✞ For Jesus, the body is like the Tabernacle, the soul is like the pyx.
It was about one thirty in the morning when suddenly I started to feel very sick. I could not understand why I was feeling like that.
Suddenly the Blessed Mother Mary came. She said, “Valentina, My daughter, the horrific disaster that happened in Syria and Turkey is a deadly earthquake that has killed thousands and thousands of my children. They are crying to us in Heaven for help. They are buried alive under the heavy concrete. Many died instantly and unprepared without repentance.”
The Blessed Mother showed me how she was kneeling on their graves. She was dressed all in white, mourning and weeping for her children. She said, “Valentina, my daughter, you are part of our team. Help us to save these souls.”
“Accept the suffering that my Son, Jesus, gives you. I, as the Mother of all children, am there present to bring consolation to these children because they endure so much pain and misery. I never abandon them. Tell people to pray. They need so much prayer.”
From the moment Blessed Mary Most Holy showed me the horrific devastation caused by the earthquake, I experienced intense pain in my leg. It was burning like fire. This pain was offered for these souls to be saved. These souls were all buzzing like bees and crying in my room. They were begging for help. The sound they were making was so loud. They were desperate for help, not knowing where to go after dying. They needed direction.
In a vision, I could see Blessed Mother kneeling on the graves (the rubble), crying and weeping for her children. Everything was in complete darkness except for where our Lady was. She was in a circle of light.
The next day I went to Holy Mass. Our Lord Jesus asked me to offer Him all the Holy Souls during the Mass.
He said, “Offer Me all the Holy Souls that have died in this earthquake. It was an Act of My Mercy that I permit this to happen. Let the whole world view this, and remember that this can happen anywhere. Speak to people and tell the people to repent.”
Our Lord was very serious when He talked to me about this. He is constantly warning us, and He wants us to prepare and to repent, for this can happen anywhere in the world and at any time. But we are ignoring His warnings. In this earthquake, people were not ready. It came very suddenly.
Lord, have mercy on these people.