✞ One who lives up high in the Divine Will, is not subject to mutations.
This morning at about seven thirty, while I was praying my Morning Prayers, our Lord suddenly appeared, accompanied by angels.
Our Lord said, “Peace be with you, My child Valentina. I come to express My sorrow to you. This time of the year should be the most joyous of all. I come to the world for all humanity to be saved. Instead, looking around the world, I Am so abundantly rejected and refused. Humanity does not acknowledge Me at all. The evil is so strong among people that he (the evil one) tries to take away their faith completely.”
“People are so blind and are lead by the evil, with all the buying and selling.”
In an angry tone, our Lord asked, “Where will that lead them?”
“You know, My pleading is constant, asking people for conversion and repentance. Why are they not listening? Why are they afraid to come to Me when I have so much to give them; so much love and mercy and forgiveness? But nobody listens, and nobody cares. They ignore Me!”
Then with one swift movement of His right Hand, He said, “Do you know I have come to the point that I want to wipe away everything? My anger is great.”
He paused for a moment, and then He said, “Do you know who holds Me back not to do this? It is always My Mother and a handful of My faithful Remnant.”
“Valentina! Write down what I tell you and let people read and let them know how gravely offended I Am.”
I tried to console our Lord, and I said to Him, “Lord, maybe they will change.”
Our Lord just looked at me. He moved His Head in a sad gesture as a sign of doubting that humanity will change because He knows humanity.
We have to pray for the conversion of sinners and to console our Lord.