✞ For Jesus, the body is like the Tabernacle, the soul is like the pyx.
During the day, I saw on television, as part of the Australia Day Celebrations, the awards that the Australian Government was giving to various people for their contributions to Australia. I said to myself, “Lord, be merciful to this land Australia, and bless this land, because the people don’t understand that they should recognise You as their Lord and God.”
In the afternoon, while I was praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet, our Lord Jesus came and said, “Valentina, My child, while the Australian people praise themselves in everything, including material goods, but not in the spiritual, they do not realise that I bless this country abundantly compared to the rest of the world where there is so much poverty and hunger in many places, which hits the people very hard. People are dying, especially the little children. Do you know that breaks My Heart?”
“I call this selfishness and lack of charity,” He said.
Our Lord, with deep compassion and sadness, said, “There are so many rich people in the world, but they turn their backs on the poor children. I will judge them severely. Pray for the world and pray for the poor people. Pray for people to change because Australia offends Me very much. I have blessed Australia abundantly, but it will not always remain like that.”
He said, “Why Am I always pushed away and rejected? That is the saddest part. They don’t want Me.”
Lord Jesus, have mercy on Australia.