✞ The agony in the Garden was, in a special way, for the help of the dying; the agony on the Cross was for help at the last moment, at the very last breath.
While I was praying, the angel came and took me to Purgatory this morning. I would also like to tell you how Holy Michael the Archangel came.
I was in Purgatory with the angel, helping the Holy Souls. I was consoling them and talking to them. I was doing reparation for the souls, which the angel asked me to do so that they would be purified, to help them because today is the day before Divine Mercy Sunday, and many of the souls would still have a chance to go to Heaven on Divine Mercy Sunday.
Then, suddenly, Holy Michael came, and he said to me, “I come to tell you there is going to be a big earthquake in Yugoslavia.”
Then quickly, he corrected, “No! No, not in Yugoslavia, but in Melbourne.”
Both the angel and I stood there and listened to St Michael.
“Melbourne?” I said.
“It is going to be a pretty big one.” He said.
And then the angel and Holy Michael were talking, more like whispering, to one another, about how big this earthquake is going to be.
I was listening, and I could hear them saying, “It will be pretty big, over seven on the Richter scale.”
St Michael then said to me, “Tell people to pray.”
But he didn’t say whether it would happen today or tomorrow. I don’t know when it will happen.
Then I said, “Oh no, the poor people!”
The angel, admonishing me, said, “Don’t ever say that! Always say let it be the Will of God. Whatever God chooses for us to do, we, the angels, deliver because that was designed to happen. Only prayer can help and avert this.”