asked her why. She said that while she was alive, she, along with others, criticised me as they didn’t believe I truly received messages from Heaven and that I had Heavenly experiences. For this, she told she had to suffer in Purgatory.
I told her back then, not to worry that I forgive her and that I will help her and pray for her, as I wanted to give her encouragement.
Now, Maria is in Heaven, completely transformed, so beautiful and radiant. God is so good.
Blessed Mother then said to me, “Well, now, I have to go and visit three people on earth. One of them is Rudi, whom you know. He is waiting for your messages. You promised him the messages, but you did not give them to him yet. He loves the messages. He loves our Holy Word, and I am going to visit him. I love Rudi very much; he is very devoted to me.” She then said the names of two other people she will visit. I did not know them.
Thank you, Blessed Mother, for your prayers and your love for all your children.