✞ One who lives up high in the Divine Will, is not subject to mutations.
At about five o’clock this morning, while I was praying, our Lord Jesus appeared looking very happy and joyful.
Our Lord Jesus came up so close to me. I cannot describe how beautiful He looked. He was dressed in a royal outfit. The colours were a combination of deep wine red and purple with a lot of gold trimming all over. He had beautiful wavy hair and beautiful, passionate Eyes.
He said, “Valentina, My child, I come to tell you that in Bernadette’s home, we were so thankful and joyful that she opened her home for the first time for prayer, and she invited many people.”
“She built the beautiful Grotto, and I tell you, the prayers reached all the surrounding area and extended even further to the city of Sydney, which is very sinful and which offends Me so much.”
“My children, prayer in these times is very essential and is needed to blind the Evil. He is constantly planning to do evil and to harm people, especially now that you are preparing for My Coming.”
“I come to you to sacrifice Myself and to save you. For this reason, I want to tell you to pray and not to fear, for I Am always with you. I Am always with all of you, My children when you gather to pray.”
“For this, I bless you all, and I give you special peace and graces, especially for My Nativity.”