✞ The agony in the Garden was, in a special way, for the help of the dying; the agony on the Cross was for help at the last moment, at the very last breath.
It was about three-thirty in the afternoon when I started praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet. While I was praying, suddenly our Lord Jesus appeared.
He said, “Do you know that right now Putin gives Me so much pain; not with My Crown of Thorns, that I received during My Passion that was so excruciatingly painful, that I went through, but he pains Me now direct to My Sacred Heart, which is so painful. With his brutal killings and the destruction he is doing to innocent people and the little children.”
“Pray for My Mercy to enter and pray that with My Mercy, peace will descend. That is the way you will console Me.”
Lord, have mercy on the whole world.
Then I had a vision. Suddenly the angel appeared, and we found ourselves walking through this valley, along a beautiful straight road, like an allée, lined with trees both on the left and right side.
We then came to another part of this very long road; it went for miles and miles. The trees here were all burnt, charcoal black like they had been incinerated. There were only the tall stumps left on both sides of the road.
I said to the angel, “What does all this represent? It looks very depressing.”
The angel answered, “I’ll show you.”
“You walk through the Valley of Death. During this war, if Russia decides to launch a missile, the atomic missile, that’s what will happen. It will not only happen to the trees and nature, but it will happen to people. And it can happen at any time.”
“It also represents that if this happens, many people will die unrepentant, and their souls will be dry as well, and black like the tree stumps, without God.”
I said, “Oh, this is horrible.”
The angel said, “Valentina, you must proclaim the Mercy of God while you still can. Tell people to repent, to reconcile with God and to change their way of life because these things can all happen. Pray, so that our Lord will put His Almighty Hand here to stop this because they want to do it.”
This place was ever so depressing. It was complete desolation, just like after the bombing of an area, and all that is left has been incinerated. Here only the tree stumps remained, sticking out of the ground all black.
The trees must have been beautiful when they were lush green. The allée of beautiful tall trees, and a beautiful road, and then, all was incinerated. We live in times when we take everything for granted. We must pray for the world and for our Lord to intervene.