✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
During the Rosary prayer, our Lord Jesus came and showed me in a vision His Passion. I saw how the soldiers were scourging Him, and they stripped Him. With tears in my eyes, I watched His white and thin Holy Body, how they were scourging Him and beating Him up. So much Blood was pouring down onto the ground. Our Lord said, “See My child, how I suffer for humanity, and then I don’t receive much appreciation in return. But don’t be upset; this has to be done to redeem you all.”
“By the death of My Body, I Resurrected with the Glorified Body. Honour and meditate on My Passion, and My Wounds which are healing for all humanity.”
Blessed Mother then said, “My children, with the Cenacle Rosary, you achieve much more than with the Holy Rosary only, as there are more prayers said in the Cenacle. It is much more powerful, and you receive more graces.”
Thank you, my Mother, Mary Most Holy.