✞ When souls are all filled with God, storms have no strength to agitate them even slightly.
African American Boys with Gold Hair
In the morning, while I was praying, all of a sudden, I could see a vision come towards me.
It was a group of young African American boys, and they were all coming into my bedroom. There was so much light in my room coming from their hair. Five of the boys came forward, but there were many more behind them. They were in a big group, all joyfully talking amongst themselves. They were so beautiful and so happy.
I said, “Oh My God!” Their hair was completely gold! The brilliant light radiating from their hair illuminated my room. I have never experienced anything like it. They were so joyful.
The boys said to me, “Tell people not to mourn for us, but to pray for us because our Lord instantly rewarded us for the suffering we went through. We were innocent. We were killed by police in America, but instead of rioting, people should pray for them.”
As I was admiring their beautiful, thick, and curly golden hair, I was also listening to them. The boys were telling me how they had died; many of them were shot in the back, killed by guns. They all died as martyrs. They wanted to show me what our Lord Jesus had done for them.
Diverting my attention to their completely golden hair, they joyfully exclaimed, “Valentina, look at the reward we have received! We received the Golden Crown of Life in Heaven.”
I was so amazed, I said, “I have never experienced anything like this before.”
All these boys with the golden hair knew my name, and they came to me so that I would witness what our Lord Jesus had done for them. Now they are so happy.
I said, “Oh, this is beautiful.”
And then they left, smiling and so delighted with their reward from our Lord.
Thank You, my Lord Jesus, for giving them this special grace, the Golden Crown of Life.
Obeying the Will of God
This message was given to Me by our Lord this morning after I prayed for my friends, two sisters, Veronique and Eileen. I prayed for them the night before and on Sunday after they had told me about money being wrongfully taken from them by a tradesman.
This morning I was in my kitchen making a cup of coffee with some toast and was just about to have a little breakfast when our Lord spoke to me.
He said, “I want you to write down what I Am about to tell you, and I want you to pass it on to Veronique as soon as you can.”
Then our Lord said, “Valentina, My child, I want you to give this message to Veronique and Eileen. Tell them that I, the Lord, have spoken. I choose Veronique to do My Will, not to raise dogs. That is against My Will.”
“I choose her to be My apostle and to help you to bring people to conversion, and to know Me. It is now very urgent that I want My children to do My Will and to obey Me.”
“I know Veronique worries how she will survive in the future with no income coming to her.”
Then our Lord spoke directly to Veronique.
He said, “I, your Father, will always provide for you and your sister. Trust Me. Your house, I choose to be a House of Prayer, not to raise dogs. I am totally against all of that.”
“I want you to make a beautiful Sanctuary for Me and My Mother. We love you very much, and you will always receive My blessings and My abundant graces that I will pour on you two.”
As our Lord was telling me this, I could definitely see Blessed Mother smiling.
He said, “Be at peace, and I, Lord Jesus, love you and bless you.”
“I, the Lord, have spoken.”
I said, “Oh Lord, how am I going to give her this message? She will not like that.”
He replied, “Tell her the Truth! It was not My Will from the very beginning to start this.”
Thank you, Lord Jesus, for this beautiful message.
The World is Now in the Biggest Mud
St Patricks Cathedral, Parramatta
During Holy Mass, I said, “Lord, be merciful. I offer up the people suffering from the Coronavirus all over the world, especially in Europe and Brazil, which is really bad. Can you please heal the world?”
Our Lord answered, “Valentina, I can heal the world in a minute if I want to, but I will not. People must come to Me and ask Me for repentance. If I heal the world, which I can, even if things go back to normal, people will never come to Me. They will never acknowledge Me nor what I have done for them. They will just continue to live in the mud.”
“Do you know that now the world is in the biggest mud? They, in the world, are rolling in dark, wet mud, which I spoke to you about previously; the mud on earth, how much mud there is. There is so much sin that you cannot comprehend. I tell you, you had better talk to people and tell them My Mercy is limited. I keep warning and warning My people. My mercy is limited,” our Lord said.
It made me so upset to hear what our Lord was telling me. People don’t take notice of His warnings. Lord Jesus have mercy on the world.
This Church is Right Down to the Ground
St Patricks Cathedral, Parramatta
When I came to church for Holy Mass, I first walked into the Chapel, to the Sanctuary of Our Lady Help of Christians, lit a holy candle and said a prayer to Blessed Mother and Baby Jesus.
I said to Blessed Mother, “I love you, and I thank you for bringing me to church today.”
She said, “Me and my Son, we are so sad for this church. It is right down to the ground, and it is not getting any better. We are crying for this church. There is such a mixture of things going on here. It is so bad and so dark in this church, and nobody really cares about it. People are protesting, but nothing happens. Tell my children to pray a lot for this church as it is really bad, and I don’t know how it will end up.”
I said, “Wouldn’t St Joseph protect it?”
She said, “No, because there is too much of a mixture of things in it. The Bishop has confused everyone. The priests don’t speak up, and they are afraid of him; they don’t say anything, such as to pray for this church. They respect him because he is the Bishop. He has confused everybody, the whole church. The church is really down to the ground.”
Blessed Mother said that unless people really pray for this Church, it will continue to stay down.
After Blessed Mother told me how bad it is in the church and how down it is, I went before the Holy Tabernacle, knelt and prayed the Divine Praises to our Lord.
Immediately our Lord said, “You better write down what Me and My Mother have told you. This is a fact and the truth about what is going on in this Church. This is reality.”
So, if our Lord says this, then I believe in Him. Who is more Truth than God Himself?
Lord Jesus have mercy on this church.
Holy Souls Hungry and Thirsty for our Lord
St Patricks Cathedral, Parramatta
All night long, until about seven o’clock in the morning, I endured a lot of suffering for the Holy Souls. I saw many souls. I suffered an unusual pain in my leg. It was unbearable. It felt like the flesh was being torn from my bone.
All night long, I could see the angels guarding me and protecting me from the demons.
The angel said, “Put a little Holy Water on your leg, and that will ease the pain.” I did as he instructed.
Our Lord permits this suffering for the Holy Souls and for the whole world.
Today, during the Holy Mass, after I received our Lord Jesus in Holy Communion, I went back to my pew and was kneeling, thanking and praising our Lord, when all of a sudden, I noticed many Holy Souls around me. They were all looking at me.
They said, “Valentina, how blessed you are to receive Lord Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. You are very blessed. We wish we could receive Him. We are hungry and thirsty for the Holy Eucharist. Please offer some for us. We did not receive Him whilst we were alive, and now we are suffering. Can you please, please offer some for us, on our behalf.”
The Holy Souls are always in the church waiting. They are waiting for someone to offer them up to our Lord. When I came to church, I offered the souls in the church before the mass began, but they are still present during the distribution of Holy Communion.
We should so much appreciate that we can receive our Lord Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. After people die, they know the Truth, but they can no longer help themselves. So, we should pray for the Holy Souls and offer them to our Lord at the Holy Mass.
Thank you, Lord Jesus for this beautiful teaching about the Holy Souls.
Listen only to our Lord Jesus
In the afternoon, I was praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet.
I said, “Lord Jesus, people I meet, know all kinds of information they receive from the internet. When they talk to me about the things they have read or listened to on the internet, I am surprised because I don’t know anything about the things they talk about.”
Almost immediately, our Lord Jesus answered, and He responded, “Valentina, the less you know, the better.”
“All the talk they spread will only upset you, and will not give you peace, and will disturb you. Listen only to Me.”
Thank You, Lord Jesus, for giving me Your peace.
Baby Jesus shivering from the cold
In the morning, while I was praying, Blessed Mother appeared with Baby Jesus as a little toddler.
Blessed Mother said, “I brought you my Son. He is very cold. He needs to be covered up and dressed.”
“Why is He cold? I asked
“He is cold because there is so much coldness from people, and rejection of my Son in the world. That is why He feels cold,” She said.
“When you speak to people about my Son, and when you praise my Son, and they listen to you, then in this way you dress Him in beautiful warm clothes.”
“The more you talk beautifully to people about my Son, and introduce Him to others, then you dress Him.”
I saw how His little Body was shivering from the cold. Nearby I saw a little child’s singlet, I took it, and I put the little singlet on Him.
He looked at it, and immediately He reacted as a child would react to something he doesn’t like.
“I don’t want it!” He said.
So, He pulled it off Himself and threw it.
In a gentle voice, Blessed Mother said, “He likes to be dressed in a little jacket.”
Nearby I saw a little white jacket, so I picked it up and put it on Him.
Then, Blessed Mother said, “He wants another jacket as well.”
Again, I saw another white jacket, slightly longer than the first one. I picked it up and put it on baby Jesus, over the first jacket.
I could see He was pleased with this.
Cenacle Rosary Prayer Gathering at a Friend’s House
Yesterday, I was invited to Ingrid’s family home for a prayer gathering. It was a beautiful afternoon of prayer and sharing our faith with Ingrid’s family and friends. We all gathered in the living room, around the statue of our Lady of Fatima, to pray the Cenacle Rosary. We then prayed the Divine Mercy Chaplet. It was all so peaceful and beautiful.
This morning when I was praying, our Lord came and said, “You’d better get a pen and some paper. I want you to write this message for Ingrid and her family.”
Our Lord Jesus said, “My child Valentina, it pleases Me very much that I, your Lord Jesus and My beloved Mother Mary Most Holy, we want you to go to Ingrid and Wayne’s home, to their family. I tell you, the whole family is very devoted to us. Their faith is very strong.”
“Their house has already been chosen by Us from Heaven, and in the very near future, it will be a House of Prayer and a shelter for many people,” He said.
Our Lord was very joyful while He was telling me this message.
Today, in her home, Ingrid displayed all the Messages that I received from our Lord, Blessed Mother, many Saints and Angels, from when it all began.
The Messages were beautifully presented on a coffee table, in three extra-large white folders, all neatly filed. On the covers of each folder was a large holy image of our Lord Jesus and Blessed Mother. They were displayed on the coffee table for everyone to read.
While our Lord was talking to me, He also showed me how He and Blessed Mother were talking to each other and admiring the way Ingrid so beautifully and lovingly compiled all the Messages that I have received from Heaven. They were in date order, commencing from the very beginning when it all started.
I watched our Lord and Blessed Mother converse with each other, both pointing to the displayed Messages as they were talking about them. Our Lord was dressed in a long white tunic covered by a red mantle. Blessed Mother was also in a long white tunic, with a blue mantle over her shoulders and a shorter white mantilla covering her head.
Our Lord said, “I also want to tell you that I have not seen anywhere such a beautiful display, of perfection, like in Ingrid’s house.”
Our Lord was looking at me and then looking at the display of Messages from Heaven. With His right Hand, pointing to me and then to Himself, He said, “These are the Messages, yours and Mine. I, Myself Am so impressed, while looking at them and admiring them. She is truly our beautiful daughter.”
“Never in any house have I experienced anything like this,” our Lord said.
“I tell you, these Messages will serve many people, teaching them when the time comes; that is My Holy Word. Tell Ingrid that I bless her and the family, and I Am so happy that she teaches and shares the faith with the family and with many other people.”
Seeing the Messages displayed in the form of large books, Lord Jesus said, “This reminds Me how in olden times, in the temples, they would display the scrolls, so people could learn and read the Holy Word of God, which was beautiful and precious.”
Blessed Mother and our Lord were very pleased with how the Messages from Heaven were presented.