Latest Messages

By Valentina Papagna

November 1 thru November 7, 2021

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Solemnity of All Saints

Today I attended Holy Mass at St Patrick’s Cathedral, Parramatta. We all needed to wear a face mask when inside the church, and I found it most uncomfortable wearing the mask.

During the Holy Mass, our Lord Jesus appeared surrounded by a multitude of Saints. He looked so beautiful, in a satiny white garment, all aglow and with beams of the most brilliant light radiating from Him. The Saints surrounding Him were all in white garments, and they were praising and glorifying our Lord. Such a beautiful vision.

Suddenly our Lord became quite annoyed and even angry. He pointed to the mask on my face and, in a firm tone, said to me, “Take off that ugly thing from your face.”

I quickly obeyed our Lord and took off the mask, and threw it into my bag. The Saints were watching us present in the church, and they could see how in the Holy Presence of our Lord we were obeying the law of the world and not God’s Law.

Lord Jesus said, “Today all the Holy Saints are present with Me, and they feel very embarrassed for Me, seeing all the people in the church wearing the masks.”

“How are you all going to join the Saints in Heaven one day if you continue to do all the wrong things here on earth?”

“I tell you, there is no Coronavirus here in this church. How little trust My priests and bishops have in Me.”

Our Lord was very serious when telling me this message.

I said, “Lord, we have no say in this. They tell us that we must wear the mask.”

Lord Jesus, have mercy on us. Holy Saints in Heaven pray for us.


All Souls’ Day

This morning when I was praying my morning prayers, Blessed Mother came, and she was smiling.

She said, “Write down the good news; how many souls went to Heaven today, and they joined all the Saints, and together they praise and thank God for His mercy and His goodness.”

“After all the suffering they endured for a long time, and now having been cleansed and purified of all their sins, which they committed during their life on earth, today came their liberation.”

“They are the most happy to have entered their Heavenly home. However, not all of them went to Heaven today; those who remained behind are not yet ready to go to Heaven. Many have to stay longer in a place to be purified.”

Blessed Mother was then looking at me, and she said, “My daughter Valentina, at times it seems very difficult and hard for you when my Son permits you to endure very severe pain, but if you only knew and could see how many souls benefit from your suffering you would be more than happy.”

“My Son gives you strength every day,” she said.

I said, “My Mother, I couldn’t do it without our Lord Jesus.”

She said, “That is why you must trust Him always.”

Blessed Mother Mary Most Holy was very joyful and smiling for so many souls entered Heaven on the 1st and 2nd of November.

Thank You and praise You, Lord Jesus, for Your mercy and goodness.


Holy Souls Need our Prayers and Offerings

Today is the second week that we gathered for the weekly Cenacle Rosary in St Patrick’s Cathedral after three months of lockdown. During the Holy Rosary, people were mentioning their prayer petitions when suddenly Blessed Mother Mary Most Holy appeared.

She said, “How happy and pleased we are, Me and my Son, Jesus, that you gather together in a group once again. Today my dear children, I would like to ask you, if you will permit, to offer the Cenacle Rosary for the Holy Souls in Purgatory, since it is the month of November, so many souls would like to go to Heaven.”

“One day, you will be rewarded in Heaven with so much gratitude the souls have for those who contributed and helped them.”

“Thank you, my dear children, for helping the needy souls. Please always remember the Holy Souls in your prayers.”

Thank you, my Mother, Mary Most Holy.



There will be No More Petrol on Earth

This morning while I was praying, two angels came and took me to Purgatory. There I was given the task of washing a bundle of clothing, mainly blouses, but there were also some sheets. The washing I do in Purgatory helps the suffering souls.

When I finished the washing, one of the angels said to me, “Come with me; you have to witness something.”

I accompanied the two angels to a building. We entered, and inside there were more angels. I could see they were very busy writing up notes on a paper board, and I understood the written notes were being dictated to them by our Lord. Once they finished writing, they departed.

The angels and I were standing there, and I thought to myself, ‘I wonder what they are writing.’

The angel next to me said, “They are writing a very important message.”

The two angels writing on the board returned a second time to write the same message again. The angel next to me explained, “That confirms the message being written.”

“What is the message about?” I asked.

The angel answered, “Soon, on earth, there will be no more petrol.”

“What! How could that happen? People live long distances; they need cars to travel.” I said.

The angel repeated, “There will be no more petrol on earth, so people will not be able to travel by car.”

“But when will this happen?” I asked.

The angel replied, “It is coming, not right away, but it is coming.”

The angels did not explain to me how this would come about.

The two angels and I then left this place and entered a garden. As we went through this garden, I could see another angel seated there. I had a little piece of rolled-up paper in my hand, which I light-heartedly threw at this angel. He jumped up as I did so. I knew this angel from before. He was very tall and beautiful.

I said to this angel, “Did you hear what is going to happen on earth? They wrote down that there will be no more petrol on earth.”

He answered, “Well, what can I tell you? Tell people on earth to pray and to go to church. That is the only solution for everything. Tell people to return to church.”

The angel then walked away. The angel spoke in a serious tone.

I then conversed with the two angels I came with, and they confirmed, “Yes, yes, it is severe. This will envelop the whole earth. Go to church and pray and spread the Holy Word of our Lord.”


This Church is in Shambles

During the Holy Mass today, I had a vision of our Lord Jesus and two Saints. Saint Pope John Paul II was on His right side, and Saint Mary MacKillop was standing close by. Our Lord then spoke to me and said, “Pray for the Church. This Church is in a big shamble.”

“There are many in the world today they are like that, and they offend Me greatly, and they are disobedient to Me.”

Our Lord recommends very much to pray for this Church and others. He brought two important Saints to intercede for this Church. Lord Jesus was sitting on a chair with a brilliant light emanating from Him.

Saint Pope John Paul II was dressed as a Pope in beautiful gold-embroidered vestments, and Saint Mary MacKillop was dressed as a nun.